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Thought Eradication | Shelle RiversThought Eradication | Shelle Rivers

Thought Eradication


Product SKU: Thought Eradication

Erotic submission at a whole new level.

Thought Eradication (34 minutes):

I know that you love to drift in a blissful state of trance, feeling blank and mindless, effortlessly floating away listening to My words.  Would you willingly embrace this feeling all of the time, to go through life without a thought of your own, a docile, receptive, malleable mind totally fixated on pleasing your Domina, My thoughts and words dominating every facet of your existence?

Well, My pet, I'm going to take away your ability to think and, no, you will not be transformed into some type of ZOMBIE, well, not in the traditional sense!! (giggles)  I'm a Domina with a plan and I have been steadily seeding your mind for some time now with a craving for complete thought eradication.  Now, don't be alarmed, this has a very focused application and you will still be able to function normally during your day to day life.  However, whenever you are at home, or at any other time are alone, with no important tasks to perform - you know, during your "private" time - the only thing you will have on your mind is ME!

Doesn't that sound truly blissful, My sweet, taking slave's submission to Me to a whole new level, loving those intense feelings of surrender and obedience everyday as you serve Me?  I can see by the way you are smiling, right now, that you would relish such an opportunity, so let U/us proceed - click NOW and DOWNLOAD - and embrace your desperate curiosity to learn how I am going to fuck with your mind this time, acknowledging that the swelling between your legs is tacit consent for you to venture into the unknown...

And, as a willing subject, it will be a simple process to subjugate your will.  By wrapping you in a very special bubble, every thought you have will be trapped and carried away, leaving an empty space, a void, for Me to fill with My thoughts and My desires.  If you want to learn more, you know what you need to do, because, the more I withhold, the more you'll covet what your mysterious Domina, your Mistress Owner, has planned for you!  After all, do you really believe you have a choice? ~~Kisses~~

CAUTION:  This session contains powerful POST HYPNOTIC effects and, with each listen, you will be triggered to beCUM hornier and hornier, inducing a compulsion to listen repeatedly as I reinforce the pleasure of mindlessness within you.  Consider this a warning.

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Monday, 21 October 2024
This one put me out like a light. Something about bubbles stealing your brain? I dunno - I just know it hit HARD.
Monday, 21 October 2024
This file is a wonderful example of the pleasure of not thinking. The Pleasure of zoning out without a thought, without a care, without a need or worry. In the quiet of your mind, thoughtless and open, you will listen to Her voice as the only thing on and in your mind.
Tuesday, 05 April 2022
There was little memory of the first listen, but it took an hour or so before i was aware of being awake. Simply nothing crossed my mind for quite awhile. The second listen left a wonderful and prolonged thoughtless bliss. This session is a great prelude to any other session that you might want to experience more fully. It will leave you so open to Domina's words.
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
i loved this session and simply loved Dominas use of the bubbles to take me deeper and deeper into trance. Reminded a lot of The Eraser. One of my favorite files. But in this file, i am not sure i have ever been that mindless and blank. i just loved that feeling of letting go to Domina and having Her use Her sexy, seductive, sticky words to seduce and manipulate my mind. After the file was over i couldn't really think. my mind was so empty of thought. It was weird. But in a good way. i love being mindless for my Domina. i just have to hear Her words more and more. Her voice is everything to me. id loved to just have the time to listen to this file over and over again.
Monday, 28 March 2022
There were a lot of bubbles and popping sound. Sometging else too, but can't remember. There is like this big emptiness when i try to think of this session.
Monday, 28 March 2022
I think that i spend more time staring into space after listening to this one. I'm not sure, but i think Domina Shelle will know. I know that i remember this session, right up until the point where i try to remember it. I know what it's about and i think i know what it does, but the important thing is that i am becoming a better slave for Domina Shelle. That makes Her happy which makes me happy.
Sunday, 27 March 2022
I was a bit nervous for for this session but Domina was there with me and she knows what is best for me. I really loved our time together and giving up my thoughts
Sunday, 27 March 2022
Pop..pop...pop.. my Domina makes all those nasty thoughts that didnt come from Her go pop... and they vanish. Any thought that isnt Dominas must pop and go away.... Listen and She'll explain it all
Saturday, 26 March 2022
Simply a Dream Cum True!!! OMG!!! i just LOVED every second of this erotic masterpiece and i ABSOLUTELY LOVE the incredible post-hypnotic suggestion!!! it has already made me hornier and hornier and that has SO much to do with the other part of this most incredible post-hypnotic suggestion… MMMM… All i can think about are those cute lil bubbles pop pop popping in my blank mind… GIGGLES! i really don’t remember what happened during the session… only after… giggles… This session with Domina Shelle has DEFINITELY become one of my favorites if not my number 1 favorite Domina Shelle Hypnotic Masterpiece! If You’re reading this and looking to fall deeper than ever before into Domina Shelles Absolutely Authority and Inescapable Erotic Hypnotic Control, this session is a MUST HAVE! You are only a few mouse clicks away from the next level of Complete Submissive Bliss and Erotic Control under the Lovely and Powerful Domina Shelle Rivers ❤️
Saturday, 26 March 2022
Domina Shelle is an Absolute Must if you really want to experience True and Real Erotic Hypnosis. The feelings inside me are growing like i never thought possible and Thought Eradication only increases them by taking away your inbuilt resistance and laying you open to Her Powerful Control by removing your thoughts. This smooth silky file over time will take you away from everyday life and lead you into a Real Hypnotic world, Domina Shelle's Hypnotic World. The more you listen to all Her Hypnotic programs the more you realize how wonderful being with Her is. i LOVE this Beautiful and Powerful Woman, She make me so Very Happy!
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