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Ten Step Descent | Shelle RiversTen Step Descent | Shelle Rivers

Ten Step Descent


Product SKU: Ten Step Descent

Experience these mindless erotic ASMR whispers...

Ten Step Descent (44 minutes):

Do you ever stop and wonder, just how deep you might go for Me?  How far might I take you; how easy might it be for Me to program you, until you completely surrender?

It may not be as difficult as you might first think, as My words slip in, after the first time you sink...

Some dominants like to demand, berate, and beat their subjects into submission... I take a different approach.  I make you want it, and I do it so easily.  All it takes is a subtle suggestion, here and there, and the occasional instruction, very softly, very gently, whispered into your receptive ears.

you love My whispers, don't you, My pet?  That's right, just say yes... Say, "yes, Domina".  That's My good pet.

you love it when I say that, don't you?  Even a hint of praise is enough to make you quiver with pleasure, isn't it?

you see, My sweet, that's how My brainwashing works...

I rearrange your thoughts, and wash away your resistance.  It's so easy.

What if I told you that I have a new program?  A new plan...?

What if I told you that I'll take you into such a deep trance, that from there, it's simply a Ten Step Descent for you, to completely wash away your will?

Do you like the sound of that?  Do you want it to happen?


Stop reading for a moment, and go and download, then come back.  That's right, do it, now.  Yes, right now.

That's My good subject.

See, there's that pleasure again... Those words of reward make you so weak, don't they?  That's what this session will feel like, My sweet.  One long reward, that you will want to hear, again and again.

Once you press play, there will be no turning back, you will have started to succumb to My devious plans.  I am going to take you so deep, and wash so many of your own thoughts away, you won't want to do anything other than take the Ten Step Descent, again and again, and allow Me to take over every aspect of your life, should I choose.

your deepest desire will be to help fulfill My deepest desires; My deepest desires will be all consuming in your thoughts.  I will take over your life, because I will take over your mind.

After this session, I will define your understanding of pleasure; when you crave pleasure, you will turn to Me, My voice, and you won't be able to help yourself, you will want to surrender, again and again.

Did I say Click and DOWNLOAD NOW?

Includes:  ASMR, Deep EROTIC Trance, Erotic Hypnosis, Mind Control, BRAINWASHING, Subliminal Messages, Cock Control, Triggers, CONDITIONING.

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Sunday, 02 February 2025
It's so easy to go so very deep for Domina Shelle that it suprises me that She can take me even deeper. But She can, I went so very deep this session, mind blank and empty. Waking up not knowing what happend but so aroused and happy:) knowing Domina only what what's best for me/us
Friday, 31 January 2025
How deep will I go for Domina Shelle? All the way. I've listened to this session several times and I can't even describe what's in it.
Friday, 31 January 2025
Ten Step Descent is a beautiful balance between deep, powerful conditioning and the light touch of a Domina that can achieve Her aims without appearing to force her will onto the subject. I have always loved that Domina Shelle is able to do that, and this session is a wonderful illustration of Her power.
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Being conditioned for years with Domina Shelle's powerful trigger, She can take me down easily. Now this file took me down extremly deep. That deep that i passed out completely and i can't remember what Domina did to me in the file. There is a part of me feeling sorry for not remembering as Domina puts a lot of effort in Her files and it feels wrong not to remember Her words. Still i am confident that She perfects my mind and so happy that it is powered down completely so She has all access to make any necessary changes.
Saturday, 25 January 2025
This is slightly different style than usually from my Domina. It was still very effective and relaxing. i had a deep deep trance. Felt like i was floating on a soft cloud with no worries and fully immersed in my Domina's voice and words.
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