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Orgasmic Spell

My student, I'm so glad you joined My Psychology 101 class. As the new student in the class, I thought W/we should spend some quality time together - alone in the classroom - to review what I've covered to date in past lessons. Tell Me, did you ever have a Teacher-crush? With this week’s Orgasmic Spell I will be using confusion to manipulate your mind. During the session My intoxicating scent will make your brain even foggier. Since so much is at stake, I thought it would be even more delicious for Me to explain it here. And knowing what I’m doing to you will make you fall even weaker and deeper for Me.

I’m an expert/a PROFESSOR of your mind. So, don’t worry, you can trust Me. The conscious and the unconscious, the conscious unconscious and the subconscious each play a role in the workings of your submissive mind, each having unique power and influence. Hidden in the depths of the unconscious, unknown to the conscious, lies your powerless subconscious. The subconscious is what drives the conscious and unconscious and there’s where I reside having taken complete control.

My darling, I saw you looking up My skirt during class. I know that you crave everything about Me. And I am going to use your own desires to fuck your mind. I will confuse you...your conscious mind will sleep deeper sleep while I play with your subconscious mind. you do know that I am always conditioning your mind. I will enslave every thought you have so you are only ever thinking about your Mistress Owner. I can feel your heart racing and your slave c*ck is begging for Me to take it. Stroke My slave c*ck, 624. It's time to complete My orgasm spell and take over your shadow self... by making you c*m for Me.

I am always brainwashing you. Do you remember the law of hypnosis? Repetition is the law of hypnosis. It's like taking candy from a baby. This Teacher’s special is a session that you will want to listen to over and over.


After listening to this week’s session, I have this Assignment for you. Each week I bring you sessions you’ll enjoy to tighten My hold on you, bringing you closer and deeper under My hypnotic spell. Consider this a status report. Hand write Me at least a four line Mantra expressing yourself to Me. Take a picture of it and email it to Me. And you may recite this Mantra of devotion as often as needed every day!


I also have a specialty session, Sleepy Time (Be AWARE: This is an ADULT BABY session).

And I know your orgasm will feel so much more exciting when you share the pleasure with your Domina by sending a Stroke Tribute!
Oh and if you are LUCKY you may get a receipt in your mailbox...One that you will reimburse Me for. I know this excites you!

I’m putting together a sexy photo pack for your private time alone with Me, available soon.

I’ve been so exhausted lately. Is some LUCKY slave going to buy Me DINNER so I don’t have to cook?... Brix pizza, YUMMY!

NEXT WEEK...Well, that’s not decided. Haha!!! Imagine that! How do you feel about a MEAN DOMINA session? Oh, and I have a VERY SEXY assignment coming, you will love this one.

Here are this week’s special deals:

Gypsy Queen --
She turns curious submissives into devoted slaves, dehumanizing them with an obsession for sexual submission...

EnRaptured --
Surrender to your submissive feelings, as I take you deeper into mesmerized ecstasy...

Mind Fog --
The Fog descends as I immerse you deep in submissive bliss, where My suggestions are deeply etched into your subconscious mind.

My baby, have you missed Me? As you know I’ve been with My sisters in Tennessee, so as you can imagine this was a busy week. Don’t worry, W/we are about to make up for any lost time. I’l be feeding your Obsession with Me as summer turns into fall...I want you so close to Me, right there in your private place lusting after Me, indulging in My pictures and videos, listening to those sexy training audios/ sexy, I love making you weak and helpless, so that I can use your arousal for My Wicked ways, as it should be. After all, I am the source of all Your pleasure at the center of your world. And that makes everything more intense when you submit to My control and simply obey.

That’s why pleasing Me and spoiling Me feels so good. W/we are emotionally connected. When you want to experience the pleasure of obedience and submission only with Me, it brings you a greater sense of enslavement and servitude. And now you have come to love and adore Me, a special love that you have never shared with anyone else. And so, when I make you feel so good, as in any relationship, especially O/ours, you want to share that with your Loved One at the center of your life. Pleasing and spoiling Me has become one way that you demonstrate your devotion and gratitude, so it comes naturally, even a compulsion, for you to make pleasing Me your motivating force. It becomes the primary goal and purpose in the life you lead as your truest self. Loving and caring for those that W/we love, this is TRUE happiness.

And in turn, My contracted slave, I appreciate your loyalty and devotion and take great satisfaction in your willingness to be useful to your Domina and offer yourself to My take the extra step with a gift or tribute, to take the extra time to promote My work. Always doing all you can to make My life better. Just as I look out for you and do all that I can to improve your life as MINE. I always look out for your best interest. I am always HERE for you! My sweet, I will also take the next step and gift you something SPECIAL because W/we take good care of each other. My LOYAL and DEVOTED CONTRACTED slaves, watch your email…you are going to LOVE the gift that I have created especially for you.

If you are reading this and you are NOT yet contracted...maybe it’s time to take that next step. I want to welcome you to get closer and more personal with Me. Contact Me to discuss and answer your questions about My Slave Contract and your potential secret life as My slave.


Check out My NEW ABDL session, Sleepy Time ...

I had a very enjoyable, productive and busy time in happy with My sister’s determination and progress with Her rehabilitation. Yes, I’m a bit exhausted from the travel. Thanks for your LOVE and support.


Well, maybe I’ll tease you with what’s cumming a little later.

Look at My special deals ~~~All about SLAVERY:

My pet slave --
I'm going to cage you...not chastity...I'm talking MIND and BODY!

Forever slave --
I'm going to hypnotize you to be the obedient compliant submissive slave you so desperately need to be...

My slave's Life --
Addicted and Obsessed for your Domina, Mistress, Princess and Owner.

slave Puppy Training 102 --
Part 2 of My slave Puppy Training...

slave Puppy Training 101 --
This file will leave you HARD, HORNY and completely My puppy.

Gypsy Queen

Welcome My loyal subject to this week’s adventure which I expect will be so memorable that I want you to mark it down as one of your very special Training sessions that you will go back to again and again. This week’s Gypsy Queen in many ways defines O/our relationship and a key dynamic between the Domme and Her slave. W/we will be traveling a long way as I take you deeper and deeper down into pleasurable sleep. So, relax, get comfortable and just let go and put yourself in the expert hands of My helpers and they will bring you to Me where your destiny awaits.

your Queen is a sight to behold. I am the center of your universe, the object of all your desires, the source of all your pleasure. I am the one who controls and guides your arousal. I am the only one you will ever want to Worship, Love, Honor and Obey. This session vividly demonstrates O/our Power Exchange. There’s a reason it’s called My Hypnotic EROTIC World and today’s session is a perfect example. It’s so erotic and sexy. you submit to Me, the Mistress and Seductress of your mind, and surrender everything you have to give. I want it ALL. And I give you the exquisite pleasure of your deepening enslavement, of sexually charged obedience, compelling you to become even more loyal and committed to serving Me. That is your destiny to live your life to serve and please Me. Yes, you’ll sacrifice yourself to be owned and controlled by ME and experience the explosive bliss only I can give you.

I am deepening your servitude and enslavement by taking greater control of your mind and body. you’ll come back to this session for the supreme pleasure it is to serve Me, training you to be who you need to be for ME. I am giving you the opportunity to show your gratitude and devotion to pleasing Me in several ways. I will allow you to choose by sending to My Challenge to PLEASE for My travel and hotel expenses in Tennessee where I am now visiting My sister. OR you can acknowledge your gratitude for My orgasm control with an appropriate Stroke Tribute. Even better, let's see who wants to send both!!


Thanks again for taking care of Me while I’m taking care of My sister’s continued recovery in Tenn. I was really sick earlier this week, so I couldn’t be as active as I wanted. But I am much better now.


Next week is O/our monthly weekend dedicated to My contracted slaves. I really love what W/we have going. The more intense, the better.

Take a look at this week’s special deals:

Hypnotic Hood --
Embrace the sensual bliss of being enslaved by your beloved Domina...

Ribbons in the Wind --
you are MINE, permanently under My love spell of intoxicating seduction...

Overload --
I will OVERLOAD your senses with erotic pleasures...


Think about our remarkable relationship, even with miles between us, it’s so personal and intimate. When I write and record My sessions I am speaking directly to you, always conditioning you for a deeper, lasting experience that will keep you coming back for more and more of My erotic Mind Fucking. you are always willing and eager to please Me, no matter what I ask. There is no other goal in your life more important than making Me happy. you have dedicated yourself to Me to Love, Honor and Obey.

With this week’s De-familiarized I want you to focus on kneeling and on your servitude. I am going to “De-Familiarized” you to control and change your mind and cause you to think whatever I want you to think. Something you very much want, obedience to My control, to do what I say, without thought, without question. This is a technique using familiar objects or situations in an unfamiliar way, prolonging the perceptive process to give you a fresh perspective, the perspective that brings you deeper into My hypnotic bliss. For added excitement, I’ve made this a “hardcore” MIND ALTERING session. Oh, what you are going to allow Me to do to your brain this time, My little guinea pig.

Be Aware: This session may alter your thinking and perspective of SEXUAL BELIEFS!

For DE-FAMILIARIZATION, I am using your desires and fetishes, something that keeps you thinking about Me, so you can indulge in this pleasure I bring you. So, just get comfortable and let My words stroke you into obeying My post hypnotic suggestions. you always trust Me to know what you need and what you want.... And I have that with a special video that accompanies this session to deepen your experience. Just so you know and prepare yourself, the video has some strobe effects (Do not watch if you are epileptic)...We live in such a visual age, so open all your senses for MY pleasure.


I still have some bills to pay from all My travels. See, you are going to be taking care of Me for the rest of your life. Say thank You, Domina with a CHALLENGE To PLEASE.

NEXT WEEK: Gypsy Queen–a mystery and a sexual EXPERIENCE that you will never forget!

My special deals have changed:

Dark Room - Snapped --
My hypnotic domination and control is helplessly addictive, an unbreakable bondage that leaves you throbbing...

Dark Room - Submissive Destiny --
All that you are is a consequence of My guidance, training and hypnotic conditioning.

Dark Room - Oblivion --
Mental oblivion...

Worship - Kneel at My Feet --
There you are under My feet, under My power, under My control.

Body Worship - My Sexy Feet --
Feel Me seduce you with MY sexy feet...

Lifetime Slave

What a wonderful time at the beach where the water cools down My hot body on these sticky summer days. Remember, I told you I was going to make this summer sizzle for you. So, I was thinking. Maybe this just might be too much for you. Obsessed with thinking about Me all the time taking you away from, maybe, more important things. Maybe you’re finding it demeaning to your masculinity being told what to do by a Dominant Woman instead of pleasurable and arousing.

So, with this week’s LifeTime Slave (This session is for anyone who ever dreamed of being PLAYED with by a WICKED POWERFUL WOMAN), I’m playing for keeps...I’ll use My skills as a MIND Fucking Erotic Hypnotist to help you consider what you will be doing with the rest of your life. Neither of U/us wants half-measures. No lurking in the shadows afraid to make a commitment. When you’re at the beach, don’t just stick your toe in the water. Take the plunge. So relax, download this session and listen as I give you a true analysis of your reality, the pros and cons of a lifetime enslavement to a POWERFUL woman. I am going to be raising the stakes and will be expecting more from you. So, nothing less than a 100% commitment:  to give yourself over to Me in full devotion and loyalty; to Love, Honor and Obey; to Serve and Please Me as your #1 priority; to find your one true purpose and calling in a life of slavery to Me.

I must warn you that I am well versed in the art of seduction and know how to make sure you understand what’s best for you. “My oath is to obey and honor my Domina.” Mmm, I like the sound of that. Now, at the end of the session I have some instructions to listen to this session again, and after seven days to write Me an email and wait for My next instruction.



My sweet baby, I want to say how much I appreciate you for making My Birthday Day/week so much fun for Me...And I want to thank you, again, for all you do to take care of Me throughout the year and make Me happy to live out My dreams of having you as MINE. Today and everyday I will have you here with Me!

Contracted, enjoy My BD gift to you.

OYSTERS, OYSTERS and NO MORE Wine slush’s. Haha!!

But, if you have been observing from afar, too timid to take the plunge and experience the adventure and the life journey to Domina Shelle, now is the time to be brave and contact Me about My Slave Contract and I will answer all your questions.


Let’s just say, MIND FUCKED—Mind ALTERED and things always change...

Here are this week’s special deals:

Zero Control --
I will install a trigger that becomes more and more powerful over time...Leaving you weak and vulnerable.

Hypnotically Addicted Junkie --
Listen to this Mind Altering Masterpiece...

Web Of Sleep --
It's time to SLEEP deeply NOW and fall into My Web...

A Sub-Conscious Takeover --
Listen and sleep to this Sweet and Erotic brainwashing...Familiar yet DANGEROUS to your open mind.

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Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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