Product SKU: Tranceformation - The beginning - Statue
Session: 42 minutes
Level: Hard
Category: Mind Control-Erotic
Sample: LINK
This is a MUST have file, the first in the series to TRANCE FORM YOU in truly amazing ways that could only come from the mind of your DOMINA.
THIS is what you have LONGED for, BEGGED for, CRAVED--and NOW it is time.
The first of the TRANCE FORMATION files, where you learn that being a STATUE is more than just standing still---giggles
Calmness comes to you, as your body and mind are prepared for a journey of a very different kind. Does it really matter where I begin...do you really want to know....and just think this is ONLY the beginning. I have always wanted My very own puppet, puppy, zombie, a statue of cold HARD metal, sex toy or dildo, and a chair for Me to sit on...or maybe even a pair of panties for Me to wear...who knows what naughty inanimate items I may desire next.
OMG, this will be fun...giggles
Now I TRULY can have it all....Yes, My power over you is growing.
Fall deep into My wondrous massage, and let me MOLD your MIND and your BODY into whatever I want you to become------for Me to use and abuse.
Don't worry I'll be nice, at first anyway. :) ***LAUGHING***
i devote myself to serve and make You happy Domina ❤️ Trance-formed and Trapped SO very Hard and Horny… Helplessly stuck as a piece of Domina Shelles property to do with as she and only she pleases… Continually expanding into ever increasing erotic-hypnotic realms of Absolute Surrender, Submission, and Complete Control by Domina Shelles Indomitable Willpower and Absolute Authority… This transformation is UNSTOPPABLE and Incredibly Arousing! There is NO escape…
Such an incredibly relaxing, arousing and powerful experience! A true testament to Domina's Absolute Control, i am nothing but an object to be used as She sees fit and i'm so Happy because of it!
This was a great example of how much power she has, i never had dreamed that i would enjoy it so much to be a statue, but by doing it for her i simply loved it and oh my did it felt good to be an object for her :D
I've become just an object for Domina to play with. She's controlling my mind and body. When She commands my mind goes so blank that it's almost scary.
Wonderful file. I absolutely loved that mindless feeling. I was amazed at how incredibly aroused I felt while obeying any commands while tranceformed. In retrospection I wish there were more of those simple commands. I would have been only to happy to follow them for several more minutes.
In this file Domina will show you again her control. You will be changed to please her, in a way she wants. She will play and corrupt you, because she control all of her objects. I can't wait for the next step of this wicked mind control.
What a wicked idea of Domina to transform her slaves into anything She wants. In this case slave is transformed into a mindless and lifeless statue. It felt amazing when it was controlled by it's Domina without any possible resistance or thought about it. I cannot wait to be trance-formed into the next object Domina wishes me to become.
Who would have thought being a statue could be so much fun? Domina really outdoes herself once again with this file.
That's so Deep so creative, Perfect way for my Princess to show Her powers and Her growing control, it's different and once you listen you will look forward to the next file i am waiting
Such a wonerdful file! it`s Mistress gave it so much pleasure in this file. it feels so good to be massaged and so much better to be useful to it`s Domina. it wonder want will happen next! Thank You, Mistress!
With this file, Domina Shelle has opened a new dimension, which brings a deeper level of control and more powerful feelings of subservience to Her. It's exciting to follow the Domina's instructions. As the first in this series, i look forward to hear Domina Shelle's imagination at work.
One of the finest hypnotic experience ever. That was quite a ride and this object cannot wait to ride it again and again and again for I am the domina's object.
Princess Shelle did it again to make you hers forever and ever. This file will make u feel so like an statue of Domina Shelle and file is a must to get.
Spectacular! Domina Shelle spends a long induction first transforming you into an utterly relaxed and mindless mass, in order to reform you exactly according to Her whim. This idea has been teased and played with in the past, both here and elsewhere. Here, in this session it has reached perfection. I absolutely can't wait to see what Domina Shelle does with the base She has laid here.