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HypNO Choices | Shelle RiversHypNO Choices | Shelle Rivers

HypNO Choices


Product SKU: HypNO Choices

Do you really have a choice?

HypNO Choices (28 minutes):

Let's imagine for a moment that you have a choice whenever you listen to My sweet hypnotic voice.

If you had that choice, would you choose to sink down, all the way down into the moment, in a waking, sinking, hypnotized sleep where you are completely aware of everything I say...feeling completely wrapped up in the sound of My voice...then waking slowly to realize you were just a passenger that never had any control?

If I didn’t tell you to sink, or float; if I didn’t tell you to drop, or drift; if I didn’t tell you to notice your body getting heavier, or lighter; if I didn’t tell you, just let go and OBEY... Would you just give up on trying to be in control when you realized you didn’t know what choice to make, because it's too hard to choose?

Feel how good it feels to just follow and let go of the wheel.  Do you really have a choice anyway?

you will take the path of least resistance NOW and obey and listen to this session.  NO choice needed, just OBEDIENCE.

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Thursday, 05 December 2024
Domina expertly demonstrated how exhausting it is to make decisions when it comes to serving Her and then absolved me of the will to decide and instead focus on Her calling for me which was easy as She knows the best way to enjoy Her masterpiece in manipulation. Minor spoilers: prepare much more time for this session than just the duration.
Monday, 21 October 2024
This is truly the file that sent me into the spiral of relaxation, pleasure, and obedience for my Domina. I explored femdom hypnosis for a while prior to Domina but this is truly the file that sent me into trance for the first time. I have no regrets and thank Domina for making it so I have no choices to make and bringing me into her world.
Sunday, 30 July 2023
i appreciate every choice that Domina takes away from me. Love you so much!
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Technically speaking, i awoke soon after. This is to say i began to carry out household duties - feeding the pets, etc. But i seemed to keep repeating the same thing over and over, almost non-stop, for at least another hour...
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
i tried to stay awake when listening this but there was no choice. i went into sleep when My Domina told me to sleep. Domina Shelle is my everything. There are no choices when i love, honour and obey my Domina.
Saturday, 28 August 2021
When I read the title of this recording, I wondered where it is going to lead. There are not many choices that I feel I have. I remember having a choice if I wanted to be a contracted at one time. I believe that might have been the only choice I had. Maybe even that was not as much of a choice as I want it to be.
Friday, 20 August 2021
This is such a powerful and arousing session! i can't say i recall everything but when i came out of trance i felt beyond amazing! Do not hesitate, this is one of those sessions you'll listen to over and over again! i know i will, because Domina Shelle is my everything!
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Domina Shelle is my Everything. Not only do i love to please and obey Her, it is a compulsion, a need and hunger that has become an essential part of my life, a life as Her slave. HypNo choices does take away any possible distraction away and does focus on that one truth that i need to love, honor and obey my beloved Domina Shelle.
Monday, 16 August 2021
It is gratifying to know that my last free decision was the correct one. To put my trust in Domina Shelle and allow Her to make my choices for me was a fantastic decision. This session is bound to hit some people harder than others depending on how well conditioned one is to Domina Shelle's Voice. It isn't quite fait accompli for everyone, but for me it was great to be reminded of the choices that i have and could have made.
Monday, 16 August 2021
This file is Wonderful as it removes all my thoughts and decisions, i no longer have to make choices but just let my Beautiful Owner Domina Shelle take over just as it should be. With the help of my Precious Domina i am working towards being totally Blank, Empty and thoughtless for Her. This is my dream come true. Thank You my Perfect Woman Domina Shelle, i Love Honor and will forever Obey You.
Sunday, 15 August 2021
Domina Shelle has honestly become one of the most comforting parts of my life. Princess Shelle’s warm embrace proves to be a hot spot in a often cold world. In this file, She yet again proves how worthwhile a life of a slave truly is, make every choice feel so much more easier... when I am not the one making it. Life is better is this way Domina, Princess, OWNER, and so much more wait inside.
Sunday, 15 August 2021
So many choices, so hard to think, so hard to choose. Thankfully Domina makes it so easy, there's only one choice, and that is serving and pleasing her <3. I hope you love being horny for her giggles....
Sunday, 15 August 2021
This session had me on my knees begging for her control. Domina relays all the choices I she has bestowed on me. But, with all those choices there is only one result! Submission to the Power of Domina Shelle. HER smooth, seductive voice sends me into a trance where I happily obey her commands. I can't express how good Domina makes me feel. I will say nothing about arousal created in this session. Submission to HER will come sooner than expected. Enoy, Enjoy, Enjoy
Sunday, 15 August 2021
Often in my reviews I praise Domina Shelle as being a GENIUS hypnotist that creates MASTERPIECES ALL of the time… I’m not just saying that to be cute… It's the TRUTH! Domina Shelle has done it yet again with this incredible session… Dominas inductions are always so very special and powerful and this one had me particularly aroused and deeply entranced… Domina showed so many choices… Choices that I always knew where hers to make but she has always allowed me to make myself… I really thought I was making those choices… But as she continued to weave her erotic spell during the induction, she made me realize just how wrong I was to think I had any control left at all… giggles… It really didn’t take long for her to make me realize the only REAL choice was…. Giggles… Well I don’t want to go and spoil her wonderful and sexy session for you… giggles… Listen for yourself and realize the TRUTH of the immense pleasure that only Domina can provide…
Sunday, 15 August 2021
Domina is so hot in this! Sexy, sweet, seductive, a little wicked, and delightfully domineering, in a really arousing and alluring way! It doesn't really feel like She's making any true to attempt to hypnotise at first, until suddenly bam, i was just totally gone... i was that passenger She talks of. As She was discussing the choices, of 'do you want' regarding chastity, cumming harder, being confused, i knew it was almost pointless even considering answering, at that moment, the choice just wasn't going to be mine... i knew as She moved from choice to choice though, each one was making me wetter, and was appealing that little more, each choice seemed to get better. Then as She moved on, well... Let's just say, 'oh my', the scenes She talks about and so intimately describes, who needs to touch to feel close to the edge, when Her words can describe such intimate wonders?! As She continued to condition my, what was by this time, more than slightly open, and very malleable mind, i was well and truly lost within Her world, and lapping up Her desires, agreeing with all She said, and happily letting Her take me to where She desired. i am that passenger, that passenger is me, but that's not as important as this: Shelle is my Everything. ♥
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