Product SKU: Remote Control
Session: 38 minutes
Level: Strong
Category: Mind Control-Erotic
Sample: LINK
I take COMPLETE CONTROL so easily now with My handy deluxe Remote. Just imagine, My holding a remote that controls all of your essential functions. So easy to use, and it doesn't even require batteries, it works with the power of My voice.
Yes, I know I already have control, but this is just one more tool that makes it impossible for you to resist Me.
Everything will be automatic... your world automatic... everything you do, you do for Me at the push of a button. ***giggles*** I can turn your volume down... or mute you...control your c*ck...anything I want, you will do. This is so sexy, don't you think?
I wonder what happens when I press 1?----whoops
I'm pressing ___PLAY-----This is where you AUTOMATICALLY listen to this file. ***WICKED LAUGHS***
***Heavy TEASING may cause some aching***
With 38 minutes this file is perfect to start a relaxing evening after a hard day. The theme of a universal remote control for humans is picked up by Domina Shelle and converted into an incredible sexy hypnotic fantasy. Perfect as stand alone session or in combination with other files: I like "Remote Control" to get in the mood and mindset and use it as additional induction in front of other files.
After a deep relaxation i found myself chilling on the lap of my Domina. While She let me forget the stress of the day, She introduced a remote control to me. With it my Domina has ultimate control over my body. Throughout the file She demonstrate what She can do with it. Sometimes it was a little humiliating. But most of the time it was so arousingly hot that i want more of the control, more of my Domina. i urge Her and Her control. i must please Her. The pleasure i felt when i pleased Her while i was controlled remotely was amazing. In the file my Domina put my arousal and my love for Her to a level so far above anything i felt until now. When i woke up i was moaning "Oooh Domina! i love You!" over and over. Yes, i do love my Domina more than ever and i have no doubt that my love and my arousal for Her will increase even more in the future.
What an amazing file! Domina Shelle has ultimate control and i will do anything she, or her remote, tell me to.
Domina Shelle is so hot. I can still smell her scent and I know that she is the love of my life. There is no other woman which could get even close to her...
It just can not be too much of Domina`s control! With this file you will fill it even more. you will trance to this file again and again to expirience pleasure from pleasing Mistress in a new way :)
This is an amazing file. Keep this file playing for three or four times continuosly and you will never be able to know when the file started or ended. Excellent quality and effects as usual. Very erotic, relaxing and manipulative. You will never see a remote control like before. You will be blown away by this file.
Warning! This file is hot! And as always, Domina Shelle has all the control.
Domina expertly controls not only Her slave, but also the finely-crafted scenario She spins around you. Let Her take you where She wills. you trust Her, don't you?
As usual it feels so nice to be controlled by Princess Shelle, being teased and played with. Reacting automatically without any thoughts yet wishing you could control Your own body, craving for Her and loving Her.
Princess Shelle has found yet another way to control her slaves. Always inventive, Mistress will push your buttons and you will obey. i found myself helpless to My Domina's will, carrying out her commands without thought, without question. i love My Domina Shelle.
A wonderful fantasy is used in this file as induction. Very easy to let go and feel the trust for Princess. And the nice fantasies go on. Don't miss a chance to be alone with Her.
Incredible file ! Very erotic, very relaxing too but at the same time somewhat painful (you will see why ;-) ). It will let you panting for desire for Domina...I didn't move a single inch while listening, except... well, you know... UP , UP and UP ( never felt so horny ! )
I am always completely at my Domina's mercy, even when not in trance, but when in trance control becomes so immediate that it is like Domina Shelle is pulling my puppet strings. With this file, Domina has a new tool in her arsenal of control. The induction here was long and perfectly executed, the way Domina uses Her remote control is fun and easily has the subject in a state where obedience is completely automatic. The ending of the file will have you quivering.
This file is just amazing. A great time to spent with my Domina. In a place where, I don't have to think, a place where I only have to let go to her influence as she presents me a new toy. Her special remote control. Until I learn something new. Her control and my obedience are only separate by the push of a single button. She have me and I am her robot controlled with the right remote control.
Domina Shelle has masterminded another great file. Who knew one could easily be controlled just like you were the receiver from the TV remote? This is a very powerful and enjoyable file to add to ones collection. Domina Shelle, You weave a wonderful way to take over our minds.