How do you like 2018 so far, My puppy? Are you having fun playing with your Domina? Nothing I do is by accident. Are you thinking of Me more and more all the time now? Obsessed, Addicted? Excellent! ~giggles~ This week with SLEEP PARALYSIS, you are a VICTIM of your own Carnal Desires. I’m going to draw you into a deep sleep and bring an apparition, a dream to you, so real, to feed your growing addiction to wanting and needing Me, addicted to a carnal lust.
.....It is very sexy to Me to have your yearning and craving to be closer to your Princess. Intimacy with you is My goal. Although I am right there.....Well, you’ll find out exactly are paralyzed in pleasure.
But I am not a cruel Domina, wicked, but not cruel. So RELIEF and RELEASE is on its way much sooner than you think. Between now and Valentine’s Day, I am going to keep you so busy, aroused, hard and horny. HOT and WET!
I am bringing you a Valentine’s Chastity LOCKDOWN likely to start next weekend. So, more details will follow. But before next weekend, possibly in a few days, I will have a soooo HOTTTT session, Managed Orgasm with pictures and pleasure galore. Talk about climaxes to multiple close, intimate excounters...poor balls....... And I’ll also talk more about My idea for Shelle’s Management Institute that will make everything more intense for you, My puppy. So look for updates on Twitter.
My special deals this week ...