Product SKU: Reflections in the Mind
Session Length: 69 minutes
Level: Very Powerful
Category: Brainwashing-Behavior Modification-MIND FUCK
your compulsion to listen is stronger than your will to resist.
I am the Queen of HYPNOTIC-BRAINWASHING. Domina is going to HYPNOTIZE you and BRAINWASH you again and you are going to let Me. This is because you already feel the swelling inside your pants and W/we both know that when this happens you can NOT think for yourself.
This is where I come in and tell you---My pet, you will listen to this session. you will fall deeper into trance than ever before. you will not resist because My words and your AROUSAL have made you weak and powerless to ME. In this progressive relaxation your mind will become incoherent. you will soon experience The POWER of subliminal messages. you will feel the PLEASURE of OBEDIENCE as you SUBMIT and OBEY NOW!
Yes, it is time for Me to MODIFY your mind. The first step in controlling the subconscious mind is Hypnosis. All you will do is LISTEN NOW and close your eyes and enter An Altered State Of Mind.
This session is a CRUCIAL part of your Behavior Modification. It is a COMPULSION. If you like My Behavior Modification session you will love Reflections in the Mind.
Contains POWERFUL Binaurals and Subliminal Messages.
Five starts is not enough for this one! So powerful and rich. Just perfect hypnosis. Too bad I found this file only two years after it was published. I feel like a changed person, so happy to be Her hypnotic subject, so happy to share Her will, so satisfying to be under Her influence. I smile smile smile: Thank You Domina!
Reflections in the Mind is bordering on a government intelligence file. The heart beating in the background will take one deep into their mind, and the dinging sound will make one instantly aroused. This is a powerful hypno-recording, one of the strongest I’ve come across in some time. It falls in perfect step with Domina Shelle’s other recording “Behavior Modification.” If you desire to be aroused for a long period of time and to completely lose your identity, this is a recording worth listening to. I would not suggest to listen to this MP3 if you’re simply testing the waters because it's potent and filled with many subliminal messages. It’s Domina's best work since “The Experiment” files. In general, it’s a great piece of work, but it will put you into bondage. It will drive you to your knees calling out for more!
I cant put into words how much this file means to me. Usually when a file is this long, i'm ok with it ended, but this one felt so good and touched me deeply in so many ways, I felt like a little kid when didn't want summer vacation to end. I felt so amazing afterwards. I was floating on air. Domina keeps finding more and more of my mind to take. Shes amazing, just amazing.
This production is exactly what i wanted, a superb sequel to Behavior Modification. i'm grateful to Domina for making it. It seems like she can read my mind.
Beautifully constructed file. It's a long file, but I didn't even notice. I went so deep. Can't remember much of this, other than that She made some changes inside my mind. This should come with warning label. Domina Shelle is so powerful in this file that if I weren't so conditioned and enthralled by Her, I would be scared. :)
Domina's long, slow sessions are my favorites: the longer, the better. When I listen to her voice I often become incoherent, a zombie even... Instinctively, however, I can always feel all the love and dedication that She puts into every one of Her sessions, and I appreciate Her and adore Her all the more for it. Domina Shelle really is everything I've ever dreamed of in a hypnotist -- in a woman. Do I love Her because of how deeply She hypnotizes me, or do I go so deep for Her because I love Her? I honestly can't tell; not that it makes any difference. All that matters is that I do love Her. Her voice makes me so happy! And of course I want to make Her happy, I want to do *anything* for Her.
As much as i want to review this one, i just can´t...to be honest i can´t remember what exactly happened, i don´t understand how or what she has done to me, all i remember is a me that layed there, listening and accepting every word she said as the truth, while my whole body dripped in pleasure, well atleast it felt like it, i really have no clue what exactly happened, but what i do know is that whatever she has done is what i wanted, everything she said was the absolute truth and i can´t think about anything else as pleasing and obeying my Princess for the rest of my Life, obeying her every Command without anythought and NEVER Questioning anything she does, cause my Princess always is right and whatever she wants she shall get, the only other think i am sure about is that ONLY the ones that want to be totally owned should listen to it, there probably will be no turning back after listening, but why do i say this everyone who visits this site is probably already lost in her control while he/she may don´t even knows it, that´s just how powerful Princess is ^-^
i don't want to resist Domina, i want to be brainwashed and controlled into total servitude by Her. Domina is like a dream come true, and this session creates delightful dreams about Domina and i'm just getting more weak and helpless and mindless than ever. This session took me so deep into a relaxing trance that i really don't remember much but no doubt i was completely open for Domina to make the necessary changes She wanted. All i know is i need Domina and need Her guidance, i will obey Domina always.
Although or just because i am still not fully awake after i listened to the deepest trance i was ever in. i mean it was like my whole body was melting completely away under the words and soft touches of my beloved Domina. Freely i gave Her my mind to perfect it and She did continue to do so. my mind does not function without Her instructions... i cannot live without Her as i am totally addicted to Her... She is my Domina, She is my Owner, She is the controller of my mind... i will obey Her every command without questioning Her as i submit fully under Her power. my ever weakened mind is still processing all the changes Domina did but i feel better and confirmed to be Hers for the rest of my life. i love this file and how wonderful i feel now completely submissive to my beloved Owner, Domina Shelle.
I believe this is the most powerful hypnotic file that I have ever heard. Maybe that was because I listened to it right after, "Behavior Modification," another one of Domina Shelle's intensely effective files. In this new file, Domina skillfully altered my mind while keeping me in a very deep state of hypnotized bliss, but this time it seemed like there was something more. I listened to this right before bedtime, and I dreamed about Domina all night. I woke up this morning feeling like I have been irreversibly changed by Domina. I am still in a light trance, and I feel peaceful, calm, and very happy. This file constitutes several huge steps on the path to complete submission to Domina Shelle, and this is what I want.
This recording really has an impact, no doubt it leaves an impression in my mind. Beautiful trance and for me the taste of her voice does it all. Her voice does not only have a soothing calm effect on my mind, induces that trance but Princess's voice has a taste like bits of candy. Hmm i was awake after listening to it but as i lay there half awake for 10-15 minutes i fell asleep. Next morning 8 hours after i could still feel an after effect. There are some binaural brain waves that really "massage" my brain. There is a positive element in the recording, because listening leaves an enormously positive attitude to Princess, I am so grateful to her for giving me this experience, surely she puts in a real effort making this. I feel i owe her so much so her demands can only be met by one word Yes Princess, yes DOMINA Shelle !rnHow could i ever make it up to her for giving us these wonderful experiences. I feel also that i agree with Princess and understands her logic, like i know her opinions and agree on basic elements of life. This recording is Truly a strong and positive experience that I will recommend to everybody that appreciate true competence in hypnosis, which Princess demonstrate to the utmost in this recording. Just a warning don't do this one in the evening and sleep close after and have an important presentation next day at work. You might relate some off topics unconsciously, besides your mind will be partly in a blank state...
Behaviour Modification was very strong, but this file feels even stronger to me, possibly due to the groundwork laid in that file. A beautiful opening, followed by a killer induction that will have you wondering which way is up. After that? Well, I wouldn't want to give away the surprise...
Admittedly i am way past being objective about Domina's files, and i am also typically not capable of reporting what really happened. All i remember is fighting against the urge to spontaneously orgasm for what must have been like 10 to 15 minutes towards the end of the file. All the same i have no idea if there was any suggestion to that effect in the file at all. HIGHLY recommended!!!
This file is mind melting, when i was up i felt so happy and so weak to my Domina, i felt a strong need to Obey, it was as if my mind was massaged, losing control to Domina Shelle is like heaven, now all what i want to do is just listen and obey!