Product SKU: A Sub-Conscious Takeover
A Sub-Conscious Takeover (47 minutes)
This extreme hypnosis session is best left a MYSTERY until your OPEN and SUGGESTIBLE mind is COMPLETLY caught off guard. Don't you love a Mysterious Domina? Allow Me to do all I want. Just listen and sleep to this Sweet and Erotic brainwashing....Familiar yet DANGEROUS to your open mind. Like honey on your lips,
Soothing and mind numbing.
An aphrodisiac
And it doesn’t even matter that you won't consciously remember.
Feel yourself so drugged... Weak for Her
Feeling Her pheromones flood your mind and c*ck
Her whispers more devastating than ever before...
Penetrating your mind.
POWERFUL BRAINWASHING, SUBLIMINAL messages, Binaural Effects and Post hypnotic suggestions.
Feel the POWER of CURIOSITY and listen NOW.
As others haved said this s very arousing file. i can't resist Domina shelle when she is in Her teasing mood, i just melt get horny.
Okay WOW what was that. That was one deep arousing trance. So much arousal. Domina is just amazing and so seductive in this file. She took me, controlled my mind and took me deep into pure bliss.
Laying beside Domina, Her soft breast against my cheek, Her fingers numbing my mind and Her intoxicating scent. It was all so real, so explosively arousing. Then the fear of loosing Domina and how i would feel. I felt so devastated if She left me. It was a terrible feeling to loose Her. i can't ever have that happen. In the end i woke to a huge puddle on my leg and feeling so much love for Domina.
This is a session I will not soon forget. Domina took me deep opening my subconscious for her to reprogram. She wasted no time with her honey coated words that had me gyrating with lust. It's one euphoric moment after another. The journey to my Absolute Authority starts here. If you decide to listen, prepare for change. It's that seductive.
What this File isn´t telling you, is that it´s going to be an absolute Mind fuck, you will be so confused with what is happening, so helplessly lost in your control, so much pleasure without a single touch, just her words, impossible to focus on anything, there simply is nothing, only her, her sweet voice doing so many thinks to you and all you can do is absorb everything single bit and you may end up wanting to listen to it all over again right away :D
Oh my f***ing Goddess... It's been a long time since I listened to this session - I revisited it as commanded by Her during her Lockober Assignment. And mind blowing pleasure doesn't even begin to describe how it made me feel. Bliss, euphoria, pleasure - with no stroking allowed or commanded I was on the absolute edge of cumming for large parts of this file, as She whispered suggestions and subliminal messages in my ear. Mind blown. Maybe it's because I'm in chastity for her at present? I don't know if it would be as effective on someone new to Domina's voice - but if you're reading this? Go and email Domina Shelle right away, ask Her to recommend some files to practice with to acclimate yourself to Her voice and triggers? And then get on your knees and BEG Her to be allowed to experience the pleasure in this one!
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to experience true aural bliss, as words as sweet as honey, delivered by a voice that is like a silken caress, pour into your ears, and cause you to lose nearly all memory, and conscious control? Perhaps you have dreamed of having somebody infiltrate your mind so deeply, that they will never leave. What about the desire to become so deep enamored with a beautiful woman, to the point that She will fill your conscious mind, your subconscious too, and become the focal point of your every desire, and will be with you in every dream? If you have, then this is the file for you; if you haven't, then get this, and find out what it is like... Domina is so incredibly sweet and seductive in this file, and She will bring you to such ecstatic highs, that you'll never want to come back down, or come around from the session. There will be nobody but Her who can satisfy your desires, and isn't that why any of us are here, in all honesty? Let Domina in, let Her play, allow Her suggestions to become your reality, and experience what true bliss truly is.
It can be easy to become distracted while out and about. A shapely behind, red fingernails, or a million other things conspire to steal our attention. Sometimes Domina Shelle comes along to steal my attention and not give it back. I really enjoyed this session. It definitely stands well on its own, however those who have listened to the sleeping forest series will gain more from the session. This is wonderful.
This is an aptly named session because this is one of the most subtle and beautifully crafted power plays i have ever experienced listening to erotic femdom hypnosis. The induction is conversational in style and very relaxing with the background music adding to the ambience. As Domina narrates the scene i instantly reminded of the Sleeping Forest, the bar, the red nails, the cleavage and at this point i know She already has me. After that Domina skilfully disarms You with Her charm, sensuality and by playing to our erotic weaknesses. After that it is difficult to recall details due to an effective amnesia trigger, but after listening to this session 7 times i recall a strong belief that Domina is an important central part of my life and i only want to submit more to Her domination and control. Emotionally this session is very powerful and it reminded me of how i felt when i fell in love for the first time, that selfless feeling of wanting to share all that you are and wanting that particular moment of joy to last forever. For this reason this session is very special and while it may not be the most erotic to some, emotionally it eclipses many given how it reframes Domina Shelle as an essential person in your life.
The deep relaxing induction starts with an evening ride home. I feel all stress and concern falling off me – drifting deep for Domina does feel like coming home for me. Home – feeling home – when my mind is where it belongs - where Domina takes over control and jumps into the driver seat. She carries me away to an enticing evening out. Her scent, Her voice, Her touch, Her tongue - I fall in love again and again as she toys with my helpless brain. An 5 star ear candy – so sweet and precious– I want to consume it again and again!
The subconscious take over is appropriately named. Domina Shelle in this file quickly seduced me in her red corvette to follow her. She was impossible to resist. Her hypnotic scent seized my attention to such a degree that it fogged up everything in my brain but her massaging voice. All my stresses and troubles were forgotten completely. I became enveloped into her soft, blissful intoxicating breasts. I felt like we were deeply in love and there was nothing that could separate us. I wanted to be with her forever and ever. I cannot bear the thought of her leaving me. It all felt so real. Her voice, her words and descriptions literally took over my mind leaving me feeling under her complete control. I felt aroused, genuinely love, and vulnerable. I’m jealous that others get to listen to it because I want her for only myself. If you make it to the end without cumming, you are more obedient than me.
i don't remember all of this deep hypnosis, though what i remember was being close to the beautiful body of my beloved Domina Shelle, able to inhale Her alluring scent... i must relisten to be there so close to Her again
A nice drive and familiar settings will let you relax and let down your guard. i've always liked crimson red lips. Especially Domina Shelle's. Soothing and relaxing this one is. lay back and enjoy. now if you'll excuse me, I must put my headphones on and push play.