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Product update

W/we all know and have seen a wooden, limp, mindless puppet, completely controlled by it’s puppeteer. What could be more manipulating and dominating than a puppeteer over that puppet?....your Domina over Her slave. Listen to this week’s session The Puppeteer. The INDUCTION is one of My best EVER, I think....CONFUSION takes over, subconscious mind gives in. you will lose this time (your mind), My helpless puppet, limp and mindless, required to respond on the end of My silky shiny strings. I am your Hypnotist and your ENCHANTING Puppeteer. And you, My puppet, will lose all control, giving in, passive, submissive, obedient to each tug of My string. This will bring you to the most intense depths of physical and mental enslavement, a place you will come back to again and again. You will find yourself caught up in automatic RESPONSES that are ongoing...NEVER ending. As My control strengthens.

The Puppeteer mp3

This session will be like that book that you just can’t put down. I will attach to you….giggles, like never before. I’ll get under your skin and deeper...

I have very specific post hypnotic requirements that are irresistible, you will not be able to resist, of course...and when the time cums, you will feel the intensity of My control and find yourself begging, PLEADING...ohhh, so sexy, “Please Domina, i’m begging You…...” I know even before you listen to My voice and words, you understand how POWERFUL this session will be for you, My little puppet.

Note: Contracted you can look to your SFS monthly Calendar. More updates on that mistake...giggles!!!


Contracted look in SFS for this week’s Use, used, useful Assignment posted as a complement to this week’s Puppet file. you will make a list of 5 for each word: USE, USED, USEFUL, as explained in the assignment. If you are not contracted, you may use the above assignment link.


Contracted look for TWO new slave stories posted on SFS. I am working My way through the stories you’ve sent, trying to add My editor’s touch to make you perfect for Me. I am PLEASED with an abundance.


After a teasing delay, you will be happy with the results of My new experimenting techniques in Neuro-Lab Rat 2. Could that be next week...or will I make you wait...Waiting makes you need Me even more, you know. Don’t you just love being used and useful to Me?

Check My special deals!

Behavioral Conditioning - Amnesia

This week's mp3 session will continue your behavioral conditioning with a fun and sexy post hypnotic suggestion... which will control and change your physical actions beyond the trance session with your Hypnotist.  I know you are going to be eager to respond to this conditioning of your mind to obey with Behavioral Conditioning - Amnesia.  you love Me to hypnotize and affect your thoughts, arousal and feelings.  As you think of your Domina more and more,  My control will take hold of you beyond the time you listen to My voice with your headphones.  I am taking you to the next level and testing how much you trust Me to simply hear My voice and obey My instructions.  It’s going to be fun finding yourself in the middle of your day dreaming of your Domina and realizing what I’ve done to you.

To experience the maximum effect from this session, first listen to Behavioral Conditioning - Permanent Trigger #1, which I have in Special Deals.


Beach Time

Thank you for sending me to the beach.  It was only a couple of days, but it was amazing.  I spent the days on the beach, toes in the sand....then the most amazing nights, after watching the sunset, of course.  Friday we had dinner at a place called Manna, a 4.5 star restaurant.  Saturday we are at Caprice Bistro (YUMMY) and Sunday we had oysters at Elijah’s on the River.  your money was well spent. ~giggles~

Thank goodness I ran every day on the beach, because We had so much food.  I feel spoiled and LIKE IT!  Oh and I did get nice pics.  If you did the beach Challenge, email Me if I have not sent you pictures of My sexy bikini body.  I can't wait to go back for a week in August for My Birthday... A GREAT Summer kickoff.  I'm a happy Domina!

Challenge To PLEASE is back to saving for My future which is important to YOUR future.  Every Tuesday I will be transferring to My Retirement fund for 2018 and to My savings, whatever contributions you send.  Keep Me a happy Domina!

Lady Helena-BOOT CAMP
Poor recruits, Lady H is really pushing your limits.  I bet you feel the control of your Domina through Lady H.  Hang in there, the best is yet to cum. Giggles!!!  Didn't know what you were getting yourself into, did you?


I promised to commission stories I wanted you to write for posting on SFS.  Thanks for the ones you already sent.  I am working on going over them.  See the New SFS Story Sign Up Description, especially the part about:  WRITE A SCRIPT FOR ME THAT YOU WANT ME TO TURN INTO A CUSTOM MP3 FOR YOU.


The Puppeteer --- This is a very sexy session...POWERFUL and one that you do not want to miss.  Being a helpless PUPPET on My strings is an experience that you will not want to wake up from.  Don't worry, LAB RAT, I have not forgotten you.  It will be ready soon.

My special deals ...


I’m so excited about My trip to the beach this weekend. And I am leaving you on the edge with a special package of 4 separate, progressive and Powerful Subliminized/SUBLIMINAL brainwashing and conditioning LOOP SESSIONS -- Brainwashing LOOP Trainings - Weeks 1-4 -- On the first day, you will listen to ALL 4 LOOP SESSIONS. These sessions are EXTREMELY powerful. So relax and breath in your Domina into every fiber of your mind and body. Absorb My words as they sink deeper into the core of who you want to be, My obedient subject. you realize and understand that all your pleasure cums through Me as the object of your Obedience and desire. When you listen to My voice, notice that your real pleasure is in serving and pleasing your Domina and how doing that strengthens the bonds between U/us.

Brainwashing LOOP Trainings - Weeks 1-4

Follow these listening instructions. After the first day, you will listen to each individual session, in sequence, for the next 4 weeks. So, you are to listen to the Week #1 session for the rest of the week, at least once a day. Then next week, for 7 days you will listen to the Week #2 session, followed by week #3 for 7 days, then week #4 week for 7 days, in addition to My other new files. At the end of 4 weeks you will be perfectly conditioned and Subliminized for all future I continue to advance into more parts of your real life, making you eager and receptive to needing Shelle’s Management as you surrender more control to your Powerful Domina.

Beach Fun

Here is your chance to do something special for your Domina. Send Me to the beach this weekend with the girls for a long deserved vacation after working so hard to keep you Hard. And you know how much I love the beach.....the sun, the sand, the water. Make Me happy. For this one week, I am dedicating My Challenge to Please for your contribution to treat Me with some playtime money to show your gratitude and appreciation. When you send your gift I want to show off My tanned body to you in My new sexy bikini and send you an exclusive picture not posted anywhere else. It will keep you hard when you listen to your LOOP SESSIONS.


I’ve decided to wait until next week to release My list of topics-themes for new SFS slave stories. This will be like an assignment you can do for Me. I’ll add that next time to My Sign-Up Description so you can choose a story subject to sign up for. Meanwhile, contracted, be sure you’ve read the current slave stories available. Would anyone be interested in writing a review for these stories? Send an email with “slave review” in the heading, so I can see if there is interest in setting up a section to do that.

From BOOT CAMP I'm hearing stories of slave misery. ~giggles~ Poor puppy.  NOTE: If you belong to Me and are on the Boot Camp hell tour, haha...and I call on you for something I need, you will email Me right away in return. I made that clear with Lady H.


I’ll keep you wondering....Giggles...Mind GAMES!

Check My special deals ...

Chemical Sedation

I have two extra special very sexy files for you this week. your sexual needs and desires are now completely connected to Me under My absolute control in Chemical Sedation. This mp3 is SEX for your mind....I mean, it’s so sexy that the rating is XXX...Not for little boys, especially bad little boys......Haha..... In this powerful session I have merged My two talents and skills, as Hypnotic Domina and Nurse, to bring you the Treatment of a lifetime. Inhale the pleasurable relaxation of a deep induction into a perfectly suggestible sleep. Be a good boy for your Nurse, as I administer your treatment forever linking your sexual pleasures and desires to Me and the sound of My sweet voice. With each response to My POWERFUL TRIGGER, each arousal and orgasm intensifies to My increasing control over you. A perfect management plan. ~giggles~

And now, finally, I have this week’s special second session for My Sissy Maid -- This is an extremely arousing and erotic session with compelling triggers to lure you into following ALL My instructions. Under My overwhelming motivation you obey and do what you are being taught to do. As I thrust you into new behaviors, you obey because this is what YOU want and need so badly. you become what your Domina wants you to be. Close your eyes. Listen and follow My plan for you, My baby, as I bring about your desired transformation. The more you work for Me, the more brainwashed and aroused you become, the more you want to obey My instructions....
This session is so incredibly HOT, that I encourage EVERYONE to listen but only if you are interested in being VERY submissive and VERY wet. ~giggles~ Curious about having Me push your limits? Trust Me, this is scalding HOT!


I wanted to give you an update on My increasing use of “Management”. It’s my way of saying I am having more of My way with you. Taking control...when you go deep and listen to My files, which are progressively brainwashing and conditioning you. Or you do My assignments, follow SFS calendar, I am helping you “Manage” more of your time with Me....managing when you get Hard for Me and what I expect from you. How you obey and please Me. I am advancing deeper into your real life, giving you a deeper sense of submission and servitude.

Another part of “Management” includes helping manage your money. ~giggles~ What I mean is how I receive what you send. These NEW GIFT payment options are an important part of Shelle’s Management because your contribution comes directly to Me. When it’s possible, use Cash Me, Circle Pay, or PAYPAL when making a GIFT payment. Then, I get more of what you send Me. you want that don’t you, My pet?

your GIFT is delivered directly into MY hands....So intimate, don’t you think? After you click the Circle pay, Cash Me, or send Paypal, close your eyes and see My red fingertips fondling your gift as I allow you to fondle My tool in the pleasure of REALLY pleasing Me... If you are hesitant using these options, send just $5 (for My lunch) so W/we can test it and I’ll let you know it worked.  If you can use PAYPAL, but haven’t yet with Me, contact Me FIRST and I can discuss how to use it. I want you to feel comfortable about this. If you have questions, let Me know.


Lady H has BOOT CAMP ready...Email me for PERMISSION to join and MORE information... I'll give you more details at that time. This BOOT CAMP is NOT for the weak. The sessions are powerful...and I am allowing Lady H to train you to be a better slave for ME.

Contracted, I have updated SFS to place Slave Stories in a new location. At the top of the page click on Slave Stories and you will find a new posting, Jeb’s Story, with the previous two stories. I am going to commission Story Topics or Themes, like an assignment you can do for Me. I’ll add that next time to My SIGNUP Description so you can choose a story subject to sign up for.

PS...I’m working on extra SPECIAL trainings for you to make up for April. Watch your email.


I have 4 LOOP sessions of Brainwashing and Conditioning, not to mention SUBLIMINAL training... all in one package with those special effects you LOVE. And then, I’ll make you My Lab Rat in two weeks. You will find that these loops will bring it all together and make it all a part of your EVERYDAY life. Isn’t it sexy to give a BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL woman so much control.

I'll be away at the beach next weekend with the know how much I love that. Wouldn’t it be nice to send Me with a little spending money? I’ll let you know how next week! Lucky you. ~giggles~ I have a new bikini, would you like pics...I mean really HOT wet ones.

My special deals ...

SUNSHINE, finally it's warm and your Domina is soaking up the sun with a prolonged run everyday.  NOTHING is more relaxing than breathing in the warm spring air.  I'm sooo happy.  I am a TRUE SOUTHERN girl, I like the heat!  Let Me walk outside and feel the sweat dripping down and over My hard nipples, now that is love pleasure, don't you.

I know what you will find PLEASURE in and this week I will give you ABSOLUTE PLEASURE of relinquishing more control to My HYPNOTIC Supreme Domination of your mind.

I am conditioning your mind to submit to My authority.  Through focused and repetitive conditioning I am progressively liberating your mind of the ability to resist My will so that whenever your hear My voice you surrender completely:  Totally blank, empty and open to all My suggestions and instructions.  EVERY session is DELIBERATE and needed as I lead you to a place of greater meaning...I am perfecting you.

In this session your Domina Shelle will nurture these growing fervent feelings of love, devotion and subservience to Me so that you can rationalize why I need to be your highest priority, worthy of your dedication, services and support.  you are already locked in My world, My puppy, there's no way back now, so let Me show you the blissful reality where My voice is now a permanent fixture of your MALLEABLE Mind, and where My suggestions are always your COMMANDS.

Prepare yourself to surrender your thoughts completely to the void of My deep hypnotic trance and immerse yourself in the pleasure of relinquishing more control to My supreme domination of your mind.


NEW SISSY session!!!!



Coming:  Don't worry I'll use you as My LAB RAT soon enough.

Plus, REMEMBER "BOOT CAMP"...well it's coming all too soon...get your ass in gear!

Check out My special deals ...

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Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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