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Product update

How do you like 2018 so far, My puppy?  Are you having fun playing with your Domina?  Nothing I do is by accident.  Are you thinking of Me more and more all the time now?  Obsessed, Addicted?  Excellent! ~giggles~  This week with SLEEP PARALYSIS, you are a VICTIM of your own Carnal Desires.  I’m going to draw you into a deep sleep and bring an apparition, a dream to you, so real, to feed your growing addiction to wanting and needing Me, addicted to a carnal lust.
.....It is very sexy to Me to have your yearning and craving to be closer to your Princess.  Intimacy with you is My goal.  Although I am right there.....Well, you’ll find out exactly are paralyzed in pleasure.

But I am not a cruel Domina, wicked, but not cruel.  So RELIEF and RELEASE is on its way much sooner than you think.  Between now and Valentine’s Day, I am going to keep you so busy, aroused, hard and horny.  HOT and WET!


I am bringing you a Valentine’s Chastity LOCKDOWN likely to start next weekend.  So, more details will follow.  But before next weekend, possibly in a few days, I will have a soooo HOTTTT session, Managed Orgasm with pictures and pleasure galore.  Talk about climaxes to multiple close, intimate excounters...poor balls....... And I’ll also talk more about My idea for Shelle’s Management Institute that will make everything more intense for you, My puppy.  So look for updates on Twitter.

My special deals this week ...

Happy New Year!  Oh, and what an arousing 2018 it’s going to be.  So much pleasure, AROUSAL, SUBMISSION and happiness as MY CONTROL over you grows more POWERFUL...and My skills as a HIGHLY SKILLED HYPNOTIST will bring you.

Starting already with Subliminized and now with this week’s NEW addiction therapy-- Addiction is a Bitch.  It’s a perfect setup...Nothing I do is by accident.  There are no coincidences.  It’s all part of a GRAND PLAN.  I will continue your training with a little addiction therapy.  As My submissive, your mind needs this.  you are already obsessing and craving My guidance.....craving My voice......craving Me.  I will guide you.  And you trust that I always take care of you, I know what you need now.  Addiction is a bitch, a sexy POWERFUL SNEAKY one.

This is the psychological dependence I've installed in you, an inescapable control that has trapped your fixated mind in an endless cycle of addiction and obsession.  Through My powerful application of hypnosis and mental manipulation I feed your addictive submissive desires, all to be used for self improvement, better health, more happiness with greater purpose in your life.  What would you do without Me, My pet?


Did you miss Me on New Year's? Awwwww... It was so wonderful being spoiled for Christmas with so many amazing gifts...including a very favorite painting that brought back happy childhood memories.  Such precious gifts...I love every one of them.  THANK you for making Me feel so SPOILED!!!! ~ Giggles~  your Love and appreciation lifted My spirits and got Me through a lot, including three very long shifts over the New Year weekend.  If I haven’t given you My personal thank you---please email (I have presents that I don’t know who sent them).  Let’s all be happy for 2018....Stand together and make it HEALTHY HAPPY and so HYPNOTIC!


If you are not My collared pet, start the New Year by putting a rubber band around your wrist.  Keep it on for a week thinking about Me.....What does the sense of being Mine, owned by Me feel like?.......dedicating your submission and obedience to your Domina.  If after a week you want to keep this feeling of arousal and Ownership, contact Me with “Yes, Domina” in the heading and convince Me you are ready, beg Me to collar you.  You can look into it HERE for next week.

I want to encourage you to continue your exercise/weight loss routine and use your Exercise Loop (if the loop helps, I will create new loops, give Me your feedback).  I can’t continue offering the monitoring on My websites.  I just don’t have the time needed to do it properly.  But, contact Me via email if you want My continued assistance, W/we will work that out on a personal basis.

Next week, W/we’ll continue on this journey and satisfy something that I know is very “wicked” deep inside you.  It’s a secret...a sexy STIMULATING secret.

CONTRACTED---your Jan training is almost ready.  The new password will be in your email soon.

My special deals ...



I like starting each New Year with a HUGE BANG and this week’s powerful session Subliminized gives you the mind f*cking you love, as I sink you into a profound trance...... every instruction buried deep in your subconscious and not likely to seep into your conscious mind....But you have been so conditioned to alter your thinking and behavior and crave My triggers that lead deeper into your enslavement...It won't matter to remember because you will consciously act on My programming....My sweetheart, you are going to LOVE Me for this session.

OH did I mention, within this session there are a couple of spots that will be QUIET, do not stop listening...I am PROGRAMMING your subconscious will hear what it needs to hear.

One of My goals for the New Year is to deepen O/our relationship, Me as Dominant, you as My submissive... showing you MY power, keeping Me more and more in your mind.  Wanting Me more...needing Me more.  The next two sessions are laying the foundation for an exciting New Year under My Control, never to escape......a new year bringing lots of PLEASURE and Happiness, cumming in many ways, if you’re a lucky slave~~~GIGGLES~~~

I plan to bring more of My powerful Management skills to other parts of your life....My greater Control expects your deeper submission and stricter obedience which brings that arousal between your legs.  From time to time I will be more wicked than usual to intensify these feelings and your need to please Me.  I’ll be pushing your LIMITS a little...Are you willing to explore all the possibilities, My horny one?

*Contracted slaves---you have something special in the making.

HO HO HO Christmas

It was an awesome Christmas having My whole family together makes it so special.  And thank you for all your Christmas gifts.  I’m so pleased how well you are learning to spoil your Princess so keep it up through 2018. ~giggles~  It does make Me feel appreciated and loved and who isn’t happy with that?
W/we continue to have one good year after another and 2018 will be O/our best, yet.
Lady Helena sends Her greetings and thanks for your thoughtful Christmas presents.  Wow, you spoiled her this year for SURE!  I am PLEASED!

*If you sent a gift that either I or Lady H has not emailed you about, email Me or know that with Amazon, I don’t always get a name.

Oh and I understand that H and you, have something up your sleeve...Interesting!!!  And EXCITING!!!


Listen to Brainwash Mantra Loop sometime New Year’s eve.  Remember your Domina with your last thought of 2017 and at Midnight lift a toast to your Princess with your first thought of 2018:  you are a slave to Princess/Domina Shelle.  I am your addiction and ​sole desire.  Email Me or TEXT Me, if you can...just keep in mind, I’ll be working New Year's Eve, so it could be a late HAPPY NEW YEAR'S GREETING from Me.
So let Me say it NOW...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!  Let’s make 2018 AMAZING!


you are doing well with your exercise and resolution to stay healthy and lose weight.  I know that this is the hardest time of year to stay much food.  Are there other goals for 2018 you want to share with your Domina?


Go see My new HOT Video and leave your Comment:

Next week I have a session with you to explore ADDICTION, giving you another example of My increasing power over you.  What happens when the Cure for addiction feels soooo incredible.  Find out next week.

My special deals ...


This Christmas week will be great fun and excitement. I have lots of presents for you. You get to be My guinea pig AND My puppy. First, I have another Experiment with a new Brain Chip Implant Update-Guinea Pig 2. This is the most arousing OBSESSION. By now I expect you have your Brain Chip INSTALLED to make this Upgrade more effective.

I am probing your mind and implanting more enticing triggers, My useful Guinea Pig, to test how powerful My control has become with this Upgrade. I won’t reveal how you will react to this new Obsession, but I can promise, you will have TRIGGERS all around you this Christmas. This is one Upgrade you will NOT even try to resist but will CRAVE those arousing feelings of being under My control to always be there. That’s part of My experiment.

My second Christmas present is HoHoHo-Naughty or Nice. you will love My sexy tease this year, come lay on My tummy and tell Santa Shelle your Xmas wishes... Come sit at My feet, little puppy. Sexy Santa Shelle has a treat for you. I’m feeling sexier and and very playful this Christmas.That's it BEG. Good boy. I see you like My Santa outfit. Have you been a good little boy, being nice and helpful to Santa Shelle for Christmas? Then, listen and cum fetch your treat. If you like My Christmas gift to you, then you may treat Santa Shelle to LUNCH with My sisters. And for naughty boys giving Me your lunch money is your chance for redemption. ~giggles~


After working this weekend, on Sunday, I travel to the lovely town of Helen, Georgia where My North Carolina and Tennessee family will meet to enjoy Christmas together.
I’m so looking forward to these days sharing Our company and memories, presents and good feelings. A touch of sadness remembering those We lost.... Even if you don’t celebrate it, I hope your heart and home is warm with love in the Christmas spirit. As always I wish you much HAPPINESS with your family and friends. Listen to My voice and keep Me extra close to you through the holidays.

Thank you for your gift giving and generosity. It’s not too late to please Me and make Me happy. And YOU can feel good about spoiling Me for Christmas. ~giggles~ If you are still undecided for gift ideas, consider My priority this year with:  Challenge To PLEASE.  Or if you prefer something from My WISH LIST. Reflect on this past year, how W/we have gotten closer. I appreciate your support and all the love and devotion you have given Me. you have made it a very rewarding year by committing to do your very best for your Domina and Princess.

BEFORE Xmas DAY--- another CHRISTMAS GIFT, THE CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT, This more edgy and very wicked Christmas Story is a FREE GIFT......... I want you to enjoy it and to look forward, My pet, to a spicier and more stimulating 2018, together. Your Sweet Soft Domme is feeling more Wicked, Powerful and in Control. Expect deeper submission and stricter obedience. Can you take it?


I am so please to see you working hard with My Exercise Monitoring. you are going to keep at it and succeed. The Get Fit Assignment is always available for your New Year’s resolution to exercise and lose weight. But wait until after the holidays to contact Me if you are interested In My monitoring and encouragement. Then I can make arrangements with you.

NEXT WEEK, W/we are going to Bust the NEW YEAR with a BANG!! I’m feeling very...... suggestible. ~Giggles~ I’m going to give you a session you have been BEGGING Me for. What I am going to do to you, My puppy, just wait and see.....

a SPECIAL littte GIFT ---

Check these hott special deals ...

As a reward for being My guinea pig in last week's experiment (that was so f*cking funny, you have to admit), I am transporting you to a place of SEDUCTION, stimulation and euphoria.  This is something I do extremely well...erotic hypnosis and seduction, I am the EXPERT.. and something you love to My disposal...suggestible, submissive and obedient...too weak to stop.  With this week's Seduction Trap, you will obey and just relax, put on your headphones, close your eyes, let My magic work its wonder.

you will melt at My feet.  Experience an increasing state of pleasure.....Feeling so weak and powerless as I probe, provoke, unbutton and expose My.......... I’ll find your weakness, the one thing that makes you vulnerable and I’ll use it against you. Giggles... No point in sugar coating it...this is what I do and what you allow Me to do.


Just for fun, I thought I would share you with My slave Girl, Lady Helena.  Being submissive to her is being submissive to Me, she is Mine too. Yummy.  Listen to Her new session Paranoia.  Unless you are afraid of all that you have heard of her wicked ways.  I allow you to follow Her instructions and experience this Dominant Woman...Just read the DESTRUCTIONS and watch around the corners, before moving forward. LAUGHING!

And as a result of listening to Her file, another subject comes up.  SURRENDER CD.


I am serious about wanting you healthy and fit.  I’m counting on you to live a long life because I’m going to retire on your TRIBUTES.  PLUS who will run the farm....~giggles~  A Princess can dream, too.  Really, I want you committing yourself to eating healthy foods and exercising as a part of everyday.  Try this Exercise Loop.  I’ve had sign-ups for My Monitoring and you should have gotten My first email.  I look forward to your commitment to succeeding on losing weight.  I’m even making a spreadsheet to track your progress.  So W/we are going to make this an early part of your New Year’s resolution......To please your Domina and lose weight at the same time!!!!
If you have a FITBIT contact Me to be My friend...I can really watch you this way.

I know you are preparing something special for Me, so I don’t need to remind you that Christmas is approaching and to start saving up for it now. ~giggles~

Twelve Days Of XXXmas Assignment GIFT

Have you ever heard of a hard candy Xmas...Well this Xmas will Be a HARD c**K XXXmas.  I can’t promise that you will cum down anyone’s chimney, but you will have an amazing sleigh ride.  So hop on...Join Lady H and your Domina for a sexy 12 days of XXXmas:

Christmas-2017 assignment download

Christmas-2017-sissy assignment download

This 12 days of XXXmas assignment BEGINS on MONDAY Dec 11 and ends on Dec 22.

Check My special deals ... also includes Christmas assignments files!

New Releases

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Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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