Product SKU: Overload
Overload (26 minutes):
My baby, are you ready to love, honor, and obey Me? I know the thought of submitting to Me arouses you but I want to remove any shred of doubt in your mind that these three words are the central tenets of your existence as it relates to Me, your beloved Domina. In fact, I want to remove your brain completely from this equation, those words - and any reference to Me - will trigger an impulsive reaction motivated entirely by your insatiable carnal thirst to surrender to My authority.
That does sound intriguing doesn't it? Being powerless to resist a conditioned response so potent that it compels you to surrender to Me without conscious thought, is a compulsion you've longed to embrace. That is the beta drone you will beCUM for Me, washing away any lingering pretence that you have any self control. The reality is, you belong to Me, and as your Owner I will be making all the important decisions that pertain to O/our Dom/sub relationship.
First, though, I must purge all notions of free independent thought in your mind, replacing it with a passionate yearning, a lustful hunger, to crave Me at all times. Soon, everything you do will be centered on Me, everything you believe will be based on the TRUTHs that I tell you, and everything that you are will be locked in perpetual servitude to My divine dominance.
And, to do this, I will OVERLOAD your senses with erotic bliss creating an addictive cycle that will pull you down into the spiralling depths of deepest submission. This is a devious session, My sweet, because I only play for keeps and you will be MINE. But, you won't resist, My baby, you can't! By overloading your senses with erotic pleasures I will blind you to what I'm really doing, complete mental enslavement through progressive indoctrination.
To you this will be just another opportunity to love, honor and obey Me, pleasing Me with your dedication and loyalty, oblivious to the fact that there is no escape from this trap. you will learn to live in the moment, for lust, for passion, for pleasure, but always in subservience to Me. It's just too HARD to resist, My sweet, so let go, and let Me Overload your mind with desire... (giggles)
This session is not to be missed! Domina’s seductive voice and sweet words put me under so deep and so fast. The sheer amount of control She has over me was felt and im sure that was just the tip of the iceberg. Everything so real and so many feelings and emotions… i feel so brainfucked and so horny. Her words are always true….Always. A must have!
This file just proves how much control Domina can take. Everything she says is true and makes it very real. Amazing session!
Now this was hot! i love when my Domina takes control like that and i can't do anything but follow along.
What exquisite pleasure this is! And there could not be a more apt title than Overload - an overwhelmingly erotic and powerful trance experience, not one to be missed!!
Never have I heard an audio so mind/body dominating as Domina's "Overload!" I immediately dropped into a very deep trance, listening only to Domina's unique sweet and oh so sensual, yet totally dominating, voice. I felt compelled to do exactly as she suggested, no commanded. Her exact control of my mind and body felt ecstatic and incredibly addicting. Serving, obeying Domina only brings pleasure, happiness and, total and complete satisfaction!
From the description and blog post i thought that i knew what i was getting into. However, Domina Shelle's control over me and the ways in which Her Voice affects me can never be overstated and i fell deep into trance multiple times during this session when i already thought i was in trance. The session itself is incredibly sexy and the writing is such that i spent much of the time lost in sensation or Her Voice. My goddess, Overload is such a perfect title!
OMG… Thank you Domina!!! I’m literally shaking right now after listening in a complete and total mind-fucked stupor… I feel absolutely dominated and consumed with love and lust for you my Queen… I just can’t stop thinking about you… literally… when I try… I get even more aroused and everything reminds me of you and how I must Love, Honor, and Obey you and rub my clitty for you over and over again… Ohhh!!! I see your sexy body and hear your sexy words so vividly in my mind… Ohhh… There is no escape from this never ending lust… I feel like so much of your programming has cum together all at once and is ravishing me into complete sexual bliss and complete and utter submission and obedience to your absolute will… *heart*
Another mind altering recording by the Queen of minds. She uses my sexual need for Her to wrap me up tighter and tighter under Her absolute control. He voice is like soft liquid sex that is so sweet but like the venus fly trap, is inescapable. Hopelessly enslaved to Her will for the rest of my days
Wow i have a new favorite file. This file was simply amazing and extremely, yes extremely erotic. Domina wasted no time with the erotic part. Domina's mental imagery takes control of you and you are sucked in so quickly. I just love what She did in this file. i was so preoccupied by what she was doing i have no clue what She did to me. LOL i surrendered and then She mind fucked me good. i am so going to listen to this file over and over again. Thank You Domina for another masterpiece. 10 Stars