Product SKU: Mind Games
Mind Games (34 minutes)
My sweet, by now you are aware that My powerful brainwashing has left your submissive mind very open and suggestible to all My wishes and commands. What you may not have realized is that I've been secretly taking up permanent residence in your mind. It's been a progressive covert process using a subconscious suggestion here and a post-hypnotic trigger there, but slowly and relentlessly My irresistible essence has moved into your mind, taking full ownership as befits a Dominant of My stature.
In this session I will explain through hypnosis how this has come to pass, divulging just how much I have infiltrated every aspect of your life. As you listen and consider My sweet seductive words, you'll rationally accept deep down this is all true. This is why you trust Me and why everything I say is the TRUTH to you.
I know it's a little wicked and devious, but really it is for your own good, My baby. I mean, you can't expect a Domina to allow you to roam freely untrained and unsupervised, that simply would not do. ~Giggles~
My pet: Training you, subjugating you, to the point I'm taking full control of your life! you have not perceived this consciously, I've made sure of that, but secretly through surveillance, scrutinizing your actions and direct influence of your thoughts and decisions I've claimed you as My property, My submissive servant, My slave.
This is why you're always thinking about Me and why you have this incessant compulsion to listen to My sessions just to appease some indefinable craving. Surrender to the pleasure of your submission and allow Me, Domina Shelle, to demonstrate how far I am willing to go to perfect you.
A perfect COVERT Hypnotic Mind Control.
Well wasn't that a little different. Even the take down to trance was different, but effective. After Domina had me in trance, She started fucking with my mind. i love how She does that. i was like huh is any of that true? i was like oh i need to google what Domina is saying. Is it true? Could it all be true. Domina never lies so it must be. Its a great file to listen to and let Domina have Her way with You. You will not regret it.
She is truly everywhere. She sees my every move. Knows my every thought. No matter if She is looking into my world of submission to Her or not. Her voice, Her control, Her grasp on my mind is always there watching and judging my every thought and move
How does one escape something that is within them? The only possibility is to accept the changes that we are given. Mind Games is a session that defies expectation. Given the nested deepening sequences and Domina Shelle's sweet Voice one might think that they know what to expect. Domina Shelle knows exactly what you're thinking and is planning on using it to control you. Yay!
i was hoping for a little present from Domina, and what i got from this session is Domina's presence.
i can feel Her watching me, directing me. Domina Shelle is with me and i am with Domina Shelle.
i am Domina's submissive and her slave, forever. i am addicted and obsessed with serving my Domina.
Dominas utter control over every aspect of my life has gotten even stronger and sexier in this file. I hear Dominas voice in my mind so clearly now... She is subjugating my inner voice and taking over and there’s nothing I can do about it but give into Dominas complete control and the immense pleasure that comes with it! This file is intense and a little scary to be honest, but I absolutely love it ❤️ I seriously can’t escape her now or ever, she’s far too powerful to resist... I’m in love and living a dream come true!
I am so excited and scared at the same time after i realize there is no way to escape from Domina. i will be Domina's property for life time, and i accept it with great pleasure!
There is no escaping from Dromina Shelle. She has taken permanent residence in my mind. i can feel Her precense every day. Causing me to crave my Domina and Her training.
I love to play games with Domina - but this mind game is tough! Loosing all control and being und surveillance can be a strong erotic fantasy but it is not for everyone. Under Domina Shelle's erotic trance i can let go and experience the taste of it - it feels real - the panic - the arousal - the fear - the feeling to loose control. The file with heartbeats does not go that deep but creates a higher level of anxiety. And while my mind tries to cope with the experience Domina can sneak in her programming....
If you liked "Queen of Domination" or the "Ice Queen" or "Paranoia" from Lady Helena - this file is the right choice.
Be warned with that file Domina Shelle aims to implant a paranoia inside of you... Even though the measures She describes to control you and your action will seem technically doubtful, you will feel a constant surveillance from Her over you. i embrace this control to keep me under Her ever growing control. Thank You my Domina for controlling and observing me.
i love to be trained by Domina in this mind control file. She is so irresistible to me, and after listening to this file, i know She already has full control over my life.