I am bringing the DARING ICE QUEEN to help you celebrate this Grand Re-Opening of O/our website and to bring in another Happy arousing NEW YEAR together. Have you been exploring the NEW SITE and finding it as exciting as I have? Let Me know what you think about the new look and I am here if you have any questions. Support your Domina and find social outlets to spread the word with links to the Site. So many exciting options for you. Have you tried the “SEARCH” function? It’s awesome... For instance, if you missed My "GIFT OF LOVE" for Christmas, just put it in Search and click. Giggles…
I APPRECIATE all that you did for Me for Christmas. I feel like a Queen...My sweet, if you have NOT gotten a THANK YOU from Me, please email Me. I LOVE Amazon, but they don’t always give Me a name. Did you enjoy the presents I sent you. I love spoiling you, too. What an AMAZING 2018!!!!!! I’m ready to kick off 2019. What are you doing to celebrate? I work, imagine that. Haha
OH and I almost forgot, the NEW subscription side of the site will be available sometime soon. I will keep you posted and tell you all about it.
What a deep, intense and HARD start to 2019 with this week’s QUEEN of Domination. Such a wonderful existence I have created for you with a transformation of your mind. I liberate and allow you to lose all power and control to Me, your captivating and mesmerizing Ice Queen. Nothing feels better than becoming completely subservient and enslaved to your wicked devious Queen. I mercilessly use your desires, fetishes and urges against you. They don’t call Me the UNETHICAL QUEEN of HYPNOTISM for no reason. My sweet, you will never be free of these because your Domina, the wicked Ice Queen lives in your mind. Serve with My presence in your mind by stroking for Me, always aroused, desperate to hear Me say.....Keep stroking, slave. I give you permission to cum for your WICKED Queen, now! How is that for a Happy New Year? Has a woman ever had you by the BALLS...giggles. Be warned this session is POWERFUL and can be a bit HARD CORE...NOT for the faint of heart.
In O/our NEW YEAR’S EVE tradition. Listen to your Brainwash Mantra Loop... Remember your Domina with your last thought of 2018 and at midnight lift a toast to your Princess with your first thought of 2019: you are a slave to Princess/Domina Shelle. I am your addiction and sole desire. Email Me or TEXT Me, if you can...just keep in mind, I’ll be working New Year's Eve, so be patient for My HAPPY NEW YEAR'S GREETING to you. So let Me say it NOW...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Let’s make 2019 another AMAZING year together! I want you ALL to enjoy a very Happy New Year with My permission to release on the 1st to the ICE QUEEN.
CONTRACTED, follow your SFS calendar for My New Year’s Day instructions. you are very welcome. ~giggles~
Next week, I’m deciding between a 2 for 1 sale to start off the New Year. Or I will be doing additional research and experimenting on your mind as My Lab Rat 2...or another EDITION of the ORIGINAL ICE QUEEN...what to do. I know that the new sessions will blow your mind, don’t be afraid. you can TRUST Me!
It’s great to start the new year under My behavior control. I am just too good to you, My pet!
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