Product SKU: The Experiment--Study V
The FINAL Study in this Stage of the EXPERIMENT on the male brain.
BRAINWASHING HYPNOSIS --- Study 5, Intense and Climactic.
A mad scientist, yes indeed. ***GIGGLES***
Just how much hypnotic control can a young and beautiful female hypnotist wield by triggering the BSR (Brain stimulation reward) system in the male brain? She conditioned the male participant by sending impulses to his brain stimulation reward system with implanted hypnotic triggers. The hypnotic conditioning was designed to cause pleasure, arousal, CONFUSION and a strong addiction. She conditioned him with triggers to make him crave. To make him want. To make serving Domina Shelle and feeding his addiction to Her his primary life goal.
OBEY MY every command in this experiment----EVEN if you are in CHASTITY---release if you are commanded. This is IMPORTANT!!!
Do NOT drive after listening to this file.
So intensely wicked! The first four sessions leave you incapable of even recognizing what is happening here. i'm revisiting The Experiment after seven years. So many times i've wondered how i came to trust Domina so implicitly, to always be loyal. How does such a deep trust develop? How does one so readily accept their place? i'm certain Domina programmed it in me, in this final session. So comforting to return and have her permanently affirm those feelings.
This is truly a masterwork. I went through this series and it's brought be so much closer to Domina Shelle. I am her slave and there is so much joy and pleasure in being under her. I want to be controlled more and more and it feels better than anything to be hypnotized by her.
Well i am way to confused and overwhelmed as that i really could describe this File at all, but what i can say for sure is that if you really want to be her slave, it should be mandatory for you to listen to this Study, i for myself definitivly feel more control, somehow even as if i got rewired alot by her and guess what of course i love it
Wow. Looking back at the entire experiment - just wow.... i feel changed. Domina has taken my mind and rewired it, changed the way i respond to hypnosis on every level. If you crave her hypnosis, you MUST take part in her experiment. Her words are like a steel chain covered in velvet wrapped around your mind, like the secret longings of your heart, like being overwhelmed by arousal and lust until... Well, you'll just have to listen to find out. ;)
That was my deepest trance ever and ended with the strongest orgasm of my life, i was shaking after the file for few minutes, Every word She says is TRUTH, Her Control is Truth and irresistible, She is the BEST of the best Thank YOU Domina.
Relaxing and erotic file that took me down into a very deep hypnosis. It's so quiet down there. No thoughts just Her voice. This is fueling my addiction but I trust Domina Shelle, She knows that my total surrender to Her is best for me.
This file is a great final about a study that will change the course of the world. Especially the relationship between men and women, more specifically my relationship to my Domina. Pleasure and confusion, dominance and submissiveness, are the world I think, when I think about this file. My Domina is growing stronger, I am getting weaker. And it won't stop.
I have no real way to describe how this file has come to condition and control me. I am just so confused. I only hear Domina speaking and obey. It's pure bliss. Must continue with Domina. Need to be HER personal pet. Love and servitude, petcredence
I'm confused, but then I'm not, because Domina explained it all so plainly. It ends so soft and erotic, at lest to me. I'm going to have to listen a few more times. I know my addiction to my Domina has jumped by leaps and bounds. I can tell you that much! I seem to go into trance sooo much easier now, when listening to any other file. And I enjoy them so much more now. It's as if there's a big hole in my mind now, and Domina Shelle knows exactly where it is. She can now come and go as She pleases.
Everything is ok. The growing power of Domina Shelle over Her slaves may have scared some of Her subordinates, however Study V quickly allays any such fears. For the rest, this session is completely overwhelming, and I believe that even if you had only listened to the other files once this session would end in your thorough brainwashing and fall at Domina Shelle's feet. The triggers and conditioning used here encompass all of the Study files, as well as many more of Domina Shelle's triggers from other areas. The background subliminals will ensure that the subject is off-balance and probably hypnotised before the induction proper even begins, but do not intrude on the main vocals. A sublime experience, and one that I am permitted to remember (yay!).
WOW with this final study of the experiment Domina Shelle has outdone Herself again. i still feel confused and my mind is somehow dazed. Probably because there is so much information unlocked inside it after my Domina granted me access to everything that happened during the experiment sessions. my mind is still reconsidering anything new and i'm overwhelmed with all this stuff inside my head now. Anyway the pleasure i felt in this deep relaxation was so wonderful. Only my Domina can make me feel that good. The last part of the experiment sessions is mandatory if you want to understand what has happened so far. Although i can't image not to go on with the experiment once you have started. The ever growing addiction makes it impossible not to continue. And anyone who hasn't started the experiment by now should catch up because it is such a pleasure sensation you would regret if you missed it.
I had no idea of how Domina Shelle would end The Experiment. Starting with Study III, it seemed to me as if each successive The Experiment file was the climax, an apex. Wrong. Study IV built upon III. Now, Study V proves to be an even more amazing example of Her artistry. A fantastic journey into deep hypnosis, love, and addiction for Domina Shelle. This is the ONE that sums them all up and wraps The Experiment into a package ... a package that must be opened from the beginning time and again. This is the file that loops it back to the start. It is the file that loops you into an addiction from which there is no escape. Not that you want to escape. You will love this loop so much you won't want to escape. You just want to loop more for your Domina.