Product SKU: Tranceformation-My Baby
Level: Medium-Hard
Length: 19 minutes
Category: Brainwash-Mind Control
Just imagine what being My Baby could mean to you---- Losing all control is what you DESIRE---and this is a definite way to give up all your power.
A special slave experience---be what I want you to be---PLEASE ME!
Be SURE to listen to Just Listen before listening to any of the Trance-Formation files.---This will enhance your TRANCE.
Listen with your headphones on...If you LOVE the Trance-Formation files---PLEASE send your ideas for being TranceFormed and I will be happy to make your DREAMS cum true.
Another great file from Domina Shelle. i can't say i have a baby fetish, but to be taken back to that time again was quite interesting. Of course, the rewards of being nursed by an actual nurse was a wonderful feeling. Thank you, again, Domina Shelle for another transformation. i can't wait to see where YOU will lead us to in the future.
This is a very cool file to experience especially since it's not something I'd ever given any thought to before. It's relaxing and warm, the slight bit wistful and filled with a feeling of total contentment. Domina Shelle is so perfect as that nurturing and comforting figure, it's just easy to completely give in to Her in all ways. It's a sensation I didn't expect to love and was rather one I wished could have gone on for much longer than it did; trying things, especially with Domina Shelle, usually has that effect.
I have never had a fetish to be a baby, but I don't really think that is what this session is about. As with all the tranceformation files this one is about being changed as Domina Shelle sees fit. I have now been a baby, warm and content in Her arms, happy to just be. I enjoyed this experience, although it took me five listens to the session before I could write about it.
What a freeing experience. No worries in the world and Domina Shelle there to fulfill all your most basic needs, i couldn't ask for more!
The transformation series is providing Domina Shelle with many possibilities to change Her slaves into anything She desires. Even though i have no adult baby fetish i enjoyed being Her little baby who is taken care of perfectly by Her.
Another wonderful file from Princess. very relaxing, and a wonderful example of the kind of power that Domina can exert over you as a subject.
Princess Shelle does make you feel like an baby, Princess Shelle makes an excellent mommy.
It's a relaxing and joyful file, maybe many of us want to be a baby again, and the best scenario ever is to be a baby of Domina Shelle, i know She will be a perfect Mom :)