Product SKU: Domina 24 Hours
Length: 62 minutes
Level: Strong
Category: Strong Mind Control-Playful Humiliation-Enslavement
Sample: LINK
24 hours with Domina Shelle--in PERFECT SERVICE TO ME.
you have been programmed by Me for many months, and now you will see My purpose-----Laughs, I know slave dreams of this often, being with Me, serving Me, obeying My every command, without question without thought--
Here is your chance----giggles
This erotic hypnosis MP3 will really open slave's mind to what it would be like to be with Me live, just you and Me. Live the hypno fantasy NOW. Listen and OBEY!
If you enjoyed My "Domina" file, you will love this one.
I am writing this dazed after listening to this file. This file took me so far down. Twice. You spend the whole day with Domina. I loved it and I know I would want to be her slave forever. You must get this and listen to this file. Feel the affects it has on you afterwards. It's amazing what our Domina comes up with. I feel so owned right now and I like it.
Loved this file! It makes me wish I really could serve my Domina in person, eternally brainwashed, always w and then punishes you for your disobedience when they are successful. Go listen to this file now, so good :D .
This session completely overwhelmed me. How can Domina be so sweet and so naughty at the same time? SHE's the best!
It's been awhile since i listened to this file for the first time and i didn't remember the profound effect it had on me. It would be a dream to spend 24 hours with Domina as Her slave and servant.i'm still hearing the sound of Her cane ... Great file, one of my favorite ! An early masterpiece of hypnotic dominance that any slave MUST add to his collection !
Hypno experience, a Story or just a Dream? i am not sure, i am not even sure if this Slave could have been me or not, alot was speaking for it, but disobeying? Thinking to get away with Stroking without her permission, as well as Cumming without her Permission? That was the Point where i wasn´t seeing myself in the Story, Dream or Hypno experience anymore, because that just could not be me, infact that´s nothing i have done so far or is something i ever would do, i NEVER would do this, the Idea of trying to disobey her with the thought of getting away with it is just something that can´t get in my Mind, i can´t understand why someone would do this to her, but beside this Part i truly enjoyed the experience and glimpse of a Day with my lovely Princess
Great experience. The long induction dropped me in a very deep sleep that shorter files really can't. Full hour at length and it went past so fast. I can still remember the warm feelin it gave to me to be at her feet.
After entrancing me deeply my Domina let me live a full day as Her personal slave. As Shelle's slave i was completely hypnotized to obey Her every command without thought and without question. In my conscious state i would have struggled with some of my Domina's orders that She gave within the trance. But for the possiblity to be at Her site or respectively at Her feet, i clearly want to become so mindless and obedient as in this fantasy. The file is pure bliss and clearly not to miss.
To spend 24 hours with Domina Shelle is every slaves desire. In this file you find yourself perfectly programmed to willingly obey and serve, her every wish, her every command. Enter Domina's world and be changed forever.
Maybe my expectations weren't in check but this file really surprised me, in a good way of course. It is possibly a different side of Domina Shelle than your previous encounters, but if you wanted something more striking and graphic then look no further. I think anyone reading this would want nothing more than for this file's experience to be their reality. If you could have your most erotic and exciting dreams painted so wonderfully wouldn't you want to live in that world, at least for 62 minutes?
The echoes of each word Princess uses in the induction are great. It helps to close the gap of silence between the words. So the whole speech sounds more like one relaxing story than only a couple of words which tell me to do something. There is one moment (still in the induction) one soundtrack is only hearable on one ear. i like to hear a whole choir of Princess' voice, but this one sounds strange. i guess this voice should move from left to right, and that is a nice effect, but the moment this voice starts it is only on one ear and a little too loud. So it shocked me and brought me a little out of trance. Anyway, the story after the induction i fantastic even if i can't feel the post hypnotic effects yet (new slave and not native speaker).
A truly fabulous experience. Thank You for this dream Domina. So much to be learned here, and so much fun learning too. And always Mistress manages to lead me happily into a more permanently enslaved state of mind. This is brilliant, fun, and beautiful.
24 hours with my Domina would be my fantasy come true. The story of this file lived up to my expectations. The specific details may have varied a little, but the overall theme was how I would have imagined. Serving and pleasing my Mistress is why I exist. Pleasing myself without HER permission has consequences. I must be taught the error of my action, and Princess Shelle is the perfect teacher in that situation. Dis-pleasing Princess brings pain to this slave. Pleasing Princess allows me to hear HER say "good boy!" Then I know I have succeeded in serving HER.
Imagining being a captive slave for my Domina for a full 24 hours maybe at the time very frightening and very arousing. Not knowing what might happen, what plan She has for me. Is it pain ? Is it humiliation ? Is it complete servitude. Or all at he time ? This woman, my Domina is amazing. She can be very demanding but in a so very kind and gentle way, that you have no choice to listen to her. She is in control. You need to obey her, or some bad results may happen. But I think no matter how She will treat me, no matter what She will do to me. I always wanted to be Her personnal slave. This file gives you a glimpse of what might happen. A little scary by time, but so enjoyable. I hope she will do more file like this.
An Amazing escape from the harsh reality again.. After all this time of conditioning, now when Princess speaks the mind goes blank fast and only what She wants matters. And these 24 hours seems to be as real as it gets and after awakening i just wished it was longer. Ohhh yes i just wished it would take forever and never had to wake up from this. But there is always the comfort that even awake i do belong to Princess Shelle forever..
Truly a file that dreams are made of…Domina 24 encapsulates the desires of the true slave combining hypnotic enslavement, bondage, servitude, routine, humiliation, release, training, CBT, plus a few other. The file provides classic Domina file with a powerful and amazing experience. The file is the perfect mix of erotic Femdom and Hypnotic fantasy. The file leaves you with a unique post hypnotic suggestion which makes the title and experience come to life.
If you are looking for amazing experience and what it would be like to be a true slave to a powerful and amazing Mistress. You got to have this file.