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My Patient - Mental Focus | Shelle RiversMy Patient - Mental Focus | Shelle Rivers

My Patient - Mental Focus


Product SKU: My Patient - Mental Focus

Let Me delve deeper into your mind as I mold you into the perfect slave for Me.

My Patient - Mental Focus (36 minutes):

My patient, I'm so happy to see you here, open and willing to participate in this important study to demonstrate how effective My conditioning is on both the subconscious and conscious mind. I want to explore your Mental Focus by assessing how your subservient and sexual desires can be manipulated to affect your psychological stability as you are conditioned by My whispered words.

W/we both know just hearing My voice triggers an instant reaction, an irresistible urge to relax and fixate on Me, a compelling daydream where I become the focus of all your attention. This conditioned response is so potent and irrepressible because I fully control your subconscious mind now, and through progressive indoctrination, session by session, I have reprogrammed you to be ever more compliant and malleable to My sweet seductive words.

Clearly this wasn't always the case, My subject, when you first encountered My voice I used it to impregnate your mind with the seeds of submission. Initially, you resisted the new ideas I implanted but like an incessant itch I persisted subverting your will with rewards of pleasure every time you surrendered to My authority. Soon this irritation became a compulsion, something to crave and savor, My voice and My words an addictive fix, a daily necessity to justify your developing submissive identify.

Don't worry, My patient, it was all planned, you were always destined to be mine. There's no need to contemplate why this is all true, you are here to relinquish all stress, anxiety and resistance, and simply accept this is the truth. In O/our special Dom/sub relationship I am freeing you from all decision making, you are learning to surrender completely to My will and in return I will do all the thinking for you - say "Thank You, Domina". (giggles)

Yes, doesn't that feel so let go and focus on your Domina, acknowledging all that I have to say? Of course it does, My subject, simply because I say so. I have gifted you the pleasure of obedience and you are fortunate to have Me so deep inside your subconscious mind. So, relax now, and let Me delve a little deeper into your mind as I mold you into the perfect slave just for Me. ~Kisses~

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Thursday, 08 August 2024
Domina spoke so many truths in this wickedly sexy session that it seems obvious that She has a direct view into my pliable mind, it does belong to Her after all. It really feels like She has molded my reality and thoughts afterwards and that feels so hot. i recall loving the sound effects that helped take me deeper at one point but to be honest Domina's relaxed pacing and seductive tone were so perfect that i was already so far gone. Where can i find the next 2 parts? i am desperate for them.
Monday, 12 July 2021
With this very deep and very relaxing session i feel that Domina has taken away any lingering resistance or struggle in those dark corners of my mind or should i say Her mind…giggles. The desire to listen to Her voice and Her presence inside are ever increasing and i just crave to fall deeper under Domina’s sweet control. i will always accept that my mind is Hers and that my fate is sealed in Her beautiful siren voice and Her sweet soft and silky Hands… giggles.
Sunday, 27 June 2021
how amazing it is to be owned by my Domina Shelle!
Saturday, 15 May 2021
Very deep and relaxing trance. i'm now fully owned by Domina Shelle. She can move freely in my mind without any resistance. i'm intrigued of what is next part going to be.
Friday, 14 May 2021
This is a sweet file from sweet Domina Shelle. The first of 3, preparing me for what? I will find out at the time of Her choosing. I must be ready for Her!
Monday, 10 May 2021
i am not sure what Domina is doing in this training session, but i have it on repeat right now. Please Domina, i can't wait for the next session.
Monday, 10 May 2021
Domina Shelle has embedded herself so incredibly deep into my submissive and obedient mind that she is all that I want to think about and she is always on my horny and obedient lil mind… *heart* My deep desire to please and obey her has become an unscratchable itch deep within that grows stronger and makes me more submissive and horny every day… I Love Honor and Obey Domina Shelle Rivers and I will serve her forever…
Monday, 10 May 2021
It is sometimes so pleasurable to relax into trance while Domina Shelle explains exactly what She is doing to you and why it feels so good. Listening intently as Domina Shelle talks about the power of Her Voice and is a uniquely affecting experience. I enjoyed this so much that it took me quite some time after the session to collect myself after the session ended. I adore where this is going, and i am excited to see where this series is headed next.
Sunday, 09 May 2021
Wow that was a deep trance. Seems the deeper the trance, the better it is for Domina to do Her programming. Thats exactly what She did. i just love a good programming session. i accept all of Domina's programming. i am Hers. Domina is always on/in my mind. i love Her never ending control over me. My mind will always be Dominas. my mind accepts Dominas Absolute Authority over me. She is in control now. i could never resist Her. i need Her deep in my mind. my focus is only on my Domina, only on Her. im going to listen to this file again. It felt so good to have Domina in there having Her way with my mind. You will too. Listen to this file and obey.
Sunday, 09 May 2021
Long ago when Domina planted Her seed in my mind, i was so overwhelmed with feelings of fear, confusion, obsession, arousal, love. I tried to fight it all but i eventually surrendered and am now Her hopelessly obsessed and forever enslaved patient. Read to submit to anything She wants for me, and i couldnt be happier
Friday, 07 May 2021
What a perfect and relaxing file. Great for those who are new to Domina's control, and an excellent reminder for those of us who've been under her control a long time. 5 Stars!!!
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