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Happy New Year from your Domina Shelle



I  am bringing the DARING ICE QUEEN to help you celebrate this Grand Re-Opening of O/our website and to bring in another Happy arousing NEW YEAR together.  Have you been exploring the NEW SITE and finding it as exciting as I have?  Let Me know what you think about the new look and I am here if you have any questions.  Support your Domina and find social outlets to spread the word with links to the Site.  So many exciting options for you.  Have you tried the “SEARCH” function?  It’s awesome... For instance, if you missed My "GIFT OF LOVE" for Christmas, just put it in Search and click. Giggles…

I APPRECIATE all that you did for Me for Christmas.  I feel like a Queen...My sweet, if you have NOT gotten a THANK YOU from Me, please email Me.  I LOVE Amazon, but they don’t always give Me a name.  Did you enjoy the presents I sent you.  I love spoiling you, too.  What an AMAZING 2018!!!!!!  I’m ready to kick off 2019.  What are you doing to celebrate?  I work, imagine that. Haha

OH and I almost forgot, the NEW subscription side of the site will be available sometime soon.  I will keep you posted and tell you all about it.

Queen of Domination


What a deep, intense and HARD start to 2019 with this week’s QUEEN of Domination.  Such a wonderful existence I have created for you with a transformation of your mind.  I liberate and allow you to lose all power and control to Me, your captivating and mesmerizing Ice Queen.  Nothing feels better than becoming completely subservient and enslaved to your wicked devious Queen.  I mercilessly use your desires, fetishes and urges against you.  They don’t call Me the UNETHICAL QUEEN of HYPNOTISM for no reason.  My sweet, you will never be free of these because your Domina, the wicked Ice Queen lives in your mind.  Serve with My presence in your mind by stroking for Me, always aroused, desperate to hear Me say.....Keep stroking, slave.  I give you permission to cum for your WICKED Queen, now!  How is that for a Happy New Year?  Has a woman ever had you by the BALLS...giggles.  Be warned this session is POWERFUL and can be a bit HARD CORE...NOT for the faint of heart.


In O/our NEW YEAR’S EVE tradition.  Listen to your Brainwash Mantra Loop... Remember your Domina with your last thought of 2018 and at midnight lift a toast to your Princess with your first thought of 2019:  you are a slave to Princess/Domina Shelle.  I am your addiction and ​sole desire.  Email Me or TEXT Me, if you can...just keep in mind, I’ll be working New Year's Eve, so be patient for My HAPPY NEW YEAR'S GREETING to you.  So let Me say it NOW...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!  Let’s make 2019 another AMAZING year together!  I want you ALL to enjoy a very Happy New Year with My permission to release on the 1st to the ICE QUEEN.

CONTRACTED, follow your SFS calendar for My New Year’s Day instructions.  you are very welcome. ~giggles~


Next week, I’m deciding between a 2 for 1 sale to start off the New Year.  Or I will be doing additional research and experimenting on your mind as My Lab Rat 2...or another EDITION of the ORIGINAL ICE QUEEN...what to do.  I know that the new sessions will blow your mind, don’t be afraid.  you can TRUST Me!

It’s great to start the new year under My behavior control.  I am just too good to you, My pet!

Check out My special deals ...

Merry Christmas from Shelle



And Abracadabra just like that W/we are open for business.  I’m so excited about how it looks and is finally available for you.  Take your time and explore.  W/we now have a search function, so find what you need.  All just in time for Christmas spending.  Yippee!  More next week after I see how the Website is working for you.


Happy Holiday season and a very Merry Christmas.  It’s back to Re-Form School this week.  O/our previous sessions have been exploring your status as a submissive, as My slave, and how that has strengthened O/our Dom-slave relationship..... Showing you the very positive, arousing effect this has on you and on O/our relationship.  With this week’s Re-Form School - Class #6 slave’s Responsibilities, your Professor Shelle is teaching you, My student, what is expected of you as Mine.

Professor Shelle's Re-Form School - Class #6

The focus is on U/us and O/our responsibilities.  In this session I explain how W/we make commitments to each other and, as always, how you can do the very best you can to achieve your role as My slave.  This shows Me how true and real is your submission and obedience, your affection, love and devotion.  This may well be your most important homework assignment.

I have SURPRISES coming for you...Yes, a Santa Shelle SURPRISE.  Watch for details...and your email box.


Think of how important I am to you.  you need Me.  Where would you be without Me?  Now is the perfect time to drop your gift at Santa Shelle’s sexy little feet...HoHoho... With Christmas it’s the best time to take good care of your Domina, please Me and make Me happy with your giving.  And My gift to you will soon be under your tree.  Doesn’t that make O/ours a most perfect world?

On Christmas Day have the best time with your family, loved ones.  Put Me at the center of your Christmas, where you want your Princess to be.  At exactly 11 am EST (My time) Christmas day, wherever you may be, I want you to raise a glass to Me.  Then I will be thinking of you on Christmas and how long W/we have been together.
Let’s make this a new Christmas tradition.  So if you are in California that’s 8am Christmas.  If in Germany that’s 5pm.  If you are on the other side of the world, like New Zealand, then make it at 11am your time on Christmas day.


I am bringing back a very special Mistress to help celebrate the Grand Reopening of O/our new website.  The demanding ICE QUEEN will return to give you a very, very, very HARD New Year.  I really hope you are ready for all the things I have planned for you, My pet.  A very EXCITING 2019.

My special deals ...


This week, let’s play a game of will with hypnosis. I’ll be trying really hard with My Sweet Manipulation to do what I do really well and you just see....well, let’s see what happens. I know I’ll be too irresistible. After all, whenever you hear My sexy voice and listen to My arousing words, whether you try to resist or not, you end up in the same place. Helpless, blank, turning over all control to your Domina. And whether you remember all the details or not, you are left refreshed, happy, rested and very aroused.

Seduction feels so good. It doesn’t matter what I say or if you remember. Just trust Me to know what’s best for you, Don’t you, My puppy? you are free at last, in My good hands needing My living there inside your mind. It doesn’t matter that you are doing things and not remembering why. Did you hear a snap of My fingers? Are you fantasizing about Me all the time, now? No need to ask yourself, Why am I stroking, now? you will remember I am your pleasure and pleasing Me is your greatest pleasure. Want to play with Me?

My sweet, if you enjoy a little mind CONFUSION, well you will love the Confusional Induction...Just be careful, you may find yourself falling a lot deeper than you planned…

Note: Confusion inductions are not recommended for those already deeply confused or troubled, such as suicidal, grieving, or paranoid individuals.


HoHoHo---time to get those letters out to Santa Shelle- What are you doing for Xmas? Do you have a little wish that Santa Shelle might help you with.

Christmas came early to North Carolina, at least it looks like a Christmas WONDERLAND. I have been snowed in for days. I am taking the week to write more sexy sessions for you.... And staying more connected. Preparing exciting things for the New Year. It’s been a very hard year for your Domina....working “twice” on the new Website, flooding and storm damages to the house with lots of inconvenient repair work, being sick for too many days......just working too hard.

I am expecting an AMAZING Christmas to make this another amazing year. And it’s all up to you, My pet, to make sure it happens for Me. I know you will make it happen because you never disappoint Me. Ask Me if you need suggestions.

In this spirit of giving, I have some Christmas gifts for you, next week. Let’s make this the most AMAZING Christmas W/we have shared together.


you have been notified about My permission and instructions for RELEASE on the 15th. If you have not been notified and you need to beg for your release, you may contact Me or it's so easy to receive My permission with a Stroke Tribute, My gift to you.

I am posting on SFS a new slave story which I found to be an excellent reaction and expression of SUBMISSION to Me from O/our last class assignment. There are many more to come. Plus, a Vacation story. Remember the stories are given to Me as gifts and written by actual slaves. There are TONS of stories in the pipeline.


Yes, Class was just postponed one week, but so timely, now. So, be ready with a front row seat for REFORM SCHOOL - CLASS #6 slave’s Responsibilities.

My special deals ...

The Eraser

After last week’s Re-form School class, cum with Me to a sensual and seductive special place I have created just for you.  Helpless to resist its seductive power, you feel so weak and obedient to the erotic HYPNOTIC pull.  you see, My pet, this week’s Mind Eraser feeds on your submission and SUCKS your do like being sucked DRY, don’t you. ~~~Giggles~~~  My slippery sweet words will penetrate your subconscious mind.  Prepare yourself for a full body and mind experience.  Swirling and heaving.  Sucking and teasing.  Flowing and controlling.  Caressing and arousing.  Permeating all of your senses.  No resistance is desired or even possible...

Follow this long pleasurable journey I transport you through to its seductive climax.  This is the intense pleasure of addiction.  Taking you just where I want you...Thinking of Me all the time......I am your addiction and your relief.  Consider this My gift to you.  It’s just the beginning of the Christmas holiday gift giving season.  This is going to be a very good month, a PERFECT end to one more exciting year together.  I’ll have you trained and ready for an even better year...2019.

Note:  If you have been with Me for some time and listened to My amazing sessions from days gone by, you will find that this session will bring back memories of a past mind suck.  It's amazing where a few years will take you....a perfect JOURNEY!  Perfect for anyone!!!


I will be in touch with all My Volunteer Assignment participants with a message and gift, with a little reminder about the 15th.  Look for My email.  My NONE Volunteers if you seek release for the 15th, you may beg your Domina in an email.

A change in My schedule...Due to ongoing work on the Farm House to get it fully ready and accessible and still working with storm damage here in NC, We have postponed Our trip until January.  This is when I’ll have the new FARM Assignment for you.  I’ll keep you posted.

I expect the Grand Opening of O/our new Website in time for the new year.  This will be your last opportunity to assist your Domina with the final payment through Challenge To PLEASE.  I REALLY appreciate how you’ve come to My aid throughout the year and taken some big financial burdens from Me.  Thank you.  you make this all possible for both of U/us.


Back in school next week with a Holiday addition of Re-Form School Class # 6- Responsibilities as a slave.. Just making you more perfect for Me for the Christmas season.

Check My special deals ...

Professor Shelle's Re-Form School - Class #5

When you hear My voice slipping the words- accept, yield, consent, comply, capitulate, surrender do you ever wonder why it makes you feel so excited, My student? Take your seat in the front row. Wear your collar and little else for this month’s: Re-Form School-Class #5. W/we are going to explore SUBMISSION, the nature of your unique submission.... your submissive needs and desires. I have given you the luxurious pleasure of always being able to give ME your submission, that condition and state of mind which is the driving force in your life, now that I have chosen you as Mine.

My sweet, your submission to Me triggers in O/our Dom-slave relationship. your service and obedience, the arousal of pleasing Me, your love and affection....And I accept and encourage your submission. Let Me tell you how everything fits together so perfectly, just as I have planned it for you, My baby....Domina always knows best.

So, relax and pay attention to My Re-form school lesson, helping guide you to be the best slave you can be for Domina. There will be an assignment to confirm what you have learned about your submissive feelings and needs....your special way of expressing them to Me...This will help your Professor with future training lessons.


This week’s release session choices for the 1st of the Month are The Puppeteer and P*ssy Obsession.  Choose just one. I will be making a change with My general release permission policy for the 1st and the 15th. The 1st will remain the same for My contracted, and the 15th the same for all Volunteer Assignment helpers. I will be communicating directly with you. Anyone else who needs or is seeking permission to release then or at any time, just get in touch with Me....and I will allow you to “beg” for your release with a Stroke Tribute. Don’t you find it more exciting that way?

Contracted look for a new SFS slave story. Plus your NEW training is coming soon.


I am expecting to have the New Website up for the New Year for the start of a great 2019 W/we will have together. How time flies when you’re having fun.


So many things to do with your mind. Maybe I Erase it and start all over, molding it just the way I want it.

My special deals ...

New Releases

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Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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