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Journey to Enslavement - Stage 4Journey to Enslavement - Stage 4

Journey to Enslavement - Stage 4


Product SKU: Journey to Enslavement - Stage 4

The fourth step in your journey to becoming a perfect slave for Princess.

Category: Journey to Enslavement
Level: Very Strong
Length: 38 minutes

Journey to Enslavement-Stage 4 - "Shape Shifter"

This is the fourth of five levels you will pass through in order to become MY perfect slave.  you have been given permission to continue your journey, and at this point My warning from earlier sessions is hardly necessary as you WILL continue, but...

Warning—these sessions are powerful, and progressive—be certain you want this---you can always TRY to stop.

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Sunday, 21 December 2014
I knew from the very first Control Chip file that I wouldn't/couldn't stop. I must admit I was worried that Domina might not allow me to continue... I was soooo happy when She said I could take the next step. I loved this one, it is so beautiful, I've never felt so close to Princess. I guess I should feel extra close to Her know, as my mind is Hers, my body is Hers, my soul is Hers, my thoughts are Hers, and I'm so unbelievably happy!! As others have said, there's really no point in advising you to listen to this file, because if you've come this far, you WILL listen and love it =)
Friday, 10 October 2014
Holy sh*t. Such inventive story telling. Wow. that bottom floor. Domina deserves a more proper review, but i just, now, finished the file, so it's not my mind at work. haha
Friday, 10 October 2014
As Domina Shelle writes "you can always TRY to stop" it is true the listener can try to stop. But i cannot stop, i do not want to stop, i want to be fully enslaved. If you got so far and Domina granted you to continue your journey, i think no body can stop at this point. In the file my Domina takes you down very deep under Her spell and makes you longing for more. So after i cannot stop anymore, i will joyfully listen to te next level to become even more enslaved. i'm so happy to be owned by my perfect Domina.
Wednesday, 07 May 2014
It’s inevitable to listen to this once She has granted permission to continue this Journey, and unsurprisingly this step is a treat. All I can say is that it’s very intense and truly enslaving. Enjoy it.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
This one is fantastic. I can't compare between this remastered version and the original, but this version is great. Audio effects are top notch, and I really liked the sound effects and how they immersed me in the session. If you have progressed with this series, then a review isn't going to sway you, however if you are considering starting down this road, then this file (and all the others in the Journey series) is well worth experiencing.
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Great file. But actually i don't have to say anything. Because everyone who came this far will buy this file anyway. i liked the way the induction merged with the suggestions.
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