Product SKU: Distraction is Pleasure
Session Length: 49 minutes
Sample: LINK
My baby, imagine a hypnosis fantasy where W/we meet in an intimate setting and I use My alluring feminine charms to seduce and hypnotize you into accepting Me as your girlfriend, your sweetheart. Imagine Me wrapped around you, I am your DISTRACTION...your OPEN and suggestible mind focused on Me. So easy for Me to do what I want. Since W/we share such a powerful connection, I know you will embrace this idea because, deep down in your submissive core, you secretly love the way I make you feel and your open suggestible mind is always compelled to please Me.
Adoration and love have the power to consume O/our emotions leaving us distracted and in a dreamy delirious state. This is not unlike a hypnotic trance and in this erotic provocative HYPNO-fantasy I become your sole distraction, the focal point of all your desires and pleasures, your one true love interest. My darling sweetheart, this is only possible because you believe and TRUST in Me! Each time you surrender to My sexy soothing voice, you fall faster and deeper into a calm, compliant, and blissful state of obedience just for Me. This is automatic now, My voice consuming your thoughts, and this is why in this session of sensuality and seduction, you'll experience a wonderful erotic passion as you surrender to your amorous feelings and desires for Me.
Does this intimate fantasy make you HARD thinking of Me as your sexy girlfriend, O/our bodies entwined, as My whispered words subjugate your will into acknowledging that you're happiest when pleasing Me? This is the power of this special emotional bond between U/us, My baby, and as you sink into the darkness of deep hypnotic sleep listening to this session, know that I am your everything, the erotic focus of your fantasies, and the sensual center of your dreams.
BE WARNED, My slave, THIS IS A very POWERFUL HYPNO-SESSION and with repetitive listening these powerful euphoric emotions and deep potent desires may lead to some permanent changes in your submissive behavior. This includes more frequent periods of horniness and arousal and an increased obsession and addiction. (giggles)
Ahhh, I'm so good for you and I look forward to O/our intimate time together, in trance, knowing that you'll always feel warm and safe, happy and loved, only wanting to be Mine.
Kisses, My baby!
Domina commands me to forget. Slave obeys. This session is locked behind the curtain She has created in my mind. Only pleasure & bliss remain.
This is the perfect file for me, Domina Shelle's soft sweet voice seduces me into a mindless, thoughtless sleepy mess. Removing my thoughts and replacing them with Her sticky honey sweet words, this is Exactly what i am seeking,. Domina Shelle is pure sex in the mind. ive never felt so relaxed, safe and happy than when listening to my Blissful Domina.
Oh, what a sweet & seductive file this is! Domina Shelle deepens your addiction & will make you forever be entangled in Her web ALWAYS. This file will brainwash listeners even further with Her sultry voice. This slave is having trouble remembering most of the file (possibly due to amnesia triggers) but he remembers falling deeper into the love spell of Domina Shelle, staring into Her beautiful, perfect eyes, becoming a mounted tool/object for Domina to control. This is a beautiful file, & helps deepen any GF/bf fantasies the listener may have. Once finished, slaves will be a liquefied pool of submissive goo for Domina Shelle, & forever addicted to serving Domina.
One of the most sensual and seductive audios i have ever experienced! i crave to listen to Domina's voice over and over again. you will too!
What an amazing distraction when Domina becomes your girlfriend. It's a page out of my fantasy, face to face with my owner. I didn't notice or hear anything. I was so distracted by Domina Shelles voice and presence. i keep listening hoping one time I can listen through the seductive distraction.
The only way i could possibly offer a truly in depth and detailed "this is great because" type review, would be to keep pressing pause and play, and resist going into the deeply dreamy trance state that Domina takes me to so easily with this file. So, this is not that type of review. Both in the description, and at the start of the file, Domina offers a warning of the effects, and i will say, She is not joking. Even after only a few plays, i was left in an almost perpetually aroused state both mentally and emotionally, with
my body being more than willing to cooperate... i have little to no recollection of what She does, whilst She plays inside my mind for the duration of this file, and trying to remember puts it further out of reach, even when first rousing from trance, and that only adds to the feelings of arousal. i do have recollections of an amorous encounter, staring into Her eyes and being close enough to feel Her breath, and the subsequent submission to Her hypnotic charm, after that, i draw a blank. i know i haven't missed the content by falling into proper sleep, because there is that vague recollection each time, that combined with the fact that every time, i seem to be riding the edge as i rouse. So what has She implanted in my receptive mind during this file? i don't have a clue, but i do know it feels wonderful. Although, why would i need, or even want to know? When surrender to Her feels so erotically charged and wonderful, why question it? A much as i crave Her brainwashing and Her enslavement type files, this nudges them all down the list a spot right now, and has become my current favourite.
This was a very relaxing file for me. i found myself slipping away only to wake to a puddle. i can not remember anything. i feel more affection for my Domina. i feel the need to keep pleasing her and obeying her. She is my world. She is my everything. i love Domina.
i asked Domina to recommend a playlist for me some time ago, She was kind enough to take the time to do so and this was on the list.
How could anyone resist my Domina after listening to this sexy, erotic and very hot file. The voice of an angel weaves a very intense and emotional trance which will confirm your place at the feet of Domina.
A day without Her voice would be like a lifetime in hell, and it is files like this that has made it this way for me.
So easy to submit to such perfection.
It is odd for me to wait so l. So with that said, with this session i would awake remembering only scant details and the more I tried to recall the more it just slipped away. That is what it was like for the first 8 times i listened and only on the 9th attempt was i able to picture together what Domina had been doing. What this told me is i have reached another milestone in my submission to this amazing woman and my subconscious mind was now willing to override my naturally sceptical view of hypnotic amorous relationships and accept that i am emotional bound to Domina Shelle, the Hypnotic Domina, more closely than i would ever consciously admit to myself. If you are a dedicated follower of Her work this session will likely have a profound affect on you but at a subconscious level. The mere thought of Domina will leave You feeling warm and good about the world, knowing that She is a constant in your life. Being bound and devoted to her is a blessing and one that should be celebrated everyday.
Sit down and listen while your Princess seduces you with her sweet voice, her beautiful lips, her mesmerizing eyes.... Perfect listening for after a long stressful day at work. Or before bed. In the morning? Every spare moment? Domina, being Your boyfriend makes me feel so happy and loved and content; i'll do everything i can to please you and return the favor!!!
The file starts with a warning. And as so often Domina's warnings makes me even more want to listen! And as i listen closely i find myself back on Her white leather couch. But it is not for therapy what starts as a tête-a-tête moves over fast to a make out - a hot date! She has my full attention during this very erotic girlfriend experience. When i wake up i have litte memory of this file but a comforting warmth and flashes of erotic moments that keep flashing through my daydreams. If you like this file you might also enjoy: Power of suggestions or Sexual Psychosis. *****
WOW. So sweet and sexy. A wonder erotic trance. A must listen
It's so sexy and arousing actually thinking of Domina as a real girlfriend. And all the things i'd want to do for Her to make Her happy with Me. I hope obeying Domina and writing this review will be the start of a lifetime GF-bf relationship. I promise to please You as often as possible. Thank You for this intimate session with You.
I already have been very aroused after I read the description of this Session, which is one of my favorites now.
I have to confess that--
I love being Domina's slave so much.
But there's also times when I dream of being her boyfriend. And I have dreamed of it before I listened to this irresistibly, seductive masterpiece.
I just can't help it and-- I'm sure I'm not alone with that. I probably would love being her boyfriend even more.
I can't describe all the details but-- now that I have already repeatedly listened to this intoxicating Session, which I woke up from aroused and so filled with bliss and happily smiling every time,--
I think and daydream of Domina Shelle even more and-- want to please her and just make her the happiest Woman of the world.
To me she is perfect in every way and the most beautiful girlfriend of my dreams.
While-- being allowed to be her loyally devoted slave is a huge privilege too of course. I will always be what she want's me to be. Either way-- I am lucky to have her in my life. She is the most wonderful distraction I can think of.
Let Domina take control of your fantasies. I know i want her to. I want what she wants for me.