This week, I want to show you crawl on over here and place your naked body at My beautiful feet as you willingly supplicate yourself in My presence just to please Me and show how truly submissive you are to My commanding authority. It's just that perfect state of mind for deep psychological conditioning, allowing Me to imprint the indelible association of you always in submission to Me, the one true Dominant in your life. your life changed the moment you met Me. I am at the center of your submissive world and you are dependent on Me for so many things.
This week's session Erotic Reflections is the perfect paradox of being lost in that moment, powerless to My control, while simultaneously being fully aware of what is happening to you. My alluring sensual seduction allows Me to bypass your conscious defenses, giving Me unfettered access to your subconscious as I slip and slide deeper into your mesmerized mind. Allow Me to distract you with beautiful imagery, as the consciousness fades into NOTHINGNESS ready for more delicious programming by your ever desirable Domina.
Within the subspace I create deep inside trance you will see a reflection of yourself through My eyes, an intimate portrayal of what I perceive when I have you at your weakest and most vulnerable state.
Get cozy now and W/we are going to have such sexy fun. you like being putty in My hands to mold you into what you need to be for Me. you don’t have a choice. The rush! I will entice and arouse you into aching for Me, leaving you hungry and needy, hard and dripping wet. This encounter is going to be so delicious, My love slave. I have brought joy and happiness to your life and you will always be there to serve Me. The best is yet to come.
My pet, I can’t tell you enough how excited I am to play with your mind, body and SEX for the month of LOCTober. Can you say HORNY, Aroused and Hard? That’s what you will be for Me. This is going to be an experience that you will always look back on with sheer pleasure. you’re going to enjoy learning all the pleasures of Chastity, when it’s for Me.
LOCTOBER Sign Up BEGINS THIS WEEKEND (watch NEW RELEASES or TWITTER for availability)...The sign-up includes a very erotic Pre-Chastity audio session DRAIN to get you OFF on the right track for the LOCKDOWN. I am going to DRAIN every single drop of c*m from your body... completely empty. Then, with your Loctober Chastity assignments, I’m going to very, very slowly fill you to the brim before I allow you to release, again. The SIGN UP registers you for the 3 or 4 week LOCKDOWN. I will be sending you the DRAIN file later next week prior to Loctober.
For My CONTRACTED slaves, email Me with LOCKED DOWN in the heading for details on a prepaid package.
***Continue to follow Me on TWITTER or you are missing out on PLAYGROUND triggers....This is where I play with you when I am ready.
Now accepting new CONTRACTED slaves: If you're thinking about becoming My contracted slave, slave contract, now is the perfect time.
After SIGNING up for LocTober, watch your emails for My very sexy XXX Drain session this coming week. (This is part of the sign-up package)
Loctober starts with the Week 1 2021 Chastity LOCKDOWN package. Actual Lockdown will start on Sunday October 3rd with options for 3 or 4 weeks of chastity. There will be a brand new Chastity session each week and additional sessions as part of your Chastity assignment will be in special deals. It’s very likely you already have most of the required listening.
See this week’s special deals:
Brainwashed Phase III Series --
This series is EXTREME Brainwashing. NOT for beginners!
Subliminized --
I skillfully send you into a forgetful submissive sleep, completely blank and empty, imbued with the power of My voice...
The Unethical Therapist - Session 1 --
I am your Domina---I am your THERAPIST--- and it is essential that you obey Me...