Product SKU: Money slave - Training Mantra
Each day your addiction to Me grows more and more.
you need more of My control.
your arousal at being My financial slave has never been greater, yet still it grows stronger...
you need to give Me more... More of your money, and you need more of My control.
you crave more slave training, and you crave to earn My attention and approval...
you need to learn how to sacrifice for Me, to win your place worshiping at My feet, as My obedient fin-slave, eager to support Me with the personal things that improve My life.
Giving is your reward...
This Mantra TRAINING will help you and GUIDE you to your proper place, on your knees before Me.
Domina i love my new mantra. Everything that is mine is Yours.
I've been Dominas contracted slave for a long time, and Her financial slave, and Her chastity slave. i can not resist surrendering my of my life to Her at every opportunity and this is another opportunity. Please Domina pull me further and further down this wonderful rabbit hole
The feeling of excitement, nervousness, danger. This got me trembling from arousal and eagerness to please my Domina.
i've never truly been a fan of all things finDom, but once again, Domina manages to make it sound completely sexy, and approaches it with Her usual good taste, style and grace. Even if you're not truly a fan of financial domination, for any of many reasons, this is still a worthwhile file to buy... It's Domina's work, and that's enough reason right there, but it's also very sexy fun, with the way She explains things, and makes Her subject feel. ♥