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I am going to be in two places at the same time this week.  I’m so excited about My Birthday, it’s less than a week and a half away.  I’m leaving for the beach this weekend for a very long overdue vacation.  Don’t worry, I’ll be here too.  I’d never leave you alone...and with this week’s HACKED, you will also discover that I have invaded your mind.  you will find Me deep into your subconscious mind with My dominating presence.  you love My conditioning, having Me playing, manipulating, rearranging, confusing you and taking advantage of your weakness.  Weak and helpless, you will surrender your mind and body, submit and succumb to My seductions.

This session is was a LOT of fun creating it.  I can’t tell you more.  you must listen and BLINDLY trust what I am about to do to you.  I will tell you it’s a MIND FUCK!


Happy Birthday to Me!  you know that this is a very important time of year for your Domina, like Christmas and Valentine’s Day.  This is your opportunity to show Me just how special and important I am to you...time for you to put your service and devotion into action.  Send Me to the beach for My Birthday with Challenge To PLEASE.  By contributing to My expenses for this week at the beach with Lady Helena and family, you will be doing something VERY special for Me for My birthday.  Know I appreciate everything you do to take care of My needs.

Be sure to follow Me on Twitter to keep Me company while I am sunning and tanning My body at the beach next week.  I’ll be sending beach updates and pictures of My sexy body and giving you My instructions while I’m away.  I’ll be eating oysters and thinking of you, My pet.  Delicious.....


I’m working on getting My EXPERIMENT just right, so it should be available in two weeks.  Be sure to review this week’s session or buy Me lunch on Mondays.  That’s O/our deal.

An amazing new story on SFS...This one will push all your limits.


School will be in session.  Learn your ABC’s of being My best slave.  For now, B is for Birthday presents. ~giggles~

My special deals this week ~~~

Snapped --
Sexy Trigger training by Domina Shelle.

Echoes - The Ultimate Mind Domination --
My TRIGGERS echoed and ETCHED deeply.  This is a very Arousing, Sensual and yes, EXPLOSIVE EXPERIENCE!


--- Listen to My Teaser ---

Are you ready, My puppy, for this week’s POWERFUL session, Calibration ... Trust Me.  I MUST warn you to be prepared for the Dominating techniques I will be using on you to Calibrate your helpless, vulnerable mind.  This is important preparation for My 6 week EXPERIMENT that will be available very soon...Maybe for the week of My BIRTHDAY.  I need you completely open and SUGGESTIBLE to what I have planned for you, My puppy.  I am giving you physical and mental intimacy like you’ve never experienced it before.  That’s all I’ll say about this REQUIRED session.

Now think for a moment, My puppy.  Take the most deep seeded fantasy of your Domina and let’s do a Pre-EXPERIMENT Experiment.  See if this experience replaces your own favorite mind fucking fantasy.  Shall W/we make a bet on it? ~giggles~  you can tell Me all about it when you Surrender WR...if it doesn’t do the trick, then you are to tell Me your “Mind FUCKING” fantasy in your review of this session.


Earlier this year I told you I would be raising My expectations of you.  As My power over you has strengthened and made you weaker for Me, My puppy.  I am becoming a more demanding Domina and Mistress.  This is good for you.  I am giving you what you have been begging Me for.  That’s why I’m so excited about My up-cumming EXPERIMENT.  I have arranged it so that for 7 days a week for 6 weeks you will have the time to be My guinea pig and take part in this EXPERIMENT and W/we will still have time to do all the other things W/we do together.  I will have so much fun playing with your mind and your SEX.


More raised expectations.  you might have to put off buying a pair of My silky panties, because I want you to save up every dollar for MY BIRTHDAY, AUGUST 5TH to make it extra special for Me.  My BEST Birthday.  I will let you send Me to the beach with Lady Helena for a whole week of fun in the sun.  Mark that day on your calendar, if you don’t already have it tattooed inside a heart drawn on your chest. ~giggles~  That’s also why I’m making it OPTIONAL to send a Stroke Tribute or Sissygasm Offering.  ONLY send it if it intensifies your experience.  See how good I am to you?


It’s Summer School so I can teach you the ABC’s of being the very best you can be for your Professor Shelle.  This Class #11 will be a little different.  It will be more slave conditioning and training and bring you to an even more permanently SUGGESTIBLE state for Me.  This session will be AVAILABLE as a stand alone too...all slaves need to know the ABC’S.

Check out special deals ...

Confusion--Under My Influence --
I will cast my HYPNOTIC spell that will never be broken.

Mind Eraser--SUCKED DRY--Zombied --
Completely Blank and Obedient. WARNING: This File Is VERY STRONG.

It’s time I bring you back to Shelle’s Playground.  you love being My play toy, at My beck and call to do My bidding on My Schedule, when I want.  Don’t you, My pet?  Surrendering to your Domina is always so sexy and arousing.  This week I have 2 NEW Playground Triggers.  Surrender WR is for everyone to listen and obey.  I am also giving some additional attention to My sissy gurls with Surrender SM.....a dream come true...and I’m thinking of a future follow-up.

I won’t give anything away except to say that My commands are your instructions to put into action.  your Obedience to My Domination is what you find so arousing.  you love doing what I say, when I say.  That’s why playing with Me on My playground is so much fun.  These Triggers are excellent training for you, My puppy.  If you haven’t already come into My Playground to play with Me, I have in Special Deals--PLAYGROUND SIGN UP (plus a PACKAGE to get you going), that explains all you need to know to get started to play with your Domina.

Remember to follow Me on Twitter and Facebook, where MOST of the TRIGGERS will be released.  Be My toy!!!

WOMEN RULE is a self evident TRUTH.  I want everyone to congratulate and appreciate the accomplishments of the U.S. Women’s Soccer team in winning the World Cup in the world’s most popular sport.  And looking so great doing it.  Inspiring, Powerful, Dominating Women you love to admire and.........


Now, this Monday, the 15th, is one of My favorite times of the month.  By participating in Volunteer Assignment you do two very important things.  you are living out your devotion and service to your Domina.  And you are taking good care of My well being with your financial support.  This makes Me very happy with you, My baby.  Now remember your permission to release (or deny).

This week I had to go to Tennessee to attend to some serious family matters, so I’ve had to put off My essential 7 days a week extreme slave training EXPERIMENT “Brain Calibrating-The EXPERIMENT”.  I PLAN to have the EXPERIMENT perfected for release around the 26th, It will be well worth the wait.  This is all leading up to My deeper control with My future “Management” services.

Here is a fun POLL for you.  Give your answer to this question.  WHAT IS HAPPINESS?

Click and VOTE:


Next week, Brain Calibration is the very exciting and powerful PREPARATION session for the following week’s intense slave training EXPERIMENT (including 7 DAILY sessions) which will be the most amazing experience ever.  Trust Me.

My special deals ...

Sign up HERE---Shelle's Playground --
Sign up for Shelle's Playground TRIGGER TRAINING.  Surrender-FF included.

Devious Therapist --
Extreme erotic hypno therapy ...

Tranceformation - The Beginning- Statue --
The 1st file in a Trance-Formation journey.  I will set the mood and place My TRIGGERS deep within you in order to prepare you for what happens next...

Shelle's Playground Series --
Shelle's Playground Series - Thirteen "Playtime" Playground trigger files packaged at a special price.

The CatBurglar --
DANGEROUS Woman in black latex, so hot She will melt your mind...

A Covert Mission

My puppy, this is going to be such a HOT summer.  W/we are moving to the next level of Brainwashing, putting My suggestions, commands, desires and expectations into ACTION and SERVICE.  This week’s HOT brainwashing summer session, A Covert Mission, is a perfect follow up to last week’s School session.  I will be making permanent life changing neuronal connections and providing you the answer to EVERY question I ask you.

I know you are just CRAZY about Me.  The more demanding I become, the more you want to say, “Yes, Domina”.  Do you like obeying My commands?  Or do you like surprising Me with things I love and doing My bidding?  See how perfectly the answer fits.  you are being brainwashed as My perfect submissive and obedient slave.  you will enjoy listening to this session over and over until you are perfectly conditioned to please Me.... I am just too good to you, My pet.

Brainwashing is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.  Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, maybe even some unwanted thoughts and ideas into the subject’s mind, as well as to change attitudes, values, and beliefs.

Please NOTE:  Brainwashing is REAL and can change your beliefs, etc.

DOWNLOAD this amazing LOOP SESSION and fall...I’m taking over.  Follow the instructions within.

NOTE:  Brain Calibration is still in the works.  So I am holding off for a week or so...It is going to be a HUGE part of your DAILY life.


OMG.  I just love reviewing your school assignments, especially with all the gift cards I received.  Thank you.  That earns you an A+.  I do see how difficult it is for some to PROMOTE Me and My work with file reviews.  So here is your “Yes, Domina” opportunity to Please Me.  If you don’t write a review you can send Me Lunch Money for each Monday.  What do you say to that suggestion?

The HOT summer will continue into August, when I bring you to the beach for My birthday, August 5th.  So mark your calendar.  you can keep Me company on the beach while I tan My sexy body and send beach pictures, so you can imagine rubbing Me down with tanning oil.


But you don’t have to wait.  I'll have a special sexy picture pack for you next week, so you can better visualize yourself waking up everyday at My feet, ready to answer “Yes, Domina”. ~giggles~  I’m bringing you into My bedroom.

Next week’s session---Wait and see.

Check these hott special deals:

Unsuspecting Curse --
Powerful REMASTERED version of "Unsuspecting Curse".

Remote Control --
Can you imagine falling deeper into MY MOST WICKED CONTROL?

Black Magic Woman --
Erotic MIND NUMBING Hypnosis. Under My Spell you will never be the same...

Professor Shelle's ReForm School - Class #10

When you get comfortable and listen to My voice, you become so naturally suggestible and eager to obey all My instructions.  Admit it.  This is your favorite part of each day.  Being submissive to My control is so arousing.  This makes you feel very much like My slave...  It’s so Real to you in that moment.  Aroused in the pleasure I give you, you say to yourself, "I would do anything for my Domina."  you may be open about your submissive life with your Powerful Sexy Domina.  Or this may be a very secret part of your life that no one else knows about.  But you crave and yearn for it.  I am your addiction.  Thinking about Me, overwhelms you, your need for a deeper enslavement grows more and more.  you need Me.

In Reform School-Class #10--Domina's Management, W/we will explore together your participation and commitment to this deeper enslavement through a new mindset to a REAL life of Servitude.  Sounds exciting, doesn't it?  Imagine your life as My live-in slave.  Waking up each morning at the foot of My bed, with your first thought:  "What can i do for my Domina, today?  How can i offer myself and my services to make Princess's life better, easier and more pleasant?  What instructions will She allow me to obey, so i can please Her.  How can i be Domina’s slave worker?"
Surprise Me with a banner or a review...maybe A contribution to My Challenge To PLEASE now is ALWAYS a perfect answer to those questions. ~giggles~  But don’t worry, I will be adding lots of little and big opportunities to Please Me.

That, My pet, is the mindset of a submissive wanting to be My perfect slave.  Of course, these options and your personal needs for My "Management" will be flexible to fit the limits of your home and work reality.  But My goal is to have your living as “real” a life as My slave as is possible.  This takes you beyond the time you are listening to My hypnotic sessions.  With My personal and direct control, I will give you opportunities to experience that deeper level of enslavement your having been craving for throughout your day.  This happens with your acts of servitude to Please Me.

Listen to the Class several times before doing the Assignment.  As I explain, your participation is to be completely voluntary.  So, just ask yourself what sacrifices you will make so you can truly say:  “i would do anything for my Domina.”  After I review your assignments, I will be putting together a NEW section on the website for Management Services.  I'll be giving you updates.


Contracted with the 1st just a few days away, as you are allowed to Release, think of My hand as a “Management Tool” bringing you to your knees. ~giggles~

NEXT WEEK---A new way to Mind Control and Brainwashing--- I called them "Brain Calibration" files because they are designed to help your slave's brain to record the speech patterns of your hypnosis in order to fall more and more quickly to the sound of My voice.

My special deals this week ~~~

Mission Impossible Series --
The three part series... SEXY, HOT and a wild ride.

Blackout --

Mind Eraser--Zombied Blank --
Mind Confusion and complete BLANKNESS-Zombied.

New Releases

connect with me

Spend more time with Me. I will often release extra special Triggers through one of these outlets for you, my pet, so pay close attention.

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