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My love puppy, through my powerful brainwashing you are beginning to comprehend the extent of My influence on you and your everyday life.

Isn’t it stimulating how CLOSE W/we have been lately?  I know you are thinking about Me all the time, aren’t you?  I am always thinking about you, My puppy.  Thinking of how I can play with your mind...And this week with My slave's Life, I am going to focus everything on you.  Just imagine a full day with Me, from the moment you wake up in the morning to the end of day when going to sleep, you are always MY slave....

Have you noticed, you’re fitting Me into more and more of your everyday life.  you have absorbed Me not only into your brain and thoughts, but feel My presence there with you throughout the day.  I am such a pleasant thought to keep in your head all day, you agree, don’t you.  you want Me more and more.  you need your Domina and you have Me any time you need Me.  See how well it works for you, My baby.  you talk to Me when you Mantra.  you fantasize about Me.  you look for My calendar instructions so you can please Me with your devotion to obedience.  It’s true, I am irresistible and adorable ~giggles~ and you are grateful to have Me in your life.  How lucky you are to belong to Me.

Being My slave makes you happy.  Listening to My voice relaxes all tensions.  Being hard and aroused brings you pleasure and gets you through the rough spots of the day...

you want to obey and please your PRINCESS and be your submissive self, serving and taking care of Me.  It lifts your day and brings pleasure and are able to come to Me whenever you need Me.  And O/our devotion to each other gets stronger every day.  It works out so well, My baby.

Crawl up next to Me and listen....Then send Me your thoughts on what a day with your Domina would be like, using your most vivid fantasies and desires.


Lady Helena is feeling better and back to her wicked ways.  She should have a new exciting file session available soon.
My contracted, you may remember this from your slave Handbook.
Support Lady Helena every way you can.  She works for Me and I benefit from your support of My slave Girl.  She acts with My authority.

Next week's file brings you back into a deep brainwashing session...INSANE how perfect this session is going to be...NOT a man alive could resist.  Would you find it arousing if I said you will be begging Me for even more of My control?

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My sweet, I had other plans for this week...but, in the aftermath of so much happening in the world, I want to take away your stress and lead you to a safe soft place.  May all of O/our friends and LOVED ones that are suffering, be safe and know that W/we are close to them in heart and mind.

So this week, I want you to come closer to Me....Lay down next to Me on My white leather couch and let My wet, wicked words slip and slide into your brain.  you love it when W/we are so know how I f*ck with your mind while you are relaxed and sleepy on My white leather couch.  I’m so close that I can whisper My sexy HYPNOTIC words into you suggestible mind.  I know you like thinking about Me all the time, now, don’t you!  Giggles!

ERUPTION...I have something so sexy, soooo much brainwashing just for you, a HOT SEXY reward for you, something to take you away into My world.  Can you imagine being in a constant state of arousal for days...and then... a VOLCANO ERUPTING, and explosion of LUST LOVE and OBEDIENCE.... your engorged c*ck finally being released, the way I want.

Oooooooh, I’m slipping My wet words into your ear and penetrating your brain, you can already feel that I am about to take you away.  Come away with your Domina.

Life with Me is your refuge, your safe place, protected from the stress of each day... being bound to Me physically and mentally lets you be your true self.  This is My gift to you, My puppy.

This session is your COMPULSION.

When you send your Stroke Tribute, I know you are acknowledging the pleasure of being My slave, of paying tribute to your Domina and My power over you.  Feeling so aroused for Me makes you happy.  And that makes Me happy.


I am so pleased that some took advantage of Lady Helena, or should I say, She took advantage of you.  Keep that UP.  She should have a session ready for next week.  Also, next week I am going to focus completely on you, My slave, with a special session about you and Me.  Wait and see what I have in store.

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Always ready for more...Isn’t this great fun playing with your Domina?  With this week’s session Brain Fried, once again, you’ll find a much FIRMER and more strict Domina.  I will use a distraction, one that will take you to lala land.  Don’t worry about what’s happening to you.  Trust your Domina, She knows what is best.  I place you exactly where you belong, under Me. Giggles!!!

As you listen to Brain Fried you are to follow My instructions, exactly.  you want to please your Domina.  I raise My expectations.... your intense arousal increases your desperate needs.  So real, you feel My hand on your arousal.  Trapped.  you have no choice but to submit.

If I am pleased with you, I may allow you the lucky chance to beg for some relief, later next week..... Afterwards, I may give you Lady Helena, as a present.  Can you imagine her in charge of your ULTIMATE release.  you will have to know how to ask.  The more desperate, the better.  Helena likes that in a slave.  I want you to have an unforgettable experience and exposure.  So stay tuned for these further instructions.


This was a very full long week for Me with My sisters visiting from Tennessee.  It was so good to have a mini family reunion.  I also got an update on developments with The Farm.  I’m thinking of how My worker slave can help Me....maybe with an assignment.
What do you think, My pet?

I’ve been thinking about you a lot, My pet.  I know you think about Me all the time...I like that.  W/we have been so physically close, lately.  I know you feel it too with some of the follow-up conversations W/we have had recently.  I love feeding this sweet addiction for your Sweet Princess......With next week’s new file session, maybe I’ll be spending the whole day with you.....mmmm... What can W/we do?  Stay tuned.  Now, can you bark for Me, My puppy? ~giggles~
In coming months I will be depending more on the talented Lady Helena, as I further develop My dungeon.  I’ll let a hint of a secret out...just something about a boot camp.

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Can you feel it, puppy?  Over the last few weeks how My power and control has gotten even stronger?  My voice and words have made you weak and so suggestible to My instructions and commands.  you surrender and give Me total submission and obedience.  And now vivid images of My body touching yours have intensified your desires and fantasies of enslavement.  This is what you want, what I want, My pet, feeling desperate to serve Me.

I have a surprise for you this available Brain Chip Upgrade 2--Mystery.  I am giving you the option of listening and obeying with your choice of Brain Chip Upgrades.  There will be two sessions, you will download both, choose one and delete one.  I am going to have so much fun with you, NO MATTER WHAT OPTION YOU CHOOSE, I still have all control.  This is something that will arouse and excite you in a different and very NAUGHTY way, because EVERYTHING I do arouses and excites you. ~giggles~...I am pushing My sexy wicked implants permanently and deeply into your brain chip.  I can’t wait for you to listen.  Oh, did I say this is a COMPULSION.  I will promise that with this IMPLANT you will feel TRUE submission...don’t worry, you will be too deep to even care.

Just another step in your training, keeping Mistress at the center of your life.  Doing what I tell you to do brings such intense arousal which comes with your desperate need to obey.  Right now, just the anticipation is stimulating you, My puppy.  Hypnotizing you and seeing your eagerness to please Me, turns Me on, makes Me feel powerful and demanding...and you reap the rewards. ~~~GIGGLES~~~


For My contracted, your bedtime story, Unethical Therapist, is posted on SFS, in case you didn’t look HARD enough. ~giggles~  Oh and a few pics in the photo gallery.
Don't forget your MONTHLY LOVE and DEVOTION--- Watch your email for password change on SFS.

Next week, I’ll put you in a special place...Like a steel cage. Laughing!

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Listen to the TEASER ...

You know how much I care about you, My puppy.  And this week with P*ssy Obsession and addiction, I’m giving Myself to you.  All of Me, as I allow you to get physically closer and more intimate...My legs OPEN to your wet mouth.

Think about what motivates your devotion and service?  My words trigger your imagination, but what emotions for Me intensify your arousal and pleasure?  If I am to be intimate with you, it will be because you are offering your Domina ALL your love and devotion.  I will mesmerize you and penetrate every part of your being.  The incredibly hard arousal, the pleasure of obedience, the craving to please and pleasure Me are just a happy by-product.  I truly am your Heavenly Body.... P*SSY OBSESSION is a perfect part of this series which began with DANGEROUS PLEASURES, then last week’s BLIND DOMINANCE.

But it is not the end of O/our affair.  After work this weekend, I am making Myself available if you are seeking an additional follow-up encounter with your Mistress after you listened to this week’s session.  Let’s schedule your LIVE Appointment.  Come with your collar on.  Clothes, not required.  Fantasies are welcome.  I’ll leave the key under the welcome mat.  Walk straight to the bedroom.  Let’s talk live...kneel at My feet and I’ll allow you to...well, call Me and see.

Unethical Therapist---available this weekend for CONTRACTED...along with your NEW TRAINING session.

Next Week

Next week I know exactly what you need and want because I know what’s best for My puppy.  A time to recharge and stay focused on pleasing Me.  Obedience is such wonderful pleasure when it is your ONLY desire!

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Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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