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COUNTDOWN is on!!!

Wow, My horny puppy, you are almost there.  W/we are about to wind up LOCKDOWN in this perfect state of Chastity...Obedient, submissive and devoted to serving Me in all ways… and always hard HORNY and on the edge.  What could be better?  Chastity Restraint: Dominance - Final comes with WEEK 4 Assignments.  These last chastity sessions play a big part in your training as behavior modification.  The Chastity series is linking together PLEASURE, PLEASING and soon RELEASING.  I am teaching you whether in Chastity or stroking and cu*ming for Me, your need for submission and obedience brings you to Me in servitude where your primary need is to Please your Domina, as My slave.  The pleasure you feel is in complete servitude.  That is your motivation.  My sweet Domination and tightening Control over you is arousing.  Being My slave gives you security and a strong connection to your TRUE DESIRES, allowing you to live as your true self when with Me.

As My slave, you surrender control... need My permission to release and give up something of value, your Tribute, to acknowledge submission to My Dominance, because that’s what I want you to do and you do what you are told...Now, Pleasure=PLEASING ME=C*m.

Thanks for all your concerns and good wishes.  Yes, I am finally feeling better and am now back to your HARD C*ck. ~giggles~  Lady Helena is also feeling better.  Watch for extra lil playtime teases...follow tweets and facebook… Watch your emails.  I still can’t record any extras but the COUNTDOWN will be perfect.


LOCKDOWN has been very successful even with Me sick.  My brainwashing and conditioning have programmed you perfectly for Me.  Now Valentine’s Day....a most important day for Me.  Besides with your possible upcoming release from Chastity, it is the time to give Me your tender loving care on My way to full recovery.  I am giving you that opportunity with My Challenge To PLEASE, organized just for VALENTINE’S DAY.  Make Me your Valentine.


I had to reschedule My Photo Shoot, I want to look My sexy best for you.  If you want to help with My expenses, as I said I would allow you to do so...and maybe I’ll send you a few private pics as a reward.

After the shoot, there will be NEW pictures in GALLERY on SFS, that will not be available anywhere else.


I will have an updated blog on Valentine’s Day, Wednesday, February 14th.  I will be “releasing” some presents for you.....and receive more presents from you. ~giggles~

As you reach this deeper level of enslavement and control, your next step will be Shelle’s Management Institute.  I am working on a Curriculum that will secure your future with Me by investing in your Domina.  Nothing happens without a purpose, My puppy.

Check these NOT-Chastity special deals:

Blanked --
A COMPULSION. Another step DEEPER into your MIND and into My control.

Behavior Modification --
A compulsion...highly addictive MIND FU*K. you NEED and DESIRE to listen...

Programmed --
A perfectly PROGRAMMED slave is what I want.


My puppy, welcome to week 3 in Chastity. your chastity stroking privileges have been greatly expanded with enticing temptations. Chastity Restraint NEXT STEP teaches you the prolonged pleasures of staying chaste for Me. you will experience DOUBLE the PLEASURE. you feel all the pleasure of Obedience, the arousal of sacrificing for Domina to please Me with your offerings of orgasm denial. Then, there will be A special gift for you… Restraint Next Step includes Week 3 Chastity Assignments.

In mid-week I’m making available another Tempting assignment. Look for My Twitter notice. Everyone in LOCKDOWN should have gotten My seductive Take Me to Bed assignment. I will make it available to everyone not on LOCKDOWN on Valentine’s Day. If you missed My Managed Orgasm-Kneel and Serve assignment look in New Releases.


W/we are more than halfway there since LOCKDOWN began. Chastity deepens your enslavement and servitude to Me, doesn’t it, My baby? ~giggles~ I have gifts and a possible eruption for you on Valentine’s Day. Think how you will make Me happy as your Valentine. A special day to pamper your Princess. Send Me a Valentine Card to My Pisgah Church Rd. address. I want to keep your card, so include a Memento and your sentiments that will keep you in My mind and in My bedroom. W/we are going to have a fabulous year together.


I’m FIGHTING the flu...I don’t remember EVER being this sick...So you better really appreciate your Domina, I just want to be in bed. Originally, I visited Lady Helena who wasn’t feeling well to take care of Her and after two weeks for patients with the flu, well I was bound to get it eventually...but I know you need Me to keep you Hard and Horny for Me until Valentine’s Day…A nice massage or soup for Valentines Day.
As for Lady H, she was able to get up for a couple of hours today...and she is in bed again. She brought Me soup and sprite, even though I know she did not feel like it.
I hope the next couple of days will be the end of this. If you have NOT had a flu shot, get one...It might help. I don’t want you too sick to OBEY!

Contracted slave keep up with your SFS Calendar this week. If you don’t have access to My slaveforshelle site, you may contact Me. Oh and if you missed the contracted email with a gift, let Me know.

NEXT WEEK will leave just 5 more days in LOCKDOWN with Chastity Restraint 4. I’m so pleased you are making it through the month...I must say, I’ve given you lots of incentive. ~giggles~

My special deals ...


May the GAMES begin as LOCKDOWN continues.  As you will see your Chastity has fewer privileges with Chastity RESTRAINT which includes the WEEK 2 Chastity Assignments... ~giggles~ When you are in the PERFECT state of Chastity you are much harder and weaker, putting you in the Perfect state of mind.  Stay HARD one more day, one more week or who knows how long.... ~giggles~
Consider Chastity Restraint as a tutorial on the superior pleasures you experience when you remain Chaste for Me.  I’ve often said it’s a higher level of may think to be an expert, so this is a refresher course.  But I want to be sure you understand.

The full SPECTRUM of prolonged pleasure and arousal from Strict Chastity, to being directed to stroke, to wait and wait patiently...allowed to edge...and then Valentine’s Day!
Feel the pleasure of obedience in service to your Domina.  I give you the pleasure of sacrificing, saving your sexual pleasure for Me.  Arousal in Pleasing Me, your Domina.  Nothing compares to Pleasing Me...not even cumming.  you don’t need to think, you need to obey.  The pleasure of obedience is a state of mind.  It’s the pleasure of WANTING to please Me, to please Me by serving your Domina the way I want to be served.  I take you through this spectrum of mental and physical pleasures.  There will be days of ABSOLUTELY NO TOUCHING.  In addition to WEEK 2 Assignments, I will send stroking and edging assignments with MY rules in place.  And I don’t expect accidents to happen.  The price to pay is a Chastity Penalty.  The stricter the Chastity, the more you’ll work to make Me happy.

This Chastity RESTRAINT session is for EVERYONE.

NON LOCKDOWN participants:
For Non Chastity, you can choose NOT to participate in the LOCKDOWN but experience the pleasures with your mind and c*ck in Chastity.  For non-chastity participants, My RULES are:  you want to Please don’t deserve to c*m without your Domina’s permission.  you have MY permission to stroke and release when you send a Stroke Tribute.  NON chastity LOCKDOWN participants do not receive the much C*CK TEASING with My gifts to you.  I have to play WICKED, or it would not be fun.

My LOCKED DOWN puppy, look for two special very sexy Assignments this week.  I’ll remind you through Twitter with links to the Assignments.  PLUS C*CK TEASE audios will be emailed, beginning tomorrow.  Watch your email.
Contracted look for something too.


Next week is a week of temptation with two Chastity file sessions.  Teasing and provoking temptations to keep you on edge, you desperate to please Me and OBEY!  Also new WEEK 3 Assignments.

My Special Deals ...


Valentine Chastity LOCKDOWN

When you followed My instructions with Managed Orgasm-ASSIGNMENT you felt My sexual penetration into your mind and c*ck.  I was preparing you for Valentine Chastity LOCKDOWN, a longer, heightened, sustained sexually charged swelling of your c*ck, keeping you aroused and on edge from now until February 14th.  With LOCKDOWN I want you hard and horny all the time.  A hard locked up c*ck makes you very obedient.... you always do what I want.  That’s when you are a really goodboy slave for Me.  This week LOCKDOWN begins and includes the WEEK 1 session and CHASTITY ASSIGNMENT.

NOTE:  COMPLETE your 3 day orgasm assignment before Listening to LOCKDOWN---your lockdown will start after your 3 day assignment which you are allowed to do in fewer days. ~giggles~

IF YOU ARE NOT participating in (CHASTITY) LOCKDOWN you may purchase Managed Orgasm - JOI Assignment #1 in New Releases and Obey. (If you are doing LOCKDOWN, you have this session already)

Listen to My voice taking you to a place where psychologically you need to be under My control.  Where your desires are dictated by My will and desires.  Obedience to Me is your pleasure.  Making Me happy is your pleasure.  It works out so well. ~giggles~  you are sensually and sexually Dominated, pent up in a state of submission and intense arousal.  The longer in Chastity the harder you feel, eager and willing to do whatever it takes to please your Princess and give ME the pleasure I get of keeping you in Chastity.

With this LOCKDOWN- I have weekly task assignments to keep you hard and focused, PLUS every week until Valentine’s Day there will be a NEW Chastity HYPNO-BRAINWASHING-MIND CONTROLLING session and accompanying weekly Assignment.

To strengthen your commitment and ACCOUNTABILITY to Me, I am putting CHASTITY OFFERING in Special deals.  My puppy, if you disappoint Me and have an accidental release, you will redeem yourself with a Chastity Penalty, and then you will get right back into chastity for the duration.  Awww, you think that won’t happen...I can’t wait to see how long you will last. ~~~GIGGLES~~~


Watch for more instructions and updates on Twitter....For Contracted, SFS Calendar will mostly reflect each week’s Lockdown Assignment with a few additions.

Next week, if you absolutely can manage only 1 week in Chastity, you are REQUIRED to Email Me for permission to release.  Put RELEASE PLEASE in the heading and I will give you permission with MY instructions to c*m for Me.  But try just one more week......

My special deals ...



Are you ready?  Do you feel teased and denied, My baby?  Are you prepared to have your Carnal Desires fulfilled?  MANAGED ORGASM is your Perfect pre-Assignment to My Valentine Chastity LOCKDOWN.  It cums, so to speak, with your Sign Up This Week for the LOCKDOWN.

***Now, if you just want My orgasm instructions, watch for MANAGED ORGASM in New Releases....this is for those who are not doing CHASTITY LOCKDOWN.

SIGN UP and assignment INCLUDE 3 DAYS of pleasure and 3 very SEXY PICTURES of your Domina, exciting enough to give you an orgasm by themselves.
This is preparing you for Valentine’s Day, the day for Love.

This weekend starts Valentine’s Chastity LOCKDOWN.  If this brings a big smile to your face and a big bulge in your pants then SIGN UP for 26 DAYS of hard and horny Chastity and a lot of TEMPTATION from that little devilish voice that whispers in your other ear.
I also have weekly assignments.  you are expected to be ready to SIGN UP for AT LEAST My First week option.  Remember that the Sign Up gets you the first assignment---MANAGED ORGASM so NO need to buy it separately.

If you don’t think I can keep you hard and aroused for 26 days without cumming, just try Me..... your excitement continues either way.  Once you have signed up, you MUST EMAIL Me with either 26 Days or 1 week in the subject line.  This informs Me of how long you are willing to be chaste for Me.

If you are successful and complete the LOCKDOWN, you will get an extra special Valentine’s day gift that you will remember for a long time from your sweet Princess.


I will be putting together a new “Management” Category.  This week’s session is a test for Shelle’s Management Institute having it perfect before a Grand Opening.  you are getting your wish to have Me in control of more parts of your life to keep your Domina, your Princess, your LOVE close and always on your mind.

***This weekend’s Valentine CHASTITY LOCKDOWN is followed by 3 new Chastity files including weekly ASSIGNMENTS to manage your days, keeping you hard and horny for Me all leading to Valentine’s Day. (not included in your signup)

My special deals ~~~

New Releases

connect with me

Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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