Product SKU: Brain Scrambler
Brain Scrambler (47 minutes):
Congratulation, My devoted listener, you have been selected to witness, and experience, the ride of a life time! My Brain Scrambler is a joy ride like no other, a masterpiece of ingenuity incorporating cutting edge technology to psychologically stimulate the brain to a heightened state of reality. It is a fitting addition to Shelle's World, My internationally acclaimed amusement park, a pleasure emporium that frees hardworking clients, like yourself, to explore the many uninhibited pleasures My world has to offer.
But, I would be remiss if I did not bring to your attention that this ride is not for the faint of heart, after all it is called the Brain Scrambler for a very good reason. Extensive testing has shown this ride triggers many different interesting reactions in participants ranging from increased disorientation, improved suggestibility and, intriguingly, extreme erotic arousal in some lucky subjects.
And that is why you have been selected, My guinea pig, you show all the right characteristics to explore the FULL potential of this LONG ride. As a devout submissive with a strong hypno-erotic fetish, you're already susceptible to the soothing cadence of My voice and what better way to fully embrace the depths of your submission than to allow Domina to scramble your brain to the point that there is no returning to your former self, a psychological realignment that will leave you permanently obsessed and devoted to Me, in Shelle's World.
I know that's a little wicked and devious, but I'm confiding in you because I trust you, plus I know that the allure and promise of being Mind Fucked to a level you've never experienced is just too tempting to resist for an addict like you. Don't be shy, that HARD, THROBBING sensation between your legs tells Me everything I need to know, so, set aside your fears and I promise this will be the trip of a lifetime. In the end you have nothing really to lose but your mind to Me, and what a blissful proposition that is... (giggles)
Post hypnotic suggestions--Binural--Mind altering conditioning and brainwashing.
i've lost count of the number of times i've listened to this fantastic file now, trying to put the bits and pieces i can remember, into some sort of semblance of sense, to try to write this review... What did You do to me, Princess Shelle?! No, i don't expect You to explain or to answer; the question is merely rhetorical, i have no right to question You. i do know that You frequently say that You can fuck with a mind whenever You choose, and after this, there can be no doubt as to the veracity of that claim. i'm not certain, but i think that some of my scrambled brain may have leaked out of my ears after this, because You managed to turn it into so much submissive mush. i know that You count me up at the end, but it takes quite some time recover any true sense of reality. It's so much fun, being so completely mind fucked. i remember that i have won a prize, i know that You flew me first class, and then took me to the location of the ride... After that, i remember You gave me a little prick **giggles** but beyond that, it's just about falling, and dropping deep under Your control. i know that with each and every play, i want to ride again, so whatever You did to me, please, do it again!
Now that was a special ride. This was powerfulf. i'm not sure of what happened but my brain does feel well scrambled.
this file soso perfect i not ever go so deep riding down deeper Domina show true power in file and it took days to feel normal, this file is must have no matter cost!
Hypnotic indoctrination is a compulsive fantasy for many and for those that are drawn to being reprogrammed by a captivating Female Dominant, this is the session for you! Domina sets the scene that you have won the privilege to ride Her new amusement park attraction, the Brain Scrambler, and Her special guest you get to meet the mesmerizing mastermind (Mistress-mind) in person. The opening is beautifully executed as you are lulled very deep into trance and then you are primed with for what is about to come. The ride itself is a roller coaster of disorientation, focused submission and clever use of indoctrination to instil in you the fervent belief you are, and always will be, totally devoted to Domina. It is very compelling and, to be honest, the details are hard to recall given the depth of trance. But with repeated listeners i found myself lost to commanding presence of Domina Shelle, and especially in an increased desire to submit to Her supreme authority. This is a fantastic session for those want a mind blowing mind fuck along with a back story that enhances the whole experience. A must buy!
I'm not sure what's in this file because I go deep and wake up after it's over.
That was...i...what just happened? Just wow. i am speechless, the only thing i can say is why did it had to end? i did not wanted it to end, i don´t really know what exactly happened, but i know i would love to be stuck there on this ride forever and i am sure no one can blame me, who would not want be stuck in Shelle´s World ^-^
Excellent imagery. Incredible sound effects. On first listen, the... awakened me, panicked, from deep trance. Assured i was not alone in the house. No idea what went on in Domina's quiet whisperings. After first listen, found myself doing something unusual and counter to my programming, with Shelle's voice urging me on all the way. A result??? My mind is scrambled, if only because Domina tells me so. Her truth is my truth.
Prepare to have your mind launched into an extremely DEEP hypnotic trance on your trip to Shelles World! WOW! This is a wild and extremely arousing ride that will leave you on the Edge! giggles... Domina is such a wonderful storyteller and her stories always feel soo real! For me this file felt much shorter than it really was... right after it was over, I just wanted to listen again!
Wow what was that? i only remember bits and pieces of this file. Domina is a master story teller. i loved the sounds affects she used. It was like being there. i remember meeting Domina... barely. But i woke so damn horny and aroused. Stiff with expectation. I just don't know what i am expecting. i am in a daze after waking, while I write this. Like i am still on the ride of my life. i need to listen to this again. To see if maybe i was just tired. Or maybe i was just taken that far down that i fell into a deep trance and i can't remember a lot. This was an awesome file, from what i remember. lol
This session is an example of how creative and talented Domina is at weaving a story and creating an audio full of sound effects that made it so vibrant that you may not even feel yourself being in trance. You may loose yourself in a countdown and not even realize it until later. The track of this ride are like the path in following Domina, they go on forever without end. Giving in to her absolute control, her sweet domination as her slave will never have felt so good. The session seems to last a long time in your head but it really isn’t that long ... you will want to start over when it is done, or at least when you wake up!
There is so much to love about this session. The story, Domina's Voice, the setting, the blissful descent into oblivion, Domina's Voice, the sound effects... It is a session that it isn't easy to wake up from, and on a Sunday morning that's a great experience. Domina Shelle has taken Her subjects to the faire before, but never one designed and controlled by Her. The World that She has created for this session is perfect for drawing the subject into Her trap. Shelle's World and the Brain Scrambler are places that i intend to visit again very soon. I might not recover from repeated listens, but that's ok.
Wow...just wow... this session was an absolute delight to listen to. Domina promised a good mind f*cking and, as always, She definitely delivered. Trust me, Domina will scramble your mind so well that all you'll be able to think about is how good it feels to be Domina Shelle's loyal and obedient slave. i'd love to share more about this wonderfully mind-bending session but sadly i can't seem to remember much about what Domina did while i was under. All i know is that, whatever She did, it felt absolutely amazing. So amazing actually, that i think i need to take another trip to Shelle's World really soon.
Again i did fall that deep to the seductive voice of my beloved Domina Shelle, that i have problems to recall what happened during trance. One thing that was noticable all the times i listened was that i awoke as if my mind was powered down, like it was altered to think less and obey more. Plus i was extremly aroused every time i woke up, aroused for my beloved Domina Shelle and the thought of serving and pleasing Her.
I do remember some parts of this session and when I awoke I felt dazed and aroused with deeper level of submission and devotion.I am so much more suggestible and I have such a need and craving to please her. Follow her path she will lead you to where you need to be. She is all powerful and will take for a wild ride. So real truly a masterpiece!
Another incredibly hot and arousing session with my Domina. Treated as Her special guest, used as Her guinea pig, brainwashed in further service to Domina. This file has it all, what i can remember of it. i am always willing to review Domina's sessions, i just struggle to remember them, i just feel them. This session feels incredible. deep trance and being really up close to Domina. i felt Domina peeling away layers of control to give Her unfettered access to my/Her mind, lots of pleasure, then awake feeling more owned, more brainwashed to serve my Owner. An incredible way to start the weekend, another journey in submission to my Domina Shelle.