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XXX are Mine | Shelle RiversXXX are Mine | Shelle Rivers

XXX are Mine


Product SKU: XXX are Mine

Beware, playing with a horny Domina that enjoys devious mind games comes at a price...

XXX are Mine (54 minutes):

Let Me tell you a secret, My pet, I have passion for science and I particularly love it when a figure of authority, like Me, can cite a scientific theory and it instantly attains added credibility to those more resistant to My alluring charms. (giggles)

I know it's already so easy for you, as MINE, to accept whatever I whisper in your ear as your truth but when it is supported by rigorous scientific study, then My oh, so seductive words are imbued with greater significance and meaning.  Take Semantic Satiation, for example, the psychological phenomenon where the repetition of a word or phrase, within a short time period, results in the listener consciously forgetting the very meaning of that word or phrase.

Imagine the possibilities of using this in the hands of a skilled hypnotist, a sexy young Domina could easily incorporate this with neuro linguistic programming to covertly bypass a listener's defenses giving full access to his subconscious mind.  That's right, with some carefully crafted narration, I can implant new behaviors and beliefs in you without your mind ever being aware.

This is what it means to be Mine, and you are MINE, My pet.  you are powerless to resist whatever I wish to do to you, and you are here to embrace that whatever I do to you is always in your best interest, because I deem it so.  I just can’t help Myself, the thought of your reading this now and My knowing how easily I can control you with simple seductive words, makes Me so hot and wet with arousal.

But, best be careful, My pet, playing with a horny Domina that enjoys enticing you with devious mind games comes at a price!  The ecstasy of submissive bliss is never free and if you willingly venture into My realm then all that XXX are will be MINE.  So relax, let go and listen NOW, it will be a mind blowing experience. (Kisses)

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Tuesday, 05 November 2024
Domina’s voice is soothing and simultaneously overwhelming in the early portion, before being taken truly deep. While trying to listen again and review, it almost didn’t happen because of repeatedly falling under while listening. Domina masterfully combine hypnotic speech and seductively crafted descriptions and scenarios with Her absolutely beautiful voice. If someone is willing to give in, surrender for a while, and let Domina guide them, then it is a beautiful trip down under the waves of trance, with Domina’s voice as the perfect guide. Domina doesn’t just take control, She makes it the most fascinating idea in the world and will show this, through Her wondrously seductive tone and the positively lust drenched vocabulary and descriptions She uses throughout the whole middle to end of the file. This section was the absolute hardest (YES! Pun 100% intended. It’s perfect for the experience, haha.) part of the file to stay cognizant during for the review and was still filled with moments of being fully under and devoid of thought. This file is HIGHLY recommended! (For chaste listeners: There is a stroking command portion during the file. It is meant to take the listener to the ultimate moment that they become fully and lovingly Domina’s. This file does not end in a release! I repeat, DO NOT FEAR using it and submitting blissfully to Domina.)
Saturday, 02 October 2021
One of the most important sessions I can remember... Not that I can remember much. I came out knowing for absolute certainty that every word Domina said was 100% true, and it made me so happy knowing that my Domina wants what I want, for me to be completely owned forever.
Thursday, 23 September 2021
What an amazing file created by Domina Shelle. So much going on inside the mind as Domina turns it all on at once. First she explains her psychological experiment using Hypnotic Semantic Satiation as she repeatedly uses a word over and over so that it’s affect and meaning starts to lose its own meaning, in this case changing your own sense of self. Secondly she repeatedly has you imagine yourself reflecting back from her eyes disassociating your conscience and subconscious self as you watch yourself fall into the perfect mess for her. Domina uses the most perfect timing of silence between her wonderful words until you fall deeper and deeper just by listening to her speak! I loved this file, I loved her flexing her hypnotic muscle and completely taking over all of my mind. She knows she has you, just slowly reeling you in. This is an amazing session, one that Domina will surely use to build on and continue to impose her will on her experimental subject! I can’t wait.
Sunday, 19 September 2021
This session is a masterful piece of hypnosis by itself: Techniques of confusion, subliminal messaging, guided thinking and brainwashing are perfectly crafted and merged to hypnotic pleasure. This session as also an example how the portfolio that Domina Shelle created during the last decade is actually a total work of hypnotic art! By pulling the strings and triggers from previous sessions, she creates context from everything she's done to my mind before. This multiplies the effects and feelings as all the memories of submitting to Her in the past start to resonate in one single moment. I am a strong believer that long-term relations between dominant hypnotist and hypnotic subject are the most rewarding. This file is the prove.
Wednesday, 08 September 2021
I've listened to this many times and it still seems new and fresh. I'm so lucky to be a collared slave owned by Domina Shelle.
Tuesday, 07 September 2021
This session is a great example of the amazing creativity Domina Shelle possesses. It takes real talent and a thoughtful mind to produce a session layered with meaning and subconscious conditioning. Outwardly, to many, She appears as a sweet angelic figure but dig deeper and You find She also has the mind of a genius, carefully sculpting the wills of Her listeners to fall ever deeper into Her world. Everything in Her world is consensual but the allure and passion She brings to every session makes it so easy to give and bathe in Her words. Like another reviewer noted I would call this a masterpiece if it wasn't for the fact that almost all of Her sessions fall into this category. If you are reading this and wondering if the hype about Domina Shelle is to be believed, my answer to you is an unequivocal YES. If you can let go and embrace Her words She will change your perception and thus your world. ??? are Mine is a gift to the hypno-fetish and submission community and one you should fully embrace.
Monday, 06 September 2021
Phew, this was intense and deeply powerful session. i feel like this could be very effective toanyone listening it few times. Also it was too hot and now i have to pay my chastity penalty.
Monday, 06 September 2021
OMG what a file. What a completely arousing, mind fuck that was. i have this urgent urge to just loop this and let go of who i am or was or whatever i was before. Domina has created yet another masterful session, a new favorite, that will take you so fucking deep into trance that you will be literately mind fucked beyond your expectations. i can not even come to grips with what just happened in this session. i know i woke up all wet with precum. But that's all i really remember. Domina is amazing. Her control over me and the brainwashing She does is beyond anything you can imagine or comprehend. If You have always wanted to be dominated by a gorgeous woman. A woman as beautiful and sexy as our Domina. Then you must buy this file. you owe it to yourself to explore this session. Let it take you, like it did me, and let it fuck you oh so good. It felt fantastic. As soon as i can, i am going to go lay down, and let Domina have me again. i can not resist this. i can not resist Her. She is my Domina. i am owned by Her. i am Her property. i will never be the same again.
Sunday, 05 September 2021
I'm convinced that Domina Shelle Rivers hypnotic masterpieces have transcended the level of 'masterpiece'… They are a level of Erotic Hypnosis mastery FAR beyond JUST a masterpiece, they are more wonderful and amazing than anything I could have ever dreamed of before…  Dominas latest session XXX are Mine Erotic Hypnosis, must be one of the most addictive, erotic, brainwashing, and mindfucking Masterpieces Domina Shelle has created yet… It is a MUST HAVE! Giggles!
Saturday, 04 September 2021
Wonderfully wicked! At least, i think so. It's not an easy session to remember coherently. It certainly FELT wonderful when i returned to the world around me. I feel owned, deeply submissive and devoted to Domina Shelle. And i'd really like to listen again right now...
Saturday, 04 September 2021
This is intense. On rare occasions our Domina steps a little closer to the hard side of Domination. Not far, because She's a wonderful, loving and caring Owner. But just enough to smack our subconscious back to the fact that She and only She controls out thoughts and our minds. Wherever Domina leads, i obediently follow. Thank You Domina Shelle for all You do for my weak mind
Saturday, 04 September 2021
If a wish granting being appeared to grant me so that Domina Shelle can feed off of the generated sexual energy to stay young, beautiful, healthy, and never have an unfulfilled want."
Saturday, 04 September 2021
Domina Shelle has harnessed all her skills in this erotic/brainwashing session. It is unlike any of her sessions. Domina thoughts and images she places in my mind elicit s a euphoric feeling. Thoughts I crave for. The more I crave, the deeper I fall into submission to Princess Domina. This is an extreme session. If you decide to listen, you will be changed. I am under her control and I crave for more.
Saturday, 04 September 2021
This is what REAL Erotic Hypnosis is all about, being Seduced and mindfucked by a Beautiful determined powerful Woman. Especially a Woman who knows Her stuff and how to use it expertly. This is heaven which may turn out to be hell once She has Her long sharp nails deep into my mind, but oh for now its one hell of a ride!
Saturday, 04 September 2021
There is no Beautiful Domina more powerful, more erotic and yet so very caring than Princess Shelle. She is THE expert at seduction and Her file is a Masgerpiece. After placing me into a very deep trance, i had no choice other than to succumb and submit totally and completely to Her sensual domination of all of my being. And i am so glad i did!
Saturday, 04 September 2021
As a slave to Domina Shelle, it should be no surprise to say that Her mindfuck and brainwashing sessions are some of my personal favourites. I never feel more emotional and physical pleasure than fully giving myself to the hypnosis experience and losing every little thing to Her sheer beautiful control. Thoughts are gone. Body is trembling. The world is nothing but obedience and Her voice. This may seem crazily intense for beginning listeners, but with 'XXX is mine'... I can't explain it better. If you listen to this session, you'll start to know what I mean. Its impossible to even describe. I can only tell you to prepare yourself. Please be aware of what you're signing up for, and if you're like me, learn to accept that you don't have a choice. Choice was never there. For optimal pleasure, you need to give up already. Just stop the talking in your head, lie back, and take it every. single. word. That is the path to follow.
Saturday, 04 September 2021
Since Domina released this, i've managed to listen 11 times so far; the though after each has been, "Just one more play, then hopefully i can compose a worthy review..." The problem however, is that i'm not sure if each subsequent play makes things any easier in truth, because with each listen, the content seems more profound, but also seem to slip slightly further away from conscious recall! i do recall there are many moments of intensely sexy ASMR style whispering, and Domina manages to make me hornier with each subsequent listen, but beyond that, there isn't a great deal i can tell you about what She actually says. Her words just seem to wash over my mind, leaving a sense of deep satisfaction, a sense of feeling safe in Her hands, and i'm left feeling intensely aroused by whatever words it is, that She is whispering and wrapping around my mind; beyond that. it all just slips away. With each play, trying to recall the actual content is akin to trying to catch smoke with a butterfly net; yeah, good luck with that... i can't tell you what Domina is up to in this, but i can tell you that no matter what it is, it feels so good, that it becomes addictive even after the very first play! Open the doors to your mind, and just allow Domina to wander around inside, and allow Her to make whatever changes She might desire. It will be enjoyable, i promise. ♥
Friday, 03 September 2021
I'm not really sure how to review this file, I've listened twice now and I don't remember it very well. Probably intentional giggles. But I can say what I do remember. I remember it being both intense and comforting. I remember you being said a lot. I remember that Domina owns me, not only in this world, this timeline, but she owns in all worlds and all timelines. Lastly, I've got this overwhelming urge to listen to it again and again and again. Maybe after listening to it more I will remember it more. Or maybe not. giggles.
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