Product SKU: Dark Room - Oblivion
Dark Room - Oblivion (44 minutes)
Sample: LINK
A Mental OBLIVION. This is a full mental takeover. My soft HYPNOTIC voice will completely ENGULF you...POWERFUL post hypnotic suggestions will overwhelm your mind, the SUBLIMINAL messages will leave you blank and you will forget to remember...take My hand and follow Me. you are always safe with Me. you trust Me.
My pet, the next phase of your assimilation into My world of domination, control and complete mental enslavement is to understand, and accept, that Domina Shelle is the TRUE center of your universe! In prior brainwashing and indoctrination sessions I have modified your behavior, altered your mental perception of submission, manipulated your emotions and subjugated your will. Each step has been a methodical, incremental, process to deconstruct the rational logical you so that I can mold you into the perfect submissive slave you desperately crave to be for Me.
But, for you to totally acknowledge that there is only room for Me deep down in the core of who you are, I need to make more fundamental, radical, changes to your perception of identity that is not bound by mere logic or reason. Memories form the basis of who W/we are and you are a product of your past experiences, your memories framing your identity of self, influencing how you relate and interact with those around you.
In the Dark Room, My hypnosis can break the barriers of time and space sending you into OBLIVION, a void of timeless nothingness where there is no logic, no reason, no order, and no questions. In this void, logic unwinds and reason unravels leaving only tangled fragmented memories and emotions, shapeless and formless, simply existing and waiting to be remade. Once you are in the deepest of trances I will remake you, reforming your romantic and erotic memories not to forget your past, nor repress past experience, just inserting what I want.
It will all seem irrational and confusing at first, and you will not comprehend why you feel this way, but, over time, you will accept this is not about reason, it is about the focal point in your life - past, present and future. The more intense the experience, the more absurd the infiltration of your memories, the more powerful the beliefs that I instill into your brain. (Giggles)
My pet, and you are a trance away from being conditioned to accept everything I say as the TRUTH, ready and willing to embrace my hypnotic, erotic, oblivion in the Dark Room of your mind.
Mind Control, Brainwashing, POST HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS...Be Aware, this session may cause permanent changes within you.
i like to listen to this one on the road - never quite knowing what Domina is up to, but enjoying the journey. For me, Domina's 'forgetful' sessions aren't quite forgotten, they're just a bit dodgy. i can't think directly about them. Always just hiding behind a tree. However recently, i've had a couple of old and dear dreams re-written. The subject clearly, vividly, and quite surprisingly replaced by Domina!
The first Dark Room was a very pleasurable place. This is again fill of arousal but Domina is more demanding - demanding more of my mind. i wake up a little dizzy and confused but eager to learn what changes she had in mind for me. Maybe i will find out soon - Repetition is the key to hypnosis.
Just listened this, but don't really remember much. i do feel relaxed and good, so that's nice. But when i try to think of this file it's like there is this hole in my mind and i can't find the memories of this.
This file is something special. Dominas literally altered my reality. This file is abstact, confusing, mind altering, binding you to Domina in ways your mind cant quite grasp. I want to, I need to listen as much as I can.
Upon my first listen with this session i fell asleep soon after and awoke the following morning feeling that something was different. Something important to do with Domina Shelle, but i didn't quite know what it was. After the second listen i know what happened. Domina Shelle has outdone Herself yet again with this recording. This is brainwashing and perception manipulation on a new level. Wow!
This file is a masterpiece. After listening the first time, i knew that something was different, but i had to listen a
few times more before i really noticed the effect. Our memories define who we are and with my Owner becoming a part of my sweetest and sexiest memories, She will define who i am...
This file should be listened to along with Darkroom Initial Indoctrination. Oblivion is a very relaxing file and Domina Shelle's voice is soothing and seductive. The file is confusing and will softly twist your brain into trance. It truly is a wonderful piece of work. If you are submissive to Domina Shelle and want to increase the control she can and will exert over you I urge to to listen to this file. You will wake feeling refreshed and wonderful, maybe a little confused. Now if you will excuse me, I must put on my earphones and push play.
This session is a masterpiece in my opinion.It hits me so str to Domina Shelle and this desire to listen to her alluring voice again, to fall in her net, is so much stronger now.
Thank you Goddess
I couldn't remember anything after listening, but after coming out of trace, I felt simply amazing and now feel Dominas presence even more profoundly deep within me. I also have the most wonderful dreams after listening.
For me this session marks a major milest but i recalled enough to know this session WILL change my life. i can give this session no higher praise than if you are serious about wanting to surrender and submit to Domina Shelle you **MUST** buy this file and listen to it regularly. This along with some other key sessions will transform your understanding of submission and what complete mental enslavement really means to this incredible dominant Woman.
It was the third time i did listen to Domina Shelle's newest file... everytime i woke up relaxed and refreshed... though without a clue what has happened in the deep trance She put me into. i trust my Domina completely and so i am confident the suggestions Her sweet voice put into my susceptible mind during trance are to improve me as a slave and my life to serve Her better.
Yes, I listen to Dark Room Oblivion it left me in a puzzlement of thoughtful. But their are three thing you have when entrance Domina Shelle voice, you have to know you can trust Domina, and you knowing.brainwash good for