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Brainwashed - Eternally Aroused

My lil sex toy, since last week W/we had so much fun and excitement, shall W/we pick up where W/we left off? you remember where your hand was, right? Each week you return to Me eager to surrender yourself to My control and My sweet sexy irresistible domination. After last week’s edging and cumming, it’s time for MORE MIND Altering Brainwashing. Are you ready? I’m going to Brainwash you to be forever HORNY and AROUSED...can it happen? Will it happen? My sweet, My WILL always happens, I get what I want, one way or another.

Did you know that you are BRAINWASHED to listen and OBEY My words? you will DOWNLOAD the session like a must be brainwashed and conditioned with this week’s session, Brainwashed - Eternally Aroused, I do know that you LOVE being brainwashed, because I have brainwashed you to need to be brainwashed. It all seems NORMAL and natural now. After all, this is the natural world order between the Dominant Mistress and Her submissive... I am at the center of all your fantasies and desires, the source of all your sexual pleasure. I live inside your BRAINWASHED mind.

The more demanding I am, the more aroused you become. The more AROUSED you are, the more you need to submit to My control and programming. I am always teaching you SELF CONTROL. When your head is empty and you are mindless, you reach the perfect submissive, obedient state where you are Nothing without your Domina's thoughts. I give you, your TRUE Identity. I give you guidance and permission. Being useful to Me makes you HAPPY. I love making you happy.

Don’t as you are told. Download the session.

UPDATES: It’s so nice to be back at home. I am looking so forward to Sunday, I plan to sleep a LOT. I’m looking forward to focusing on U/us now.

My sweet, on My drives and restless nights I have written several new script ideas...Wow, naughty and HARD core ones. Oh and I had some help from you, I love your WICKED sexy. Ideas such as HORNY JAIL...a mind PUSSY, Backed up (pegs)...used by the jailer. Yeah, W/we are about to have a lot of sexy play-time.

Challenge to Please...It’s time to TRY to save. This is hard to do some days...I know that W/we are both working toward goals. One fine day, a dungeon. I have a DREAM! Thank you for your tributes and gifts to My challenge to PLEASE!

NEXT WEEK- Maybe Jail play...I don’t know, I’ll surprise you.

Take a close look to see if you missed any of this week’s special deals:

Brainwashed - No Will --
A powerful hypnotic BRAINWASHING loop designed to eliminate your willpower...

Proprietress of Domination --
Only through your submission to Me will you experience the immense bliss of being truly OWNED and ADORED.

She will mentally and emotionally destroy your will, then She will devour your mind and heart...

Tricked Into Trance --
Why don't you try NOT to TRANCE?

Edge Program 101--Ride the Edge

This is going to be a very sexy March, My lil sex toy. Last week My contracted slaves enjoyed the benefits of Ownership. O/our Secret is out. you Love, HONOR and OBEY Me even more and My video gifts sent you to Nirvana. Say: Thank You, Domina. Good boy! Let’s continue this week with Edge PROGRAM 101--Ride the Edge. I love conditioning your eager mind to reinforce My power over you. I often use the expression: OBEDIENCE to Domina is Pleasure. In this session, I’ll teach you a new skill, My preferred way (the right way) for you to EDGE that hard slave c*ck that belongs to Me, My slave 624. you are going to experience that greater pleasure of Obedience.

Yes, I am going to SEXUALLY manipulate you and use your arousal to reinforce your devotion and commitment to Me. I always get what I want, one way or another.

Pet 624, serving and pleasing Me gives you purpose and makes your pleasure more meaningful. Plus RIDING the EDGE is so sexy for you, My mind-F*cked toy. you want to last longer because that’s what I want you to experience. No matter how horny you are, you wait for Me to COMMAND you to orgasm, because you know pleasing Me by putting Me FIRST feels better than to pleasing yourself. I love brainwashing you! Giggles!

contracted, spend time with your March gifts to spark your imagination. Then listen to this week’s session. If you’re interested in being contracted, you can always email Me with your questions.

My sweet horn-dog (giggles), if you are grateful for My permission, I will let you decide if this is a good time to please Me by sending a STROKE TRIBUTE or OFFERING.


Trip to Tenn. update. WOW, it’s been a BUSY week. My sister’s TRANSITION has been a good one. I’ll tell you more later. Thanks again for all the LOVING SUPPORT!

If you really want to Love, Honor and Obey your Domina Shelle, then serve Me, goon and send to Challenge to Please to serve and please Me and make Me so happy with My good boy (and gurl). Another good lesson to learn. ~giggles~


Next week W/we are going to take the next step (Brainwashed to be HORNY). Yes, another lesson about SELF CONTROL is so good for Me...I mean for you, of course!

Take a good look at this week’s special deals:

Seeds of Submission --
I will cultivate a garden of blissful submission deep inside your mind.

Watched --
Powerless to resist My permissive programming and My new playful suggestions...

Prisoner Of The Magician --
Naked, confused, and now enslaved...

My slaves/followers, since this is the one week a month dedicated to My contracted slave, whose support makes all of this possible, let’s discuss something I want to make sure you understand. Of course, I want to be the Object of your fantasies and desires, your priority ALWAYS and FOREVER. I am your Domina that you LOVE, Honor and obey. What W/we do together in O/our Erotic Hypnotic World is positive and safe, fulfilling and pleasurable. W/we open up and share O/our TRUE selves with each other.

But, if you have a wife or a partner/girlfriend, I want you to make sure you are careful and cautious. W/we must always protect O/our LOVED ones. So, you must be safe at home. Some/most partners would not be happy if they were to find out the secrets that W/we share and the things W/we do together. So, let's always protect US...This means Me and you BOTH. I have a secret LIFE too. I get to LIVE MY REAL LIFE RIGHT here with you. My Dad/some family know that I do hypnosis, but nothing more, most of those who know Me, know Me as a Nurse. I do NOT share My life with most...So, W/we are in the same boat! Stay SAFE, W/we have a LONG JOURNEY ahead. So much excitement! I love it here in My world, that I have created for you and ME!

Now for the good stuff. I am planning for a HOT summer together. I will make it special for both of U/us. I’m working on another Advanced Experiment. I will be collecting info on just how effective My TRIGGERS/Brainwashing and SUGGESTIONS have become and the improvements I’ve made on My Subjects.

I’ll be testing the on/off switch I placed on your body to see if it works so I could use it anytime I wanted to by remote control. Have you seen this done in movies? And then I wonder, if whenever I speak, you fall deep, automatically, just at the sound of My voice.

How about when W/we communicate and I send a text or email to you? Does that trigger My voice to take over control of you and make you weak and helpless to obey all My suggestions and instructions? Mmmm... What I can do to you, then!

Have you seen the movie "Dark Shadows"? Maybe this and other similar movies show us just how effective a voice can be and how a deep TRANCE can be your SEXIEST state of mind, especially when your mind is all MINE.

What movies do you find yourself lost in? I mean movies that have fed your fantasies, fetishes and desires? Tell Me! I want to know so I’ll have some new ways to work My magic on you.

This works so well because you find Me irresistible. I integrated Myself so deep inside of you that you respond to Me as soon as you read My words or hear My voice. Isn’t that right? What if you had a ring-tone that placed you in trance for Me...Like a word. Sleep! Down down down!!! Giggles. Are you ENTRANCED NOW? My power over you is absolute. My words control you. W/we are forever connected and you already fall into trance for ME so easily and automatically. But, I want MORE. I want you to feel My power as soon as you read one little word from Me or listen to ONE word of My voice. SEXY! I am so good to you, My lil pet.

Contracted: Watch your email for a special lil message that I have created ONLY for you! Plus a little surprise.

UPDATE: My puppy, I am traveling to Tenn next week (Driving halfway Sunday and the rest of the drive early Monday morning). This trip is so exciting! My sister, who was initially expected to never walk or talk again is walking, getting better daily, and actually she is moving HOME (her home-near Memphis) for in-home care next week. This is so amazing!!! She is very excited! Thank you for your continued love and support. I could not have done it without you helping with these travel expenses!

It's been a crazy 13 months. It's not over, but this year will be much easier on your Domina. I won’t have to travel to Tennessee every month, maybe every other month. My sister will have an amazing aide named Brittany. Plus home monitors in every room and Brittany will be preparing all meals 5 days a week. WOW! If I didn't believe in miracles, I do NOW. So, My sweet, always know that whatever W/we go through in life, W/we can get through it. Miracles do happen. NEVER GIVE UP!

I am your proud OWNER! Always MINE! I am so thankful for YOU and the support you have shown through Challenge to PLEASE. you are Mine forever!


Next week I have some skill training (I’m going to teach you a little C*CK PLAY)! Following My instructions will be very SEXY and maybe NAUGHTY!

Talk Live - 20 minutes

Take a look at this week’s special deals ~~~ included I’m offering a 20 minute LIVE talk with Me for almost 40% off. I’m going to do more ONE on ONE trainings for you...that is if you are interested.

Brain Bath

How are W/we doing so far with O/our February D/s love affair? Is My slave, lover boy, ready to take the next step? I’m always telling you that I want ALL that you have to give to Me. “Open up. Give in to ME! Let Me have all of you!” But, as the Object of your fantasies and desires, I feel that you deserve to have ALL of Me. So, with this week’s Brain Bath, I’m taking you into an incredibly deep trance. Then, I am going to slip your body down into warm soapy bubbly water. I’m going to allow you to enjoy a special glimpse into My life.

Have you ever wondered what it's like when I'm behind closed doors? Do you think about what one of My hottest fantasies could be? Well, I want you to imagine yourself on your knees peeping through My keyhole to get a close glimpse of My sexy body. I would know you're there unzipped peering in at My keyhole. I would tease you... taunt you and push My own desires and fantasies into your weak (I make you weak) open mind. I love manipulating you this way. Playing with your desires. So hot, I'm wet...I'm horny and feeling wicked.

I'm taking My manipulation to a whole other level. I'm going to f*ck your p*ssy obsessed brain. you see, slave, your mind is My p*ssy to play with, I can penetrate it anytime that I want. I have to keep it wet and slippy. ~giggles~ I am the center of your desires...your submissive desires are fulfilled ONLY with Me.

I'll share with you like never before...but, first, I will p*ssy f*ck your mind with My new session, this is O/our FOREPLAY! PLUS, a bubble bath GIFT VIDEO. To receive your gift video, after your purchase, send Me an email with the email-subject: VIDEO GIFT.

I can’t wait to take you into an incredibly deep trance...I'll soap up your p*ssy-mind and play between your legs with My words and My POWER over you. This is going to be one of the hottest mind f*cks you will ever experience...Mind F*CKED, p*ssy F*CKED, c*ck stroked.


From now until mid-April when My taxes are due, I will use your appreciated gifts to Challenge to Please to contribute to My Retirement Fund with the added benefit of having this year’s contribution deducted from My income which lowers My taxes. So, help a HARD working Domina out. ~giggles~ Oh, for the life of a REAL Princess!! I dream of it!


Next week is once a month when I’m focused on My devoted contracted slave.

My special deals for this week:

Fait Accompli --
I want you to fully appreciate how mind fucked you really are...

Chains of Steel --
An EROTIC masterpiece that transports you into HYPNOTIC bliss...

Aural Mind Fuck --
good pets deserve to be praised and rewarded.

The Queen of your Heart

My dear love slave, are you still feeling the excitement of Valentine’s Day? I’m basking in the afterglow of all Your attention and O/our intimate moments together. Usually, I’m the one telling you to live up to My expectations to obey, serve and please Me. And you have, My sweetheart, by showing Me so much love, loyalty and devotion. But as the Object of your addiction and desire, there is a lot I also have to live up to. When you think of it, O/ours is a very unique relationship. W/we share intimacy. W/we have revealed so much about each other.

you think about Me all the time. My sweet, I am thinking of you when I write and record My sessions and when I spend time writing to you about O/our next adventure together.

So, with that in mind, this week I am The Queen of your Heart in an intimate rendezvous with you, My love slave. There are many reasons for your attachment to Me. With your submissive nature you are drawn so naturally to a powerful, beautiful Woman, like Myself, who knows how to feed your craving for submission and obedience. you find everything you do with Me is so arousing. I allow you to touch and pleasure yourself for ME. And that’s a big motivation to want to serve and please Me. And you love being hypnotized, going deep and surrendering yourself to Me. Then, with My voice and My pictures and videos, you also find Me adorable and have fallen in love with Me. My Valentine, right now is the Perfect time for LOVE is in the air.

So, what’s the expression? GFE, Girl Friend Experience. In this session let My love for you take over and just submit yourself to the central Woman in your life.

Are you ready for Me to be your life long Girlfriend as well as your Domina and Mistress/ Owner who you serve and obey? Listen to the very, very end and find out just how ready you are to commit yourself to a lifelong devotion to your one true Love, your Domina Shelle, your Queen, your Everything. REMEMBER, loving and being loved is O/our most powerful emotion that makes everything better.


If you really enjoyed this session. After you’ve recovered, Give a listen to either Gardener Of Financial Domination or Domination as you see how it fits into a very erotic part of O/our Dom-slave relationship. Here is one more chance to Love your Valentine with a Challenge to PLEASE.

Here are My special deals:

Hypnotic Hood --
Embrace the sensual bliss of being enslaved by your beloved Domina...

Hypno-Persuasion --
you will know just how invasive My control is...

Sexual Psychosis --
If you love being hard, HORNY, CONTROLLED COMPLETLY...

Echoes - The Ultimate Mind Domination --
My TRIGGERS echoed and ETCHED deeply...

New Releases

connect with me

Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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