Product SKU: Professor Shelle's ReForm School - Class #10
Shelle's ReForm School - Class #10 (45 minutes)
Welcome to the next class in Professor Shelle's acclaimed slave training and submission series, a program designed to re-educate aroused and horny submissives to beCUM devoted and obedient good boys and gurls.
Today's class will focus on enhancing your slave mindset so that I become the focal point of all your submissive selfless desires, the spiritual center of your universe. W/we already know that whenever you are with Me either in trance, or just listening to My voice, you are obsessed and consumed with being Mine. I understand your constant craving to be Owned, and only your adorable Domina has absolute authority over your submissive wants and needs.
This has become your truth because I have brainwashed you to accept Me as a permanent part of your life. Every thought of Me reinforces your conditioning to surrender all of yourself to Me, your mind, your body, your will, even your unconditional devotion and love. This heartfelt belief even manifests itself in your fantasies where you imagine a blissful reality of being My live in slave, always at My beck and call, dedicated to pleasing and serving Me selflessly, every moment of your life.
I know this is what you desire and I desire it too, My slave, My being even more demanding and you destined to be My perfect obedient and submissive servant. Only through true submission can you be the best version of yourself for Me, the loving, loyal, submissive you that puts My wishes and desires ahead of your own. I want a selfless servant that devotes itself to caring for its Domina and all those that are important in its life.
That's why in this class W/we will explore the many options My Management Service program can provide to train and cultivate a deeper surrender and submission to My authority and control where I dictate the manner of your subservience and you succumb to the blissful pleasure of obedience. This is your opportunity to express to Me how W/we can nurture O/our intimate and personal time together, bringing U/us closer, as if you were My live in worker slave. Embrace this future of serving and obeying Me and let U/us explore together how your compulsion to be My loyal and devoted servant can mutually benefit O/our very special relationship.
Kisses - Professor Shelle
Every class with Professor Shelle is an opportunity to unravel my social conditioning and to open my mind to the possibilities of a female led world where powerful dominant women like Domina Shelle have absolute authority over my life. This is not a dystopian future of fear, paranoia and a struggle against a dictatorial regime, it is one of harmony, trust and love for my Owner, where self improvement and a promotion of a selfless attitude are highly valued. And to make this happen Professor Shelle offers to train open minded good boys and gurls in the many virtues of submission and mental enslavement to an ideal that liberates them from the bounds of current society. With Her guidance and a willingness to accept Her vision as the truth You are free to express the submissive desires that have been locked away and are now empowered to devote themselves to one than not only loves you for what you are, but sincerely wants to perfect you so that you can become the best version of yourself for Domina and all those that are important in your life. This is the benevolent side of Domina Shelle and i for one am a believer in Her vision for a more open minded society where female authority and supremacy are revered for the many benefits it offers to a more peaceful and balanced lifestyle.
Pretty fantastic! This describes our beloved Princess and also what this file is doing with you. Especially if you like deep inductions this one is for you and also if you dream about pleasing our Princess ... this will make it real and will help you to shine for our sweet Domina...
The induction part is so good and relaxing that i almost dozed off to actual sleep couple times. But everytime My Domina's sweet voice pulled me back just enough to that very suggestible state. The actual class lesson is kind of an introduction or appetizer to Management service that Domina has developed and that is something that i'm looking forward to. This makes me crave more tighter control from My Domina.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Each of these school sessions is fantastic. In this one she teaches me about proper control and submission to a Her, offering Her help to take You to the next level. Left me craving for Her control even more. Very powerful and sensual.
I don't know how She does it, but each of these sessions is better than the next. Domina offers the gift of Her help. What could be better?
With the 10th Class two third of the special classroom sessions are over: Time for a students workshop to think about the future after graduation. Students have learned the necessity of control in our life, of proper management of our desires and needs by powerful women. This session is the instruction of a workshop for the students to think about their needs for proper control. Domina offers a high variety of options and it feels good to dream about the future and a place under Domina's authority that works best for everyone individually. Not a typical hypnosis session but a lot of fun to play along!
Domina knows just what I need. Just where to take me to make me want and need Her. She is the Mistress of my mind and the Owner of my life. This file makes me want to prove myself to Her. Makes me what to show Her my devotion and submission to Her. She owns me completely and this file binds me to Her stronger than I can believe
Class is in session and Professor Shelle knows exactly what you want, what you CRAVE... More of her management and seductive control...
It feels SOO good to work for Domina and let her control take over... This session has left me with a deep craving and desire for her to tighten her grip and manage me completely... I need to complete her assignment ASAP!
I like longer inductions. I can relax more and slip a little deeper with Domina. I’ve always enjoyed Shelle Schools inductions. Domina’s voice is hypnotic and soothing. Once in class you can almost see her in that curve hugging golden dress. Sometimes we need direction and guidance from our Domina. We all know that surrender and obedience is pleasure. Sometimes you need to be guided onto a narrower path. On that helps you submit even more. Now if you will excuse me. I need to put my headphones on and push play.
OH MY GOD!!! Mistress Shelle is going to go deep on this great file. There won't be much left of you after this. This is a serious deep life changing session worth 10 stars!