Product SKU: Snake Charmer
Length: 46 minutes
Level: Moderate
Category: Mind Control-Erotic Hypnosis
Sample: LINK
This file is simply magical...you are LURED through the desert by the seductive sound of My flute...Unable to resist...Experience the feeling of being lulled by a POWERFUL and IRRESISTIBLE Woman.
A hypno fantasy of men...an erotic and extreme sexual arousal...you will give up all control. A playtoy or marionette for My pleasure and amusement.***GIGGLES***
Lie back and be taken into another world, MY WORLD.....
This is a sexy bedtime story. It is an older file but works very weel when listened during Loctober.
Oh i liked that. This was super nice. Different in how Domina has put me in trance before. But it was still very effective. i was in a very deep trance. Following Domina's every word and doing what i was told to do. i loved it. i was so aroused i had a wet spot afterwards. i loved that. Go buy this and let Her take control of you. you'll love it too.
Did you ever enjoy being told a bedtime story or maybe campfire stories? I know I did. I loved being able to lay back, close my eyes, and just listen as my mind drifted off to some far away place of magic and adventure. That is exactly what Princess Shelle does in this file. Of course, Her story is probably a little bit naughtier than the ones you may have heard before. On the other hand, so many of the fey out of legends had a tendency to lure and seduce the mortals they came across. Doesn’t that sound nice?rnrnHere you stumble across a beautiful woman as she dances in the fire light. That might be a beautiful image all on its own, but this woman has a partner, a beautiful yet venomous serpent! Perhaps there is a metaphor there you should pay attention to? As you watch and listen, it won’t be long before that snake isn’t the only thing to fall under Domina’s spell and you’ll be willing to do anything for Her. That is, if She left you the choice!
This file is quite an experience. First, I just really like the way it sounds and it helps so much in making a very vivid visual of the exotic locale that She uses. It feels like an intense dream where She is guiding you along a captivating and tempting journey that will stick in your mind forever. I’m typically not a huge fan of the more story-based hypno files but this one really works for me. I don’t think it’s the most erotic thing ever, but for everything else it is it really doesn’t need to be. It’s still sexy of course – and Her control always is – but also something different, striking, and cool. Try it.
Well, this file is very intense and with a sweet wicked twist at the end of it. The description says Level Moderate, but i think it is a very powerful file. Your mind and your c--k will twitch for the entire duration of this session. Princess will take care of you and put you in a safe place to keep you under her silken web of control. Just trust Her.
I'll never think of bedtime stories the same ever again. Thank you Shelle! This was a sexy, enthralling experience that felt like a dream being revealed before my eyes. Truly unforgettable!
So erotic! So sexy! An exotic tale in a far away land, starring you! and Mistress Shelle, of course. I feel like I've said this many times but this is definitely one of my favorites. Mesmerized by a flute and lead through the desert... your inevitable fate awaits you. I simply love the story-based sessions and this one is perfection!! This is a must listen in my opinion.
This is one of those special files that really lets you feel Princess' control over you. The effect is deeply psychological, emotional and erotic. She takes you in the craft of her fairy tale and before you know it your completely under her sway. You'll feel truly weak as she demonstrates her power over you, and leaves no doubt who owns you. The sweet humiliation has a powerful psychological effect that made me understand i have no power. i exist for her pleasure, for her amusement. Only obedience to her matters.
Princess Shelle has a story to tell. A bed time story to help put me to sleep. And i do mean a very deep sleep, filled with enchanting music and exotic visions, sweet dreams to see, hear and feel. Completely filling my mind, leaving no room for any other thoughts, Princess soon has Her captive audience. And She unfolds Her story, which is my story, as i am in Her story: a character in Princess' story, helplessly playing out the part She has written for me. Such a vivid and sweet dream, a must experience.
Once you listen too this recording you will fall deeper as always there is No such thing called limits to your falling, really you will feel Princess power over you, as never before, to everyone reading this review, i think you should go get it
Magical Princess-Domina Shelle is super alluring and controlling in this one. This time She takes over your body as well as your mind, for Her entrancing pleasure. Let Her do with you as She wills, you know you love Her entrapment. I love this format, with Domina telling us a bedtime story, in Her inimitably unique powerful mind and body numbing way, which She knows we cannot resist.
As is always the case, my Domina, Princess Shelle, lulled me into a peaceful, aroused state, with HER soothing voice. This time Her voice was accompanied with the hypnotic melody of a flute playing in the background. The swaying music and narrative was a double whammy for me, as I fell quicker and deeper than usual. Princess never fails to surprise. When I think I know where the story is headed, SHE throws a curve in the path, that while unexpected, makes perfect sense when I look back on it. This is one of YOUR best, Princess.
I have always thought there was something alluring about snake charming, but snake charmers are usually depicted as swarthy, mustachioed guys with turbans. Happily there is none of that here. The snake charmer in this story is your beautiful and controlling Domina at Her very best. The music and setting are exotic and alluring and the control aspects that involve snake charming and almost marionette like control are fun and extremely sexy.
As is many times the case, Domina artfully understates the power of Her story! The magic She weaves with the combination of music and Her voice is numbing...mind, body and... Domina will entrap and control you. And you will be so very happy that She did! Aladin's Lamp was never this good!