Product SKU: Triggered
Triggered (41 minutes):
Here W/we are again...
I'm really going to mess with you today, My sweet pet.
I'm going to get deep inside your mind, like never before.
I'll get under your skin, in a way you probably never thought I could or would. My words will seep in, and your mind will soak them all up; like a summer shower falling onto dry sand dunes.
My voice will pour My words into your ears, and they will flow through you, and wash away all of your own thoughts, your own will, and all of your delusions of independence, and replace them with My thoughts, My will and pure dependence on Me.
Best of all, the effects will be so penetrating and pervasive, they will become completely irreversible, even before the session ends, and they will be totally irrevocable and irreversible. Even I won't be able to undo it, once W/we begin...
W/we both know the truth though, don't W/we, My sweet?
What I have just described is what you truly desire, isn't it?
I know that you thirst for it. I know that you crave it... I know that you want it, like a thirsty traveler craves a refreshing drink.
I know that the very ideas make you wet. Be honest, you're getting soaked at the idea, aren't you? I can see you're dripping wet at the very thoughts.
So, My sweet pet, come to Me. Come and drink deeply of My words, allow My sweet southern voice to drip the words into your sponge like mind.
Bathe in the soundscape I have created for you, and submerge yourself deeply into the waters of My world, and soak up the pleasure that comes from giving Me complete control...
As a closing thought, My precious pet, be very aware that the effects of My triggers are real, and they will stay with you, for the rest of your life.
W/we both know you want that though.
Domina Shelle has me triggered so much there's no forgetting Her. The two most essential things required for life are water, and submission to Domina Shelle
This session put me out, three times in a row. So for the fourth listen, i forwarded through, to no avail. There is only that hazy mist that tells me Shelle has told me to forget. It did involve drinking water. Nothing unusual, considering i guzzle better than a gallon a day.
I want to tell a lot of thinks about this session and if i remember more maybe i will. I dp know i loved it and have the feeling it's powerfull.
i don't remember much about. Only that i was in a very deep trance and that this session somehow involved certain substance. But i trust my Domina that i needed this session.
Wow.. this file, like so many of Domina’s files, is a work of art. How does She think of these things. It was an incredible experience from what i remember, which is very little. Plus how can you loose time, 41 minutes felt like 5. Before i knew it, the file was over and i had precum all over my leg. But i remember very little of what happened. i remember getting a glass of water and drink it and then a lot of nothing. i was thirsty when i woke and drank the rest of it. It tasted so good to me. i let it linger as i drank, swishing it around savoring every drop like it was...i don't know it just felt good. i love Domina. i will always Love, Honor and Obey Her Absolute Authority over me. i can't wait to listen to this file again.
Domina Shelle's seductive is like a babbling brook as it enters my ear. SHE floods my mind with relaxing, comforting, and thoughts of serenity. It feels so good that i haven't heard the whole file yet! But, I know once established, HER trigger will hit me like a tidal wave sweeping me to HER world of Pleasure. Domina Shelle's devious mind is triggering me to something we all do daily.. I now experience HER control several times daily. Thank YOU, Domina for the voyage on YOUR cruise ship of Pleasure.
The session felt very quick and i don’t remember much except that *REDACTED* affects me SO very deeply now and i feel SO much closer to Domina SHELLE and get SO very Horny when i *REDACTED*… Mmmm… and it really sticks with me… that wonderful feeling after every *REDACTED*… You’ve made me LOVE *REDACTED* SO much more Domina Shelle! AND Love You SO much more too! *heart* i don’t want to go and spoil anything now… giggles… You will be SO happy with this new trigger!!! it will change You FOREVER… *heart*