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Product update

I know that I have teased your mind with the control chip series “The Journey to Enslavement”. There was so much more that I had wanted to do with that series...So being the “mad scientist/ Domina” that I am, I decided to create an more powerful SERIES/version of this control chip and make it a central tool of My brainwashing mind control by building and perfecting the chip. This all NEW BRAIN CHIP is in a class by itself. I have used My experience and today’s technology to build this NEW perfected brain chip. And this week I will implant this CHIP into your brain. With this week’s BRAIN CHIP session, your ongoing programming continues, in a more powerful and interactive way than the original CONTROL CHIP SERIES. The Brain Chip will be a chip implanted inside the brain...a new chip that gives Me all CONTROL. I will have constant contact and can track My victim, I mean pet. ***GIGGLES***

It will be updated regularly with IMPLANTS, used for My benefit and yours too, anytime I want...Just think I could have you stop what you are doing any time or place and have you pull down your pants and stroke and call My name...It is that powerful...But trust Me, I’m very unlikely to do that. ~giggles~. This is a COMPULSION, and will be required.

I will use the Chip in so many ways in the future. you WILL NOT miss out on the Implantation and Activation. At any time, with My powerful Control Triggers, I can make you My brain chipped slave and you won’t even know it. you may be at home, at work, driving, asleep or daydreaming and I can feed you thoughts of Me that arouse you. When you find your hand moving between your legs you may wonder how that happened.

NEXT session---Activation

Brain Chip Activation, which I will introduce next, will reactivate your Brain Chip, in a way that is so powerful that it will remain in the forefront of your mind, daily. Allowing Me to activate anytime I please. Future implants will come to you as short audio sessions and written instructions, giving new intensity to the concept of CONTROL. This new direction will make your Journey to Enslavement complete with ongoing reprogramming and instructions to keep you submissive and responsive to what I want you to think, how you are to submit, how to obey, how to please Me, how to serve your Domina........or maybe I’ll just be toying with you, My puppy. Make a strong effort to review this session, because I really want to hear your reaction to it.

I’ll explain next week how to sign up to Activate My Brain Chip. This will make My instructions completely irresistible to you. My Brain Chip makes you accept everything I tell you. Without thought and without question you become My “human droid or robot. When you hear the phrase (well I better not say that yet), My Implant will override your brain which shuts down while awaiting to accept My programming.


The last few weeks, things have gotten pretty sexy and hot. With My renewed emphasis on Enslavement, I want to encourage My un-contracted submissive to consider My slave Contract, which I have put in Special Deals. I will be using My contracted SFS site for additional and exclusive free Brain Chip interactions and I want you to have the opportunity to participate in every way possible. you don’t want to miss out on that and other benefits. This is a good time to seriously consider this commitment to Me. Contact Me to see what it’s all about.


Hold on to the Control Chip series files you have.  If you don’t have these file sessions, I have Levels 1 through 5 in Special Deals.
I am also preparing My Implanting commands for those who sign up for ACTIVATION.

There will be a new section for ongoing Brain Chip Activation sessions.  So watch for My sign-up instructions next week to receive email instructions.

PS--- The implantation will be painless.

Check My special deals ...

you have made such good progress, My puppy, in becoming perfectly submissive for Me.  This week is a preparation for a new phase of your training which I will introduce next week.  you know the Law of Hypnosis, Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
This week’s session, REINFORCED REPETITION will fuck with your mind and make you hard and horny.  Repetition is sexy because you like to hear My voice say it over and over again to you.  My words conjure images that arouse you.  When you listen, you obey, each time I tell you what to do.  Hearing Me say Anything over and over again is pure pleasure.  This is how I brainwash you...this is what you allow Me to do to your brain. ~giggles~

I will bring you back, back and take you deeper to revisit some of your sexiest experiences.  Listen to My induction and “deepeners”.  Listen and fall deeper under My spell, if that is even possible.  The law of hypnosis fortifies My control and intensifies your enslavement.  Listen and Obey.  Listen and Obey.  Listen and Obey.  Trust Me, you won’t be DAZED AND CONFUSED.  you will be ready for next week.

Roll of Dice --- I’ve gotten such a good response from the edging game.  Lots of fun and I enjoyed knowing how much I am in your mind.  you might be tender and sore.  As a nurse My advice, if you have a lot of swelling and soreness, an ice pack wrapped around your “engorged area” will reduce any pain and swelling.  Winners have claimed their reward.  If you haven’t, yet, follow up with Me to claim My free permission to orgasm.


I have been working on the Journey to Enslavement series.  I am planning AMAZING SURPRISES to make this the most POWERFUL series I’ve ever done.  I will open your mind to new reprogramming and take you in a new erotic direction to a deeper and more WICKED Enslavement.  I want to get this perfectly right.  I’ll be recording new material, so stay tuned.  I definitely plan to leave your mind open and susceptible to being programmed with three little words, Activate Control Chip.  The implantation will be painless... Giggles

Meanwhile, I’ll keep you in suspense for next week.  By the way, contracted, I heard you enjoyed the new video I posted on SFS. Kisses.

My special deals ...

Come spend together time with Me in this week’s -- Dazed and CONFUSED session.
A perfect beginning to a beautiful HOT sexy spring.  A step closer to perfecting your submissive mind.  Stay close to Me, for I am taking you on a rollercoaster ride that you can not get off of...a fundamental link to your deepest TRANCE and pure Bliss.
In last week’s Realm of Unconsciousness you concentrated on words.
This week’s pleasurable, brisk word-play Induction weakens your resistance, as you fall deep into sleep for Me.  you trust Me and everything becomes less confused and clearer.  Resisting your surrender gives way to arousal, which gives way to obedience placing Me at the very center of your emotional world.  Concentrate on your feelings at the very peak of this session.  Listen, obey, surrender and sleep for Me, My pet.  This session is a COMPULSION for you My slave.

you are addicted to these feelings that permeate your whole body whenever you fantasize about Me.  you are ready to COMPLETELY surrender to My influence and control.


you don’t have to be Irish to get into the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day.  This day is celebrates Irish culture and Ireland’s Patron, Saint Patrick, with major parades around the world.  In Boston, New York, London, Munich, Canada, Australia, Argentina, and of course Ireland.  And right here, right now W/we are going to celebrate.  I have a gift for you, My good boy.


W/we are going to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with an assignment you are really going to LOVE!!!  ROLL OF DICE Edging Assignment.  Stroke by stroke your arousal becomes all consuming.  I have masturbation instructions for you to follow and you have a chance to win up to ONE, TWO and up to THREE free Permission Slips.  What that means is that whenever you decide you can contact Me and I will grant you permission to stroke My c*ck and cum for Me.  This reward includes My personal Masturbation Instructions and I will send a sexy picture to focus stroking pleasure. Leave a review. ~giggles~

It takes nothing to give Me everything, listen, obey, surrender and sleep.

Feel your dedication growing in your hand, rigid, hard, and so full for Me.  Stroke by stroke your loyalty builds, stroke by stroke your dedication become all consuming, and you will not stroke faster, you will not stroke harder, no matter how much your body may crave it.  Go ahead and feel the pull, down to where My words are touching you, caressing you, leading the way for your hand to play for Me.


I have something special for My un-contracted submissive.  First listen to this week’s session.  Then do the assignment.  Are you feeling submission and obedience to My voice and instructions?  Are you feeling an emotional connection, an attachment to Me?  Please Me and make Me happy.....with you.   Accept this gift from Me.  My SLAVE CONTRACT, for one week only, to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  your loyalty and dedication is your GIFT to Me.  I want you to be sure about this.  This is the best time to take this next step.  Contact Me and give Me your thoughts.


As you may know, I’ve recently posted two new Videos on My YouTube site.  Take a look and leave a comment.  This is a very good way to promote your Domina and My work.  Thank you all who already commented.

MANTRA ASSIGNMENT:  I'm so pleased with your DEVOTION and DEDICATION....A perfect connection.  My heart PUMPS faster.

NEXT WEEK:  I'll keep you in suspense for a while longer...Giggles.  I know how much you love surprises.

My special deals ...

In this week’s session, REALM OF Unconsciousness, I take you into a world of relaxation and pure bliss.  Travel to Infinity....Fall into another realm with Me.  I am using a technique that is quite different from My usual inductions to take control of your subconscious mind.  Isn't that sweet?  Here I am telling you what I am going to do and show you the power of hypnosis, MY HYPNOSIS.  I’m letting your conscious mind know because you’ve lost all resistance to Me.  you need to surrender, to belong to Me.  you want to please Me, to serve and Love Me.

you are so aroused right now and excited to see where this new session will take you.  I want your conscious mind to have an explanation of what will happen to your subconscious mind.  I want you to be ready to concentrate on what you are feeling being under My control when you stroke for Domina.  To feel the intensified pleasure when I give you instructions and My permission to C*m for Me or to stay in Chastity.

So here is this technique, referred to as the ABS formula, which stands for Absorb attention, Bypass critical factors and Stimulate with suggestion.  I get your attention focused on a THING...then I will bypass your critical thinking by getting you to relax and let your guard down.  Then I'll suggest what I want you to do and you will easily do it, because you always follow My voice.

I'm spending more of My time programming your mind.  I'll be using more NLP anchors.  Neuro-linguistic programming.  Let Me explain.  When you hear a certain song, you may be taken back to a certain time in your life and feel those emotions.  Whatever the feelings, each time you feel them again.  This is where I come in.  I will create anchors and connect them with good feelings in order to make you happy and to make Me happy too.

I had a difficult, but pleasurable experience making it through the recording of this session.  Emotionally and physically it took a lot out of Me and a while to recover.  This was something very sexy for Me and you reap the rewards.  Now you may go and stroke 5 minutes and do not release...An anchor to your desires and all that swelling, keeps Me in your mind.  Giggles!


I am so pleased by your responses to the SFS QUIZ.  your sincere expressions of love and devotion are so gratifying to Me.  How important I am to you.  O/our relationship has never been stronger.  you realize how lucky you are to have Me.  you want to be My good boy.  you love My personality and beauty and love to please Me.  you are aroused by your submission and obedience to My domination and control, stroking for ME or remaining hard and horny in Chastity.  you love My brainwashing and storytelling and My voice telling you what to do.  you wish you could serve Me IN PERSON.  But by embracing your opportunities to take care of Me, the way you do, is the next best thing to that.  And I appreciate it.  Also that your being available to Me through My Volunteer Assignment.

you want more assignments and personal contact.  I will be working on more assignments to include as part of these blogs.  But first, for My contracted slave, look for a Mantra assignment sometime next week.

I have posted two new Videos on My YouTube Channel.  Take a look if you haven’t already.  And thanks to those who have left comments.  Kisses.

NEXT WEEK----Let’s just say----confused...

Check My special deals ....

Behavior Modification --
A compulsion...highly addictive MIND FU*K. you NEED and DESIRE to listen...

Lucid Dreams--Set --
Have the Girlfriend Experience...Lucid Dreams...Set of 3 files.

Programmed --
A perfectly PROGRAMMED slave is what I want.

OMG finally I’m feeling better and now I have something very special for you.  This week is your second COMPULSIVE OBSESSION......Voice in your Head.  It’s the third in a progressive series of mind blowing sessions I promised for the New Year.  I lead you deep down, beyond OBSESSION--Breasts and take complete control.  you have let Me into your Subconscious mind, now so brainwashed and obsessed by My voice.  you Love Me telling you what to do.  you need Me inside to guide you through the pleasures of My erotic and blissful world of Control and Domination.

I have always believed that there has to be something for BOTH of U/us in My work.  As your Domina, it does turn Me on being inside your mind, controlling and holding this dominance and power over you.  For you, My puppy, the more powerful I become, the deeper your tingling sensations of submission and servitude.  Each aching fantasy brings you back to Domina for the pleasures of pleasing Me which becomes your primary focus.

you please Me by ALWAYS seeking My C*ck Control.  When you obey and submit to My expectations and I see your tributes and offerings, I feel the tingling pleasure of My power over My submissive slave who I own.  Pleasing Me becomes your primary desire because it’s My desire.  And I desire you to be aroused.  When the PLEASURE of pleasing your Domina with tributes is Greater than the pleasure of the orgasms I allow OR Greater than the arousal of being kept locked in Chastity, THEN you really become My perfect slave.  During a recent Kennel Show, the announcer kept saying about the purebred canines, "he’s loyal and eager to please".  What more could a Domina ask from Her puppy? ~giggles~


I am pleased with how the Masturbation Center is beginning to be used.  I know ongoing "training" will make it happen without thought, question or hesitation.  As easy and natural as being aroused with your commitment and devotion to pleasing Me in this way.

I am so excited about your answers on the SFS QUIZ...Wow, you want MORE CONTROL.  you need ME more.  I just love My seat inside your mind.  I have started to review your responses and will pass along some results soon.


I need banners, hot sexy banners...Email Me for sizes, if you can do this.  Let your talent be useful to Me....If I am pleased you may be rewarded.


I bring you a slightly different approach to Brainwashing and Trigger words.  W/we merge into one.  O/our souls collide and blend and you exist through Me.  A highly orgasmic experience.

special deals this week ...

New Releases

connect with me

Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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